Legacy Combo Humans Mill Reanimator
...can you win on turn 1 without playing a land.
This deck is a version of Manaless Dredge with Balustrade Spy and Undercity Informer. The way the deck works is: you use rituals to get to 4 mana, and either cast Balustrade Spy, or cast and sacrifice Undercity Informer to its own ability. Then, since you run no lands in this deck, you mill your whole library. After that, you reanimate Angel of Glory's Rise with Dread Return's flashback (you sacrifice 3x Narcomoeba) and it gets back 4x Undercity Informer, an Azami, Lady of Scrolls, and a card:Labratory Maniac. Tap a Wizard to draw and win with card:Labratory Maniac's ability.
Here's an example of a turn one win:
T1: Lotus Petal, sacrifice Lotus Petal for black mana, Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal, sacrifice Lotus Petal for any color mana, Balustrade Spy targeting yourself, mill your whole deck, Dread Return flashback (sacrificing 3x Narcomoebas) targeting Angel of Glory's Rise, reanimate Laboratory Maniac and Azami, Lady of Scrolls, tap the Azami, Lady of Scrolls, win with Laboratory Maniac.
I playtested three times in succession and T1'd every time.
This deck is based off Allspells by Arzakon.
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This deck is not Legacy legal.
8 - 0 Mythic Rares
12 - 7 Rares
17 - 0 Uncommons
23 - 0 Commons
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