
Creature (1)

In these post twin times, people might be looking for a combo to help fill the void. This may have the power and resilience to do just that.

With Necrotic ooze on the board, a resolved gifts for kiki and devoted druid results in basically an unstoppable win (you can tap and uptap ooze to make a copy of itself up to 3 times before they can kill it). the Kiki ability allows you to create infinite tapped oozes and the devoted druid ability allows you to untap them all and make them 3/2s. Basically if they dont know what is about to happen and let you resolve gifts, once you show them the gifts pile its too late. Also, devoted druid can kill itself if its going to get pathed, and can will also transfer the ability to kill itself to the ooze to prevent pathing, in doing so allows for an unburial rites, postmortem lunge, or noxious revival later.

Also, some good gifts packages are:
--(kiki,druid,lotleth,sphinx) allows you to either get the combo outright, or if lotleth or sphinx go to the yard you can pitch the other 2 in the hand immediately (as a cost so it cant be responded to) and then proceed to combo off.
--(kiki,oona's,lotleth,sphinx) or (druid,oona's,lotleth,sphinx), which if you have a a kiki or druid in hand will let you pitch whatever 2 they put in your hand + the combo piece in your hand and win instantly.
--(postmortem lunge, ooze, noxious revival, anything) lets you get ooze in hand or (almost even better) postmortem lunge in hand, which lets you drop ooze into play from the battlefield with haste.

--(kiki,mogg fanatic,lotleth,sphinx) postboard allows for an instant speed kill (albeit more interrupt-able) incase youre up against fog decks


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

40 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.53
Tokens Copy Clone
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