Oona looks to be, at first glance, perhaps the most versatile commander in Magic. She serves as a win condition by mill, by token swarm, and as a 5/5 flier. She can potentially work with 3 different tribes, as a Fairy Wizard that makes Fairy Rogues. She works equally well at the helm of combo and control. She can even be played in a mono blue or mono black shell due to her hybrid mana costs.
Obviously, moderation is for losers, so my deck currently packs as many of those plans together as possible, with some backup plans just in case. My hope is that it will attack from many angles, but the more likely situation is that it's an unfocused mess and some plans need to get cut. At its heart, the deck aims to control the board and win with Oona, either through incremental eot exiles and token stuff, or with a mana combo.
Token support:
Glen Elendra Liege, Oona's Blackguard, Skullclamp, Slate of Ancestry
These cards supplement Oona's "fair" plan. I foresee two advantages to supporting the tokens Oona makes. A: Multiplayer games mean more decks to chew through. Ideally, you mill the monocolor guy and beat the 5 color guy to death with the fairies you made. B: Leyline of Sanctity, True Believer, etc can be worked around more easily with this plan.
If this plan is really good, Scion of Oona, Konda's Banner, and (god help us) Coat of Arms may be worth considering
Combo Win Plan:
In the deck as of now, there are 3 combo wins present that I am aware of:
Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth:
This old, reliable workhorse makes infinite colorless mana when provided with 2 seed mana from outside the monolith. This, plus one blue or black per opponent, usually wins handily.
Tidespout Tyrant + Sol Ring/Mana Vault/Everflowing Chalice (Choose 2):
This one is easy. Play sol ring or mana vault, tap for mana, play the other one, bounce the first, repeat. If you collect all 3 pieces, you can bounce their entire board, too. Also works with Mana Vault + Talisman/Signet/etc. Makes infinite mana, Oona uses it to win.
Phyrexian Altar/Ashnod's Altar + Training Ground:
While the win isn't guaranteed, Training grounds + Altars lets you tunnel into decks extremely quickly. Phyrexian Altar wins if make a fairy one out of every four cards, while Ashnod's doesn't quite cascade the same way.
Power Artifact and Grim Monolith are further additions worth considering. The former works with both the latter and Basalt Monolith, and Grim Monolith fits cleanly into the Tidespout Tyrand loop.
I also need to pick up a Deserted Temple, as it has very little opportunity cost, and goes infinite with a land that taps for 3 (Nykthos or Coffers) and Rings.
Hinder/Spin into Myth + Tunnel Vision:
While certainly not reinventing the wheel, this combo has been doing work in blue EDH decks since the dawn of time.
Spell Crumple and maybe even Vendilion Clique would both supplement this plan.
The important thing to note is that all the combo pieces do things on their own. Sol Ring, Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, etc obviously can be run without any combo to take advantage of them. Rings lets you double activate Oona. Tidespout Tyrant is a monster, Deserted Temple is a land. The Tunnel Vision plan, when it comes down to it, consists of counterspells, a removal spell, and an expensive vampiric tutor. Obviously you could run stuff like Grand Architect + Pili-Pala or Palinchron + Deadeye Navigator, but those don't really do anything without the other half. That's why I'm most hesitant to run Power Artifact, as on it's own it really doesn't do a single thing.
Milling them the hard way Plan:
Because of her ability, it is pretty much impossible to flood in an Oona deck, so I included all the playable artifact ramp I own. So far, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Everflowing Chalice are all-stars, while Cabal Coffers and Extraplanar Lens seem suspect (I might need to run more basics). Thada Adel's only real purpose is to collect more Sol Rings and Caged Suns, although the Rogue Synergy between her and the blackguard is hilarious.
The control deck around the plans Plan:
No matter how you win the game, it relies on casting a 6 mana spell, preferably with a counterspell or 2 as backup. You need a plan to last until that's feasible. Thankfully, UB is a fantastic color combination for control. Draw some cards, kill some creatures, cast a board wipe or 2. Blow someone out with a Notion Thief. Don't be afraid to blow your tutors for an answer if you need one, as on an empty board, Oona does a perfectly fine Meloku the Clouded Mirror impression and wins without any sort of combo over the course of a few turns.