Hello there!
Above is a simple decklist I threw together revolving around Slime Against Humanity. The idea is to loot to quickly fill the graveyard with Slime Against Humanity until it's time to throw down some slimes. Cards like Ram Through and Fling are the finishers to push in extra damage. Loathsome Chimera is for late game when I run low on cards in hand since exiling cards from the graveyard will not diminish the power of Slime Against Humanity.
There's definitely optimization that can be done, but I'm looking forward to trying this one out. I'm not sure what the magic number of Slime Against Humanity is, nor am I sure what interaction should be run, but I'm excited all the same.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you have a pleasant rest of your day!
Update: Having played this deck a few times, my main takeaway is that this is a deck that plays itself. The play pattern is as close to set in stone as any deck I have ever played. If you want a deck with very few decisions, this is a deck to consider. It seems to excel when both players are topdecking, because the density of hits is high, and the longer you play, the larger your slimes become. I also think this is a good deck to teach someone else the game, not necessarily for them to play, but for the teacher to play (if the new player wants to play this deck, that is fine as well). Since this deck is incredibly simple, I can play this while a friend plays a new deck so they can figure out the ins and outs of their deck. When teaching, I also enjoy playing with open hands. This deck doesn't benefit much from knowledge of an opponent's hand, but it does have a combat trick or two, so I find it a good way to teach someone how to play around an opponent's hand and optimize strategies.
In summary, it is a simple deck with a simple gameplan. Not necessarily competitive, but fun for those who enjoy throwing chonky creatures on the battlefield, or are looking for a teaching tool to show players how to play the game.