Oona Combo-Control [Competitive]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 37 | 106 COMMENTS | 45128 VIEWS | IN 24 FOLDERS
Megalomania says... #2
Wow, this deck looks very similar to mine Apocalypse Project . Hope you find some time to look at it and maybe share some insights on how it could be improved.
As for my thoughts on your deck:
Bad River for Verdant Catacombs?
Diabolic Tutor for Shred Memory- i'm guessing Shred Memory is here mainly for its transmute ability. For 1 additional mana, the tutor lets you search for any card. Not having to reveal it is another plus.
Riptide Laboratory for Maze of Ith - I think having Glen Elendra, Venser, Snapcaster Mage and Teferi justifies running it in the deck.
I'd also take out cards like:
Brainstorm, Preordain, Fact or Fiction and Soul Manipulation. In EDH, I find they are not really as good as they are in other formats.
Braingeyser - since you'll probably use this w/ infinite mana, i'd go for Exsanguinate , Mind Grind or Prosperity which will take out everyone on the table. Besides, you have Oona as your commander. Infinite mana means everybody dies. :-)
Necromancy and Mystic Remora just doesn't make much sense here.
Things you could use:Perilous Vault and All Is Dust - to deal with pesky enchantments especially those that are indestructible (gods).
Misdirection - pseudo counterspell. Useful when someone casts something using Boseiju to mess with your combos or while you're tapped out.
All in all I think you're doing a great job. Outside the minor adjustments you could make, this appears to be a pretty solid deck.
July 16, 2014 7:03 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #3
Although Bad River fetches for both swamp and island, I still feel that Verdant Catacombs gives me more value. Of course I'd need Underground Sea to make more of it, but it is a little out of the budget for me.
Shred Memory is mostly a tutor for me, but also messes with some of the combo decks in my meta, as they use graveyard. Diabolic Tutor is still a possible replacement, I need to test which one I like.
You're right with Riptide Laboratory , definitely will put it in the deck. maybe not for Maze of Ith , for now I replace Tectonic Edge for it.
Archaeomancer is also a good card, I will put it in the deck and test it.
Braingeyser is a great card even without infinite mana, but if I cast it to myself with infinite mana, I'm sure to win. Exsanguinate is mostly a card which requires infinite mana, so I don't feel like it would benefit enough this deck.
Perilous Vault and All Is Dust are quite expensive with their mana costs, so I feel a little suspicious to add them to this deck. All Is Dust is still worth considering.
Thanks for your suggestions and opinions, I'll also check your deck :)
July 17, 2014 10:46 a.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #4
I'm a little bit confused about how Palinchron works with Phyrexian Metamorph , since bouncing and re-casting the Metamorph costs you 8 total and you only net 7. Or, if you pay life, then you can't go infinite because you will die and still only break even. I feel like I'm overthinking it or I'm missing something. Could you enlighten me?
Looks really solid, my only suggestion of the top of my head is Leyline of the Void depending on your meta cause it can really nerf a lot of decks, combos, death-triggers, etc. and doesn't even touch you.
July 19, 2014 12:34 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #5
Palinchron works with Phyrexian Metamorph by first casting Palinchron, untapping seven lands. Now you can cast Metamorph, but while doing so, tap all the rest of your lands too for mana. Now you have 3 extra mana left. Metamorph enters the battlefield as Palinchron, untapping the lands. Now return it back to your hand using its ability, and always tapping the leftover lands for mana. This way you have enough mana to get it infinitely.
Leyline of the Void is a really good card, but I don't seem to find a slot for it. It is still worth considering, so I'll keep it in mind :)
Thanks for your comment!
July 19, 2014 4:48 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #6
I'm not convinced that it works:
Tap 7 lands for Palinchron, untap 7 lands. 0 mana in pool.
Tap 4 for Metamorph, tap 3 extra for mana, untap 7 lands. 3 mana in pool.
Tap 4 to bounce Metamorph, tap 3 extra for mana. 6 mana in pool.
Use 4 for Metamorph, untap 7 lands. 2 mana in pool.
Tap 4 to bounce Metamorph, tap 3 extra for mana. 5 mana in pool.
Use 4 for Metamorph, untap 7 lands. 1 mana in pool.
Tap 4 to bounce Metamorph, tap 3 extra for mana. 4 mana in pool.
Use 4 for Metamorph, untap 7 lands. 0 mana in pool.
Tap 4 to bounce Metamorph, tap 3 extra for mana. 3 mana in pool.
It looks infinite because of the extra mana when you play Metamorph, but his entry only unlocks 7 mana and he costs 8 to bounce and re-cast. So the input for each cycle is 8 mana and the output is only 7, which means your total mana dwindles and you cannot loop infinitely.
Let me know if my math or logic is off, but I've never seen Metamorph Palinchron and I wouldn't want you to wander into a game with it and have a bad result.
July 19, 2014 9:35 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #7
Between this and your Vish-Kal deck I checked out earlier, I really like your style. Lots of inspiration for combo players, I gave you a +1. A lot of my decks use infinite combos too, if you ever want to check them out. Shameless plug, I know.
July 19, 2014 9:36 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #8
Diamondflavor, yes you're right with Palinchron + Metamorph. It doesn't work, I just didn't think it all the way.
And thanks :) I really like these types of decks, and in my meta, it doesn't crush over anyone (atleast most of the time). I'm actually considering to disassemble my Vish Kal to make this deck. But first I need to see how this works, and if I like it.
Combo decks unite! :D
July 20, 2014 3:31 p.m.
Megalomania says... #9
More suggestions. Not sure why you need Mind Stone . Maybe an Everflowing Chalice might serve you better. It being searchable using Trinket Mage is an added bonus.
In your experience, does Nevinyrral's Disk stay in play long enough for you to actually use it? I'm not sure if i'm just unlucky but whenever I play multiplayer, it always gets destroyed hence my Perilous Vault suggestion earlier.
July 21, 2014 9:54 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #10
Both Mind Stone and Nevinyrral's Disk are new additions and need testing. Everflowing Chalice is surely an option, but I personally don't like how it ties up mana. Still, I keep it in mind.
Nevinyrral's Disk was a replacement for Oblivion Stone , which I thought was too expensive to use. Nevinyrral's Disk has its flaws, so I need to see which one I want, as I can't find a slot for both of them.
July 22, 2014 5:12 a.m.
IMO the disk is too slow. Yes, you can put it out early game and wait for the right time, but you can't fetch and use like you can with the O-stone.
With Damnation Cyclonic Rift and Toxic Deluge I don't think you need the disk. AEtherspouts is something I'm going to be trying out and I think it has a ton of potential. It would fit in your deck - you seem to have enough targeted spells to handle non-attacking creatures. I'd add Tragic Slip or some other kill spell before the disk.
September 4, 2014 3:08 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #12
Yes, adding Disk probably wouldn't benefit me enough. I'm not sure about AEtherspouts , it feels like in most cases it wouldn't do much, and 5 CMC is quite a lot. Maybe testing it later.Another kill spell could be good, maybe not Tragic Slip but Pongify to go along with Rapid Hybridization . I need to test the deck more to be sure.
September 6, 2014 6:54 a.m.
Have you considered Blue Sun's Zenith ? Its another card that wins through infinite maba and it reshuffles back in.
September 26, 2014 8:08 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #14
I changed Blue Sun's Zenith for Stroke of Genius just a while ago, and I haven't tested it much yet. I might also put Blue Sun's Zenith in, but not sure if it's worth it. Triple blue is kinda hard if you try to combo fast.
September 26, 2014 11:17 a.m.
ImHereToNetdeck says... #15
Stroke of Genius is good too, I'd run both. Archaeomancer can't get Blue Sun's Zenith .
My favorite card in Oona was Dire Undercurrents . But that was mostly for fun when she put lots of faeries into play. Other than that, some good combo enablers: Erratic Portal Crystal Shard and Trinket Mage for all of the neat 1-cost combotown artifacts you have.
September 28, 2014 8 a.m.
Megalomania says... #16
I reduced the number of combos in my deck in favor of tutors, acceleration and draw engines. I've been winning a lot more consistenly since then.
September 28, 2014 8:28 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #17
I have also Braingeyser to go along with Stroke of Genius . It is really hard to find a slot for Blue Sun's Zenith , and I don't feel that it shuffling back to the library helps.
Dire Undercurrents is a great utility card for most Oona decks, but this deck doesn't usually cast Oona if it doesn't win the same turn. Good card anyway :) Not really sure if bouncing Trinket Mage is worth it, as it does't get me important combo-pieces. Voltaic Key is never tutored on it's own except in very rare cases, it is used to get your colorless mana to colored when you have drawn your deck.
Megalomania, that's great :D I have tried to keep my combos also at minimun, so that everything else in the deck supports them. It really helps with consistency.
September 28, 2014 10:43 a.m.
Megalomania says... #18
What I did was take 3-card combos out of the deck in favore of 2-card ones. Instead of Basalt/Grim Monolith + Power Artifact + Braingeyser/Stroke of Genius (which kills only one opponent) why not go for Mind Over Matter + Temple Bell ? Add an eldrazi to the deck and you'll have a combo the draws out your opponents' libraries.
If you're attached to the Power Artifact combos, Mind Grind and Exsanguinate might be better outlets for your infinite mana.
You could also replace Phyrexian Arena with Future Sight . As long as you have enough mana, you can keep playing the top card of your library. This also turns your SDT into a draw engine. A lot better than just drawing a card during your upkeep.
September 28, 2014 11:17 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #19
Basalt Monolith /Grim Monolith + Power Artifact kills already with Oona if you have enough colored mana, but with Stroke of Genius /Braingeyser in my hand, I can cast it to myself, drawing the deck. Then I play Gilded Lotus , Rings of Brighthearth and Voltaic Key to make my colorless mana colored. It sounds a little complicated, but it works.
Stroke of Genius and Braingeyser are win-cons, but also great cards on their own. Exsanguinate and Mind Grind are good almost only when you have infinite mana.
Future Sight replacing Phyrexian Arena could be a thing, and the synergy with SDT is great. They also combo with infinite mana if you have Rings of Brighthearth on the field. Good suggestion!
September 28, 2014 1:43 p.m.
Put in Laboratory Maniac as a win condition with infinite mana.
October 9, 2014 8:43 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #21
I really think I don't need it. When I get infinite mana I either kill opponents with Oona, or cast Stroke of Genius /Braingeyser on myself, then (if the mana is colorless) I convert the mana to colored via Gilded Lotus , Voltaic Key and Rings of Brighthearth . After that there's many ways to win. Laboratory Maniac seems a bit too much, granted there could be times I could win with it. Still think it is not necessary. Thanks for suggestion anyways!
October 9, 2014 9:12 a.m.
DimirZer00 says... #22
I don't think there's much you do with this deck. Other play it. nice build +1
December 11, 2014 5:02 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #23
It's always hard to offer advice for combo-control decks when they get to this stage because everything depends on playtesting. The only cut I could make with only a cursory look is Braingeyser, which I would swap for Blue Sun's Zenith. Along the same lines, Stroke of Genius doesn't strike me as necessary.
I also don't know about how Dark Ritual performs. I suppose ramp is ramp, and it makes it possible to get T1 Necropotence or otherwise cast Necropotence on one black source, but that isn't as big a deal in a two-color build. I run Dark Ritual in my own deck because my general basically turns it into a cantrip, but it seems slightly riskier without that assurance.
December 18, 2014 8:39 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #24
Thanks for your advice! I understand it's quite difficult to give straight suggestions for this kind of a deck. The deck hasn't been perfroming like I have wanted it to, and I've been wondering on which route I should take with it.
I think you might be right about Braingeyser. I have been using it instead of Blue Sun's Zenith because it costs one less mana, but it's true that Blue Sun's Zenith has its own applications. So far I have been quite pleased with Dark Ritual, but I could maybe replace it with Mox Diamond. Not sure, need to test more.
Again, thanks for the comment!
December 20, 2014 8:52 a.m.
Just a thought but defence grid might be good, maybe not for when people play the deck for the first time but if you expect to play anyone more then once there going to be quite careful about leaving answers available against combo decks. Meekstone to potentially give you more time against aggressive decks. Time spiral may be worth trying as you get to look at 7 new cards to assemble your combo or get tutors but that one I couldn't actually tell you if it would be good or if you plan on trying to combo off before turn 5-6.
Salevanen says... #1
I'd suggest you'd take away the following cards: Arcane Denial , Mana Leak , Mental Misstep , Pongify , Preordain , Hex Parasite , Dark Ritual and Trinket Mage .
Also: Rhystic Study , Thawing Glaciers and Mystic Remora are a bit off in a deck that has this high power level.
I'd go for cards like Jace, the Mind Sculptor , Jace, Architect of Thought , Ob Nixilis, Unshackled , Karn Liberated , Notion Thief and add a few value lands such as Cabal Coffers and Wasteland . Also combos such as Knowledge Pool + Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion are well worth it.
Cards and synergies like Treachery , Thirst for Knowledge , Nevinyrral's Disk , Demonic Consultation + Laboratory Maniac , Bribery , Show and Tell , Buried Alive + Living Death and such are worth considering.
July 14, 2014 6:06 a.m.