Operation Blitzkrieg!!

Modern* quickstream

SCORE: 91 | 127 COMMENTS | 17060 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/27

sealyon says... #1

Needs Vexing Devil , 1 mana that gets you a 4/3 on turn one OR does 4 damage on turn one. Either way, great card.

June 30, 2013 7:35 p.m.

quickstream says... #2

il consider it, for the most part im trying to keep this within the ravnica block ofc im going to have to remove some land and the volleys at some point but i can live with that if i change too much outside of the block its a pain when it rotates

June 30, 2013 7:38 p.m.

sealyon says... #3

Yeah, rakdos is a good way to go then. The entirety of my B/W exalted is rotating out soon :( Keepin it up with a B/G graveyard deck.+1, solid deck.

June 30, 2013 8:02 p.m.

thyhax says... #4

+1, nice deck.

Skullcrack is a near-must in the sideboard at least. With all the Sphinx's Revelation and Thragtusk s running around in Standard right now, the anti-life gain is extremely relevant. At worst, it's a Searing Spear to the face. Also, is Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch worth a 4-of slot in here? You have 4 creatures (besides her) that get counters, which are all one-drops. I say remove her for Desecration Demon if you want the whole RTR block thing, otherwise that or Hellrider . Also, I was recommended Immortal Servitude in my deck, casting for 5 (x=2) brings back all your hasty two-drops late-game. Could be a finisher or a sideboard card.

Speaking of sideboards, lets take a look at building one. I would do Slaughter Games , Rakdos Charm , the Skullcrack , Electrickery , Dreadbore , even like Mizzium Mortars even.

Lastly, your manabase is a little whack. Drop some Swamp in favor of Mountain . I might replace 2-3. That might help with consistency.

If you wanted to take a look, this is my list: Burn. Bleed. Enjoy.

June 30, 2013 9:06 p.m.

Jacobhoeft says... #5

my suggestion would be to drop Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch her second ability doesn't do anything, because the only creature you have with unleash is a one drop so it's already swinging, so she is just a really beefy 3/3 unleash first strike, which is alright but I think Carnage Gladiator is a better choice, he offers basically the same thing as long as you can pay the regenerate cost which with this deck should be no problem once you hit a fifth mana. I would also consider Hellrider for that slot.

June 30, 2013 10:49 p.m.

edtheiii says... #6

I was actually toying with a similar deck at one point (and I'll probably go back to it since I'm just doing RB zombies now basically).

First off - there are a few cards from innistrad block which will do wonders - yes they rotate out in a few months, but m14 has some decent rdw stuff like Shock and the young pyromancer that should replace plenty of it. Pillar of Flame instead of Mugging , the exile is relevant way more often than you might think with Doomed Traveler and Voice of Resurgence and Blood Artist all over the place. Next, I would add Bump in the Night if you have any... I'm not sure everyone is a big fan, but its basically a Lava Spike which gets played in rdw modern as a 4-of. Someone mentioned Vexing Devil earlier, which it is good, but a lot of times you'd rather have a 2 power creature on turn one than 4 damage, so he's not necessary. Also Hellrider and Falkenrath Aristocrat are both probably better than Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch , but not so much so that it justifes spending 40 bucks to get 2 months of play out of them. Sorry, btw. I'm a ranter.

I'd go to a full playset of Searing Spear . And I like the madcap skills as a 3of. I don't like the Skinbrand Goblin , just doesn't have the oomph you need. Better would be a battallion guy like Bomber Corps or Legion Loyalist .

Last but not least, you have too many lands... when you curve out at 4, you shouldn't need more than 21 lands, IMHO. So I would just cut 3 swamps (Ash Zealot and your burn spells need red)

As for a sideboard, I usually like to run some kill spells like Dreadbore and Mizzium Mortars and Ultimate Price , then if I go against a midrange opponent I'll cut my cheap dudes (i.e. Rakdos Cackler and Rakdos Shred-Freak ) and turn my deck into pseudo control that pokes in with medium creatures for kills. Glaring Spotlight is good against enchantments if they're in your meta.

July 1, 2013 1:34 a.m.

quickstream says... #7

Got some really good suggestions I'm going to build a side deck today and fair point with the land il fall back to 22 and increase mountains to swamp ratio

July 1, 2013 7:20 a.m.

asaxgod says... #9

Where is your Rakdos's Return must have 4 of!

July 1, 2013 10:31 a.m.

quickstream says... #10

Rakdos's Return is better suited to rakdos control decks, if i can get some for my side i will but this is an aggro deck

July 1, 2013 10:43 a.m.

brotherman225 says... #11

why not the dude himself? - Rakdos, Lord of Riots

July 1, 2013 1:33 p.m.

quickstream says... #12

not that its not a fun card but i dont like it, if i can get one il sit nice in my side deck but there are better 4 drops

July 1, 2013 1:51 p.m.

Ruric says... #13

i think Rakdos, Lord of Riots worth the play 1 or 2 copies, i think you dont need Hellraiser Goblin if most of your creatures already have haste,

July 1, 2013 2:11 p.m.

quickstream says... #14

its not in there to stay, its just to keep the speed up until i can fill that slot, right now i dont have a lord of riots either so i cant throw that in

July 1, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Sam_I_am says... #15

you can run Bump in the Night and more Skullcrack if you really want more burn

July 1, 2013 6:01 p.m.

quickstream says... #16

i do want a playset of Skullcrack il see if anyone has them in my local, i might throw in Bump in the Night too i can get those really easy but as i said i am trying to keep it mostly in the rtr block upwards

July 1, 2013 7:43 p.m.

Matt_The_OGRE says... #17

I would say 1 more Immortal Servitude as you have 12 two drop haste creatures. Also, i like Sign in Blood for decks like this. It allows you to draw 2 cards or just kill off your opponent. I know that it will fade out soon though, thought it was worth a mention. Glaring Spotlight is one of my favorite cards in this block, it just does so many good things, like making all of your creatures unblockable for a turn! Check out my deck Reforge the Aggro to maybe get a few ideas.

July 1, 2013 8:23 p.m.

Nightstlkr says... #18

youre going to want to win early with this deck so Immortal Servitude might not be the best. if you want some reach something like Rakdos's Return will be much more efficient at it to clean up. Vexing Devil is another good option because its essentially a 1 drop for 4 damage to the face. not a fan of Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch Hellraiser Goblin simply for the fact that Hellrider is absurdly strong in a deck like this where you just swarm out creatures. i would suggest dropping that Dreadbore and Skullcrack into the mainboard/side for sure since theyre cheap removals that can stop a massive revelation to turn the game or help you gain control of the field. as far as everything else goes, you look pretty set, just remember that if you don't win early, decks like esper, jung, and junk start rolling. so either finish up early or find that quick burst combo. you should be close where you are at now :)

July 2, 2013 6:18 p.m.

Nox.LD says... #19

July 3, 2013 12:28 a.m.

HeroSaru says... #20

You need all 4 Searing Spear and probably 4 Pillar of Flame s as well. Also, sideboard in 4 Skullcrack s for decks with healing. You definitely need the Vexing Devil s.

July 3, 2013 12:54 a.m.

Like this deck a lot, but would recommend switching Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch for Hellrider . That's just my opinion but I don't think Exava would be as effective

July 3, 2013 1:32 a.m.

quickstream says... #22

she is a great card not to mention like I keep saying trying not to go too far outside the current block Hellrider is good but will rotate out in 3 months my aim is to make a standard deck that I won't need to scrap when cards rotate out. But been said I am trying to source a few cards suggested here

July 3, 2013 5:49 a.m.

Nightstlkr says... #23

3 months is still a while to worry about rotations. just run the hellrider for the 3 months and you can switch afterward or maybe find a better card in m14 or as the new block comes out.

July 3, 2013 11:10 a.m.

quickstream says... #24

If I can find one that's easy to get but I don't want to aggressively trade for cards that won't get good play in those 3 months I'm away for 1

July 3, 2013 2:24 p.m.

DavidAMIs says... #25

Check out my aggro Rakdos deck. It is Standard and the only cards rotating out in it are Crippling Blight (M13) and Dragonskull Summit (M13). I do well with it without cards like Vexing Devil and Hellrider.

July 3, 2013 8:55 p.m.

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