The following parameters have been used to determine the strength of the deck. For each, a score of 5 (very good), 4 (good), 3 (mediocre), 2 (bad) or 1 (very bad) has been allocated; when totalized this score represents the power rating of the deck.
- Mana: indicates the availability of mana sources within the deck.
- Ramp: indicates the speed at which mana sources within the deck can be made available.
- Card Advantage: indicates availability of filter- and draw resources represented within the deck.
- Overall speed: indicates the deck’s potential for pace, based on resource availability and mana curve.
- Combo: indicates the measure of combo-orientation of the deck.
- Army: indicates the deck’s creature-army strength.
- Commander: indicates how much the deck is commander-oriented/dependent (less dependency is better).
- Resilience: indicates the measure in which the deck can prevent and take punches.
- Spellpower: indicates the availability and strength of high-impact spells.
Mana: 5
As the generation of tokens that generate mana, aka Treasure, directly benefits our commander’s token generation ability, it would make sense to include a number of options capable of making them (ten in all). Next to that, the deck contains some more conventional mana-generation means, like dorks (three cards), rocks, (two cards) as well as means that make use of tapping tokens to generate mana (two cards).
Ramp: 3
Along with the straight up mana-generation ability this deck already features, it also sports some very decent capability at ramping for additional land. Six options in total, out of which one can be used multiple times.
Card Advantage: 4
Fortunately the Golgari colors offer some excellent opportunities for card draw. Several repeating ones depend on our armies damaging opponents while others depend on our token generation (including the generation of Clues). The deck also contains three high-powered, general-purpose tutors.
Overall speed: 4
Plenty of traction to be had in this deck. With its low average CMC (sitting at just under 3.2) and resources galore of every conceivable type, it will often vie for being the fastest. The key to expanding one’s board-presence fast, is to deploy Chatterfang and start generating tokens with any spell/permanent you can get your hands on. An explosion of squirrels will be the result, and most decks will be hard-pressed to keep up with your token generation from this point forward.
Combo: 5
Quite a few ways to go completely, infinitely nuts (pun intended) have been included in this deck. Infinite ETB/LTB, infinite mana, infinite life, infinite (squirrel) tokens, infinite drain/ping, near-infinite card draw; it’s all here waiting to be found and can be activated by finding two or three out of twenty possible combo-pieces.
Army: 5
Does the army within this deck contain any truly strong battlecruisers? Yeah, there are some; eight or so, with the potential to create more when combined with power/toughness boosters. However, the real power of this deck lies within its ability to go wide, maybe in the strongest way we’ve ever thus far encountered. Twenty-five cards in this deck can generate tokens, and when those abilities are joined with Chatterfang’s, a tide of beady-eyes, claws and fangs unlike you’ve ever seen will be unleashed.
Commander: 4
Granted, our commander really adds the oomph to this deck. Yet it’s perfectly capable of surviving (even winning) without him due to its generous amount of resources, plenty of additional token generators and a lot of cards that benefit from tokens (dis)appearing onto/from the board.
Interaction: 3
There’s a decent amount of stuff going on that influences opponents directly. Most prominently amongst these, are the cards that have been added to drain based on things dying (nine cards). This is topped off with some opportunities for direct destruction (four cards), a bit of forced sacrifice and a little bit of whithering.
Resilience: 3
Considering Chatterfang’s of limited importance when it comes to the deck’s winning-potential, it’s been decided not to include some of the more common hexproof distributors in this deck (except for one option that provides it on mass to all our creatures). The deck does include a lot of life-gain; thirteen different options.
Spellpower: 3
When it comes to high-powered, non-creature shenanigans, there’s some beauties to be found in this deck. This includes three boosters, six token generators of various types (including three Treasure generators), two mass-ramp spells and an insanely strong tutor.
Total power score: 39
Overall this deck is very hard to beat. Its resources are plentiful, while its resource requirements are not. Its creature base is strong and can easily be replenished when wipes occur or after lost combats. It’s versatile when it comes to the types of opponents it can oppose effectively as it never needs many different components in order to pull off a win. Redundancy for the real game-changers in the deck completes the picture. It can’t counter though, and it’s not strong at preventing opposing actions either, but that usually doesn’t matter considering its capacity to increase its board-presence dramatically (exponentially) within the space of a single turn.