Oona Consultation

Commander / EDH* SeniorEdificer


ToffMcSoft says... #1

Should consider dropping Laboratory Maniac & Jace, Wielder of Mysteries - These are just win more. Tribute mage is an easy addition as it tutors for 2 combos pieces.

Basalt Monolith & Rings of Brighthearth - This is a bad combo, no need to run it. You can already generate infinite mana 2 other ways, no need for a 3rd.

I feel that you list is missing removal. For example Toxic Deluge is on your "maybe". You could also run Black Sun Zenith, Dismember, Pongify. I would drop Drown in the Lock for any of the mentioned cards.

Unearth doesn't seem like it has a spot on your list. There's only a few targets to hit and if you draw unearth early on, it's pretty much a dead draw.

I suggest adding in Trickbind, Stifle & Tales End. With the current meta very strong on Thassa's Oracle & Hulk, the stifle effects are AMAZING to counter that play.

February 29, 2020 9:53 a.m.

SeniorEdificer says... #2

ToffMcSoft: Thanks for your feedback.

I philosophy behind the way this deck was built is to be overly redundant, hence LabMan/JWoM, and Basalt Rings.

And yes, I am missing removal. I am considering removing Unearth in favor of Toxic Deluge for the exact reason you mentioned. The whole purpose for Unearth is to be able to fetch back LabMan/Oracle if they somehow ended up in the GY, but with JWoM in there, I have a built in precaution already.

I will consider the Stifle-style effects as I continue to playtest.

Thanks for your recommendations!

February 29, 2020 2 p.m.

Astranoth says... #3

Amazing deck list, could this be configured for Scarab God as the commander? I feel like his Scry ability plus his inherit reanimate ability could be useful to dig through for the wincon as well as a backup incase Oracle/Labman find themselves in the yard.

March 11, 2020 8:16 a.m.

SeniorEdificer says... #4

Astranoth: Thanks! Technically, you can run this deck with any Dimir commander. I've won many times with ever casting Oona, Queen of the Fae. However, if you're looking to make use of The Scarab God's abilities, then this is the wrong deck for it. The reason is due to the fact that nothing in this deck mills into the graveyard. The only real synergistic card that I can see is Toxic Deluge, and only if your opponents have a lot of creatures on the battlefield.

March 11, 2020 4:36 p.m.

ToffMcSoft says... #5

@SeniorEdificer Very nice to see an Active Oona deck out there. I recently revitalized my list, the secret lair printing put me back on the Oona train. Would love to hear your feedback on this list: Oona, Queen of the Fae ::: cEDH Primer

I'm considering adding Basalt + Rings into mine. There's almost no question some of the maybe board needs to make it's way in.

March 11, 2020 6:07 p.m.

SeniorEdificer says... #6

ToffMcSoft: Your deck looks great, however, I do have one question. How are you running Tainted Pact, but using 12 basics? That's completely at odds as to how Tainted Pact works.

March 11, 2020 9:29 p.m.

ToffMcSoft says... #7

SeniorEdificer Nice catch, always forget about the basic lands. For now, going to ditch Tainted Pact.

March 12, 2020 11:49 a.m.

thechuckface says... #8

Hey, I was goldfishing this deck (new to cEDH) and for some reason it looks like Stroke of Genius is missing. Did you mean to take it out? It seems like an important win-con piece.

April 2, 2020 12:39 p.m.

SeniorEdificer says... #9

thechuckface: Wow - good catch! Will fix!

April 2, 2020 4:06 p.m.

DoWell says... #10

Hey ed,

I was curious why you're on a few cards like, stroke of genius, tale's end, trickbind.

Also, have you considered Drown in the Loch , Baral, Chief of Compliance , Dig Through Time , Gilded Drake .

Given the evolving meta adding a Pongify and Damnation are probably worth it.

I'm more committed to Oracle than oona, so I don't run basalt or power artifact. But here is my Oona Primer if you want to gander.

Koopa, King of the Fae [cEDH Primer]

April 24, 2020 11:42 a.m.

DoWell This list isn't maintained per the description. I switched to moxfield and some of those cards have changed: Moxfield list

April 24, 2020 7:48 p.m. Edited.

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