One strike, one death

Modern* Tommeke19


MagicMan101 says... #1

You might want to consider 1 or 2 Hythonia the Cruel in the sideboard just to get a little extra deathtouch into the deck. You could also use Aspect of Gorgon.

January 7, 2015 7:14 p.m.

goodair says... #2

yea you can use garruk to attack your own rat to flip it

January 7, 2015 8:27 p.m.

Atsuma says... #3

if you ever do something that involves sacrificing artifacts, though i doubt you would go that route, Sword of the Meek could get alot of value with all the 1/1s. it might even make adding some artifact sac for glissa synergy more viable.

January 8, 2015 6:06 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #4

MagicMan101 im not sure about Hythonia the Cruel because i dont own any gorgons except Reaper of the Wilds. And for Aspect of Gorgon most of my creatures have deathtouch already. It can be good with Hornet Nest.

Atsuma as you say Sword of the Meek will be gold when I sac artifacts, but I dont do that.. Maybe in the future, we'll see.

Thanks for the help guys!!

January 8, 2015 12:11 p.m.

MagicMan101 says... #5

Don't mention it. You might be able to sneak a Soul of Innistrad into the sideboard if you wanted to, just to get some extra creature support in game two and three.

January 8, 2015 8:39 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #6

Seeing your description makes me want to think this wants to be competitive but your hub says casual, I'll just assume it's competitive. Deadly Recluse is sorry to say not competitive. Hornet Nest I'd say too but I haven't playtested it, neither deadly but I strongly feel about that haha. I would go the Pack Rat route with Ogre Slumlord. Or use a Bow of Nylea for that deathtouch. Basilisk Collar is always another option if the card you want isn't deathtouch

January 9, 2015 9:25 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #7

Wow! Thank you so much SpartanCEL i will look at it as soon as i am home.

About the competitive part. I just play with some friends, i dont do tournaments.

Why shouldnt i play Deadly Recluse and Hornet Nest? The reason i play them is for the flying part.

Thank you

January 9, 2015 10:40 a.m.

Atsuma says... #8

I think the point he is trying to make is they aren't as fast and aggressive as some of the other options out there, such as Pack Rat which has been a staple card in several major tournament decks. but i kinda like the deck for that since it has alot of interactions and cards that you don't see often, and i think if you go the route of taking good creatures and giving them deathtouch you could hit a point and ask "why am i even giving them deathtouch when i could be going with something more aggressive or versatile?"

January 9, 2015 12:39 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #9

That was my point thanks for clarifying Atsuma. Well since you aren't trying to win tournaments we don't need to go the whole route of not even bothering with deathtouch, just stick with it because it's cool and it always trades with stuff. Unless flying is a big thing Deadly Recluse doesn't seem that powerfull, Vampire Nighthawk is powerful definitely keep him. Now if you figured out a way to up Hornet Nest's toughness or give it indestructible that'd be a force to be reckoned with, even dealing a point or two from yourself is an option it doesn't specify where

January 9, 2015 3:04 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #10

SpartanCEL i have to say that i not have that much experience at magic (im playing it for 8 months) thats the reason i dont know that much and thats why i came to the community.

But about Hornet Nest you say it would be good if it would had indestructible, so what about Swarmyard i can regenerate it the whole time.

January 9, 2015 4:32 p.m.

MagicMan101 says... #11

I've been playing about 6, 7 years now. I don't think that you should play Deadly Recluse AND Vampire Nighthawk, and Hornet Nest won't help with flyers until you kill it and make tokens. Also, you could try Drown in Sorrow against smaller flyers, but Dismember covers you pretty well.

January 9, 2015 6:10 p.m.

SpartanCEL says... #12

ThisIsTheSix it's all cool man! I've been playing roughly around Dragon's Maze so about a year, but I've done more research than most people:p. Anywho I'd totally go the route of Pack Rat and Hornet Nest with Swarmyard. As someone told me I forget his name and it's not important (the people here are great just remember to read the card before asking questions;) ) he said playtesting is key and it truly is. For instance I played against a affinity tron deck (look them up affinity is real strong) and that sounds good on paper but in a competitive modern environment both are sb hard against so this is doubly sb against haha. Anywho I'd try out sometimes it's a little buggy refresh it a few times and play a solo game to figure it out it's a great source of playtesting for free

January 9, 2015 6:37 p.m.

MagicMan101 says... #13

Don't forget Ogre Slumlord! It goes great with Pack Rat, and you can also use Grisly Salvage. Both would work pretty well in your deck.

January 9, 2015 8:10 p.m.

Atsuma says... #14

i think you guys might be missing the goal of six with building the deck, as far as i can tell he wanted to make a cool deathtouch deck with glissa interactions, which i think he succeeded in, and it has enough triggers and things to really help a new player learn the game, without being anything too bad like some synergistic control decks. i doubt all of the cards mentioned are there to defend against fliers per say, but more because of Swarmyard interactions. i can see the direction you guys would take the deck, and i admit it would be faster and likely more versatile, but if the deck is in a comfortable spot of neither dominating the playgroup nor losing all the time in it, i think it doesn't really need a power creep.

January 10, 2015 7:11 a.m.

MagicMan101 says... #15

Well, if you want to take the artifact route with Glissa, you might want to add more artifacts. There just aren't enough! I do like that you have Glissa, the Traitor and Executioner's Capsule. That is a really good combo. If you want to have a late game play, you could try Predator, Flagship, but i'm not sure it's modern legal.

January 10, 2015 9:20 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #16

I have to agree with Atsuma I've building this deck for fun playing with my friends. And I also wanted to make this deck 'special' I mean like a deck that wouldn't be build that much.. well you know what I mean ;-)

About the Predator, Flagship that's an amazing cards, but as you mentioned it isn't modern legal. But for playing with friends that isn't a problem. The only thing is that it's a little bit expensive. I personally think Thornbite Staff would be much better, and expecially when I use it with Vampire Nighthawk then I don't have to pay it's equip cost and I it can kill every creature with his deathtouch. And I can use it more than 1 time each turn, since it untap when a creature dies.

At the other hand I know what you think about this deck. Most people wants a deck that makes you win as quick as possible and that's what you want to do with this deck, and I realy appriciate that you do this for me!! But I think I'm going for the 'special-casual-justforplayingwithfriends-deck'

January 10, 2015 3:43 p.m.

Atsuma says... #17

also six, since you mentioned you were newer you might not have heard of it, but EDH is usually a casual format where peoplebuild strange and crazy decks. there's a lot of people that play ugh "competitive edh", but it is really meant to just be a break from games feeling the same every time, and to let you consistently play stuff that is just too high mana cost to be used elsewhere. seeing what you are going for with this deck, i think you might like the format. as for more late game and glissa utility, i think if you wanted that Wurmcoil Engine, Trading Post, and Sword of the Meek, and maybe Throne of Geth if you had some way to abuse it such as planeswalkers could be a pretty powerful kit that could fit in well. though i like the deathtouch insect style you have a lot as well.

January 11, 2015 4:36 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #18

Atsuma ive heard about it, and ive also played it a few times. But its not my kind a thing.

January 11, 2015 5:05 a.m.

MagicMan101 says... #19

I understand about the flagship. It's pretty expensive to fully activate. Wurmcoil Engine would be a great Glissa interaction, though.

January 11, 2015 1:38 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #20

I've played Wurmcoil Engine before but I couldn't play it that much. I think it's CMC is to high.

January 12, 2015 3:39 p.m.

Atsuma says... #21

it's a high CMC card, but if you run it as a 1 or 2 of it would be pure gold, the idea is that it generates so much advantage against an opponent with this deck that it is hard to deal with, as well as giving you life gain which as a mechanic is also hard to deal with if it is sustained.Wurmcoil Engine, Batterskull, and Baneslayer Angel are some of the better cards for later game threats that have seen use in that capacity, and lifegain is a huge part of that.

January 12, 2015 9:55 p.m.

Tommeke19 says... #22

Ok guys I'm back! I was testing this deck and deceided that I've had to make a lot of changes into it. So what would you say about the next things:

Cut the Hornet Nest for Avatar of Woe; cut 2 Reaper of the Wilds for 2 Wurmcoil Engine; cut the Executioner's Capsule for Ring of Xathrid

And for the sideboard: cut the Drain the Well for Scuttling Doom Engine

Please tell me if it's good or not.

January 19, 2015 4:14 p.m.

Atsuma says... #23

one more Reaper of the Wilds somehow could be pretty good, maybe cut Hornet Nest for one more of those to bring it to 3 and one Avatar of Woe? the deck will be slower though from the loss of a early creature. Ring of Xathrid i'm actually not a huge fan of and think capsule or even just a straight kill spell might be better if there's an issue with capsule. as for the sideboard switch, what is the motivation? like what decks do you have issues with?

also, what exactly have you been finding is the strengths/weaknesses of the deck from playtesting?

January 20, 2015 4:33 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #24

If I understand it right you say it's better to have 3 Wurmcoil Engines and 1 Avatar of Woe? About the Executioner's Capsule I think it's useless against black decks, so maybe I should add Ring of Xathrid to my SD if i'm running against a black deck?

I have trouble with fast decks, or decks with a lot of creatures/tokens.

About my strengths: Swarmyard is a very good card, it helps me to remove strong creatures and I can regenerate is mine dies; Vampire Nighthawk together with the Thornbite Staff is also quite deadly (also the reason for Ring of Xathrid); and Glissa, the Traitor mainly for her first strike/deathtouch thing.

About my weaknesses: Sometimes it get stuck; or I have to much creatures and no mana, or to much mana and no creatures.

Maybe I've should run more artifacts, to have my Glissa work much better.

January 20, 2015 5:24 a.m.

Tommeke19 says... #25

And how about Darksteel Plate? It would be better with the Glissa, the Traitor interactions. And for some creatures they wouldn't die that fast.

January 20, 2015 7:33 a.m.

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