Ooh They Grow

Standard* Cyber Locc


armedpp says... #1

You aren't really ramping into anything here, so it seems odd to have both Elvish Mystic and Gyre Sage in here. Renegade Krasis or Scavenging Ooze would work well in this deck. I also prefer Pit Fight to Hunt the Weak , much easier on the mana.

July 19, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #2

Pit Fight is better ill swicth it as for ramping the ramp is for fast board

in a perfect hand/draw

T1 forest Elvish Mystic T2 forest Elvish Mystic Gyre Sage T3 island Kalonian Hydra T4 island Master Biomancer Clone hydra. Swing hydra hydra and clone are now 8/8T5 whatever cast and swing with 2 16/16s with trample gg

July 19, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #3

by turn 5 my opponent will have more answers for my single hydra but when i swing 8 on turn 4 than 16 and 20 trample turn 5 short of a PAD its over

July 19, 2013 7:47 p.m.

armedpp says... #4

I agree, it'll be sweet the games you can pull it off, but even at turn 3 todays standard has a lot of answers for it, and with only two hydras(yes I know none of us are made of money lol) you are going to be hard pressed to win games absent the perfect draw. And then you just have a bunch of mana dorks and no threats. Perhaps cut Ooze Flux for Deadbridge Goliath to get anther beater in there.

July 19, 2013 7:59 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #5

Okay im going to put the scavenging mainboard i got most of the cards last night all i really need rare wise is the hydra and master biomancers and 1 more scavening ooze and rhen im good so any suggestions

July 20, 2013 12:15 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #6

the ting is that ooze can take counters from each creature and make a token bigger than them and give there counter back so I get a 5/5 or better for 2 mana in a good field. also there's not many answers post roto doom blade and ultimate price are the only 2 I can think of at all. scavenge kind of defeats the purpose if I put 5/5 counters on a card they will kill it like you said although I will consider it. elvish mystic is the only dork the gyre sage in the above scenario will be a 4/5 by turn 4 it grows and becomes a threat. I also added Witchstalker and Scavenging Ooze mainboard. and with cards like Savage Summoning and Witchstalker answers are pretty disregarded also like you say they may have answers but at turn 3 having the untapped mana for those doom blades is not likely. not to mention again Savage Summoning can drop on there turn 4 and then T5 clone it. and if I play a black deck which is the only post roto answer for hydras I will run negates. I play black white as the deck this deck beat 8 out of 10 times and believe me doom blade is not as useful as you think.

July 20, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Goody says... #7

Doom Blade is pretty damn useful. There are a lot more answers than you're taking into account, two that I can think of off the top of my head are Putrefy and Selesnya Charm . Even Mizzium Mortars takes out the hydra before it swings.

July 20, 2013 1:49 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #8

goody Putrefy is black like I said if I run against black than I will run counters. Negate will stop putrefy selensya charm wont work until it attacks and by that time I will have 2 or at the very least double all my counters on the others and Mizzium Mortars falls victim to Savage Summoning as its a sorcery therefor I can cast your turn swing on mine and now its an 8/8 an Mizzium Mortars is ineffective. The point is the same argument could be made for anything and all those answers could be answered or prevented. you also have to take into account the odds of them having such card when I play the hydra. at least 50% of magic is luck of the draw after all. Also your referring to the hydra dying as the end of the world it isn't it just makes the game end fast not the only WC. The convo was why the mana ramp I just gave 1 example as to why the mana ramp is useful. And again there's more reasons a turn 3 Master Biomancer could also be quite useful followed by a now 5/5 Witchstalker and Scavenging Ooze that is 4/4 not to mention my Gyre Sage is now a 4/5 and having 3 huge creatures turn 4 is not a bad start. Im just saying yes there is answers but the same can be said for any card in MTG its how you approach and deal with those answers that is what matters. After all like I said 50%luck 30% player 20% deck.

And I could only think of those as I usually play black or blue. and I know Doom Blade is very useful that's why I used it as an example but its also useless when I have a Negate in hand.

July 20, 2013 2:09 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #9

I didn't see your Renegade Krasis suggestion defiantly running that lol I will subtract 2 elvish mystics for it and see how it goes changes are on the new acct

July 20, 2013 2:14 p.m.

Goody says... #10

I just feel you're giving removal too little credit. The loss of your hydra may very well be the end of the game for you, and the Negate might not be in your hand, or you might be tapped out from playing your hydra. It's all about possibilities and what-ifs, sure, but that doesn't mean a card isn't useful if it gets the short end of the stick.

My point is that decks that run removal will know how to make the best of it, so don't expect it to be easy to just land your hydra and win.

July 20, 2013 10:01 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #11

I play tested against your selynsya deck and you beat me twice which was expected you have a much larger card pool and nice deck btw. However when i beat you i did it on turn 6 you did destroy my hydra i still won when you beat me it eas on turn 12 and 9 and it was pretty much blow for blow slow. Check out the new new i accidently made a new account and upgraded it so im swicth over link in sub. It has another way to win fast even without the hydra i can swing 32 turn 6

July 21, 2013 12:57 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #12

All im saying as i said before its 1 possible scenerio not the only wc

July 21, 2013 12:59 p.m.

notamardybum says... #13

Great idea for an evolve deck. Let me know how this works. +1

July 26, 2013 7:35 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #14

Thanks notamardybum and I will forsure

July 26, 2013 7:40 p.m.

Goody says... #15

How do you do that syntax to Spoiler your text? If you don't mind I'd like to steal your method, my deck description is pretty cluttered

July 27, 2013 1:37 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #16

Lol Goody ya mine was going to get that way like my necromany deck seems neverending lol i actually made a post someone linked me to a guy who had done it i asked him and he said he give it to me when he got a chance so i just checked the source code line fore line wasnt fun but i figured it out lol. He did end up posting the code on mh other wall after i figured it out tho lol it was an adventure. Anyway i posted to you what he posted to me and i threw some tips in thag i learned as he only had like 2 spoilers and didnt have spoilers within spoilers so ya but let me know how it works out and i forgot to tell ya the lines are done by hr kk

July 27, 2013 2:50 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #17

Its alot of damn work though lol telling ya in advance i started Blood Thiefs today it took like all day it was slow at work so i messed around with it. Well the longest part was playtesting and writing down turn by turn what happened lol.

July 27, 2013 2:54 a.m.

Goody says... #18

As for fighting Selesnya, Silverblade Paladin and Selesnya Charm are probably the biggest pains for you. My deck relies on dominating the battlefield and it does it pretty well, so the best thing you can do against it is out-trick it in combat to remove my main threats (or just pure removal, but trading one of your cards for one of mine is usually a bad deal since my cards generate so much card advantage). Simic Charm really helps you, either hexproofing when I try to exile something, or pumping in combat to make profitable blocks (just make sure the other side is tapped out or has no cards in hand, my deck is full of tricks), even just bouncing a token when I target it with Rancor (giving you a 2-for-1 out of a mode that is usually card disadvantage). Basically, if you take the early lead with any sort of trick or disruption, you'll have a much better chance. Selesnya is pretty creature-focused in general, and they're usually ahead of the curve; it's tough to fight it with other creatures, you need to make the most out of your spells.

July 27, 2013 9:44 a.m.

megawurmple says... #19

Nice build. Maybe a Progenitor Mimic or 2? Or, you know, 3? If you use one of them to copy a Master Biomancer or Kalonian Hydra , stuff gets really big really quickly. +1

By the way, why no +1 on my ramp deck? You said you liked it after all. (Sorry if I sound desperate, I've set myself a target of 50 upvotes and I'm getting close.)

July 27, 2013 4:38 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #20

ooh sorry TitansFTW I thought did I will right now. As far as Progenitor Mimic I have thought about it but hes very expensive at 6 so Idk but I may run 1 or 2 (i just pulled 1 in a booster yesterday so that helps sway my decision.

July 27, 2013 4:43 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #21

And you just did the same thing your accusing me of lol.

July 27, 2013 4:43 p.m.

megawurmple says... #22

I did and I apologise. I did +1 your other deck as well though. And this one is +1ed now.

July 27, 2013 4:44 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #23

I seen and thanks.

July 27, 2013 4:45 p.m.

megawurmple says... #24

Also, your ideal game consists of many an Elvish Mystic . Why aren't they in here any more? I thought they were a great addition to the deck as they allow you to hit your bombs faster. I'd rather see them in my opening hand than Cloudfin Raptor or Experiment One . In my opinion, Elvish Mystic is an easy 4-of.

July 27, 2013 4:47 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #25

It is a good card but in all Im left with a dork if they do away with strong cards where. Whereas Gyre Sage not only does the same but for more mana but im still up in the air with it going to play test it more and see what happens.

July 27, 2013 4:52 p.m.

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