Operation Blitzkrieg!!

Modern* quickstream

SCORE: 91 | 127 COMMENTS | 17060 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/27

flashter says... #1

I think a deck this devotion oriented I think Purphoros, God of the Forge would be an great addition at least as a 2 of you should probally drop the shock and add a few Mizzium Mortars I do like the deck though +1 to you. Check out my brew if you would like let me know what you think. Thanksdeck-large:zen master of jet lightning (theros)

November 8, 2013 6:03 a.m.

CaptainCaveman says... #2

November 27, 2013 2:46 p.m.

quickstream says... #3

flashter it may be devotion but its aggro first i tried the god but it wasnt fast enough

and marcosousasr thats white

November 27, 2013 7:22 p.m.

CaptainCaveman says... #4

Sorry yes i know its white. Was thinking some Sacred Foundry and/or Temple of Triumph for the scry then add maybe one or two Chained to the Rocks in the main board as a result and one or two in the sideboard. Maybe even some Boros Charm ?

November 27, 2013 9:29 p.m.

quickstream says... #5

i know red/white is strong but going that route is a whole different deck this deck is mono red thats what it has going for it's self and works really well like this.

November 27, 2013 10:12 p.m.

flashter says... #6

I think this particular build is sweet you may have perfected it over time nice work I tried to +1 it again this is a very fast and efficient brew.

November 28, 2013 7:40 a.m.

quickstream says... #7


November 28, 2013 8:25 a.m.

daveprince13 says... #8

What in the hell is Anger of the Gods doing in your sideboard? There are so many better cards that slot could be used for. For one you could be putting Purphoros, God of the Forge in that slot. His 2 damage can help give you the reach if someone stalls your board (as all your creatures turn into shocks that must be answered) and can also help you with planeswalkers (i'm looking at you Jace, Architect of Thought ) without committing precious creatures to attacking them.

November 28, 2013 1:31 p.m.

quickstream says... #9

Anger of the Gods deals with things i cant i know im losing field advantage but if i throw that down so are they and i can recover faster generally. Besides this deck really isnt suited to long games i can stall their blocking power with Firefist Striker and Madcap Skills , i did try the red god and although powerful in his own right im committing too much into mid game range when i wanna end early he should only get off 2-4 damage if im playing the deck properly so i much rather something else

November 28, 2013 2:02 p.m.

Magallanez says... #10

i made a deck similar to this at the beginning of theros and it did really good +1 from me you should go check out my naya midrange or jund midrange decks i need some feedback on people before next weekend due to the fact that im going to grand prix dallas...

November 28, 2013 3:30 p.m.

quickstream says... #11

Yeh I can take a glance for you thanks for the upvote

November 28, 2013 8:09 p.m.

Upvoted, please look at RDW Please Win!!!

December 2, 2013 4:17 p.m.

volcach says... #13

I playtested this against my Gruul Devotion Supreme Ramp Deck. I played a best of seven and they were all very close matches. The final score was 3-4, with your deck ahead. I had Nylea and a 15/15 Reverent Hunter, along with several mana dorks and you only had a Boros Reckoner and a Burning Tree, with nothing in your hand. You had had 20 life up until this piont but with my 15/15 Trampler I thought I had the game for sure, so I swung with the 15/15 Hunter and my Nylea, which you were forced to block with the Burning Tree. You had 1 health, and I had 7, at the end step I decided to tap all my mana dorks to cast Garruk. And then I passed the turn with my health at 7 and yours at 1. You top decked a Fanatic of Mogis and cast it, doing four damage, and then swung with the Reckoner, doing 3 dmg to win the match. They were all incredibly close games and you definitely earned a +1 for a great deck!

December 14, 2013 4:18 p.m.

Serrarch287 says... #14

Made the deck, and decided to nix the single Shock for a single Chandra, Pyromaster just to solidify the opponent not being able to block. Wonderful deck, I love it.

December 15, 2013 9:02 p.m.

quickstream says... #15

i was considering adding Chandra, Pyromaster as a 2 of but the cost is just so off putting. but yeh its deffo a solid change, glad you like my deck @ volcach and Serrarch287 il be checking out your decks always nice to get new ideas from people :)

December 16, 2013 11:53 p.m.

brunodif says... #16

Hello, nice deck, but what do you think about using 4 Foundry Street Denizen instead of 4 Rakdos Cackler . He's good because it will receive +1/+0 almost every turn and still can block 2/1 cards, like Soldier of the Pantheon and Dryad Militant . Thanks

December 17, 2013 8:56 p.m.

quickstream says... #17

both are good cards in their own regard, i choose cackler simple because its a constant 2/2 if i am on the attack rather then a 1/1 which could be bigger if that makes sense i wouldnt say choosing one over the other is right or wrong its just personal choice, if i ever have to block im usually in a bad position anyways.

December 17, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Stuart123987 says... #18

Let me start off by saying that I really like this deck, and play red deck myself. I just have a couple card discussions.

First of all I think that you should straight out switch the number of shocks with magma jets because what I have found(playing my own 20 mountain rdw) is that I am stuck with one mana left over but a magma jet still in my hand so for purely tempo and speed reasons I decided to run mure shocks than jets.

I think that firefist striker is such a powerful card that it requires a fourth slot UNLESS your metagame is jam packed with controll because in aggro or midrange match ups that effect is a complete blowout every turn. But then again since you are running the full 4 reckoners I'm guessing that your metagame is not pure controll. I would suggest taking out either a magma jet or shock for the 4th firefist striker.

Nykthos, shrine to nyx should be switched out for at least two mountains because it is just that powerful with very little drawback in your deck unless drawn in multiples. (Actually a 1 of might be acceptable)

Finally I just have a few things to bring up for discussion: If you do add in multiple nykthos's then stormbreath dragon becomes a really potent threatWhy the hammer as a one of?What about the madcap skills (I personally adore it)

December 18, 2013 10:39 p.m.

Stuart123987 says... #19

After a bit of play testing this deck seems a little bottlenecked at 3 cmc, 8 3 cmc cards is a bit much for a 21 lands, I would suggest taking out the Phoenixs because they only add 2 devotion.

December 18, 2013 11 p.m.

quickstream says... #20

much food for thought i know people always say it but im been honest i really will take what you said to consideration this deck plays well in my meta when i take it out i have no idea how it will fair so all of what you have said will be considered, what you said about the shocks/magma jet is true but the flip side of that magma jet has saved me more the once the scry 2 is so powerful in this deck type as getting a better draw gives me the edge the 2 damage really is a bonus, the shrine is something iv considered but strombreath is a near instant no i do like the card but its not for this deck build. i have so much love for madcap skills, but the hammer gives this deck that last good push if i am mana swamped that been said i may drop it to side in favor of something else. il check out your decks if you would like to follow me you can see how i progress my decks i test out a build a lot before finally making that move to playing

December 19, 2013 12:03 a.m.

In regards to this deck, what would I do if my opponent throws down constant instants and enchantments on creatures or instants I throw down? How can I make this deck work against control decks?

December 25, 2013 4:09 a.m.

quickstream says... #22

By turn 4 it would have nearly finished off a control deck with speed. game 2 side in anti control cards like Burning Earth play smart consider your actions based on what they could do. Though fast aggro is naturally anti control due to speed so worry more about mirror match and other fast decks mono blue rips this deck to bits

December 25, 2013 6:21 a.m.

hungryGoliath says... #23

I play a rakdos deck that is very similar to this one, and I know that Madcap Skills on a turn one Rakdos Cackler is one of the best plays you can pull off. maybe play a few more? also, depending on your metagame, try another Hammer of Purphoros . The format has so much removal that haste is absolutely necessary. maybe Rakdos Shred-Freak , because he is 2 red devotion, 2 power, and haste.

December 28, 2013 noon

ganonspike says... #24

Really nice looking deck. I would add in the Chandra, Pyromaster as others have mentioned though, but overall totally solid deck spread.

December 28, 2013 12:29 p.m.

quickstream says... #25

I'm in the process of updating it so I will keep this in mind what you have both said Chandra really is something iv got my eye out for as for speed thus deck is rapid it can already turn 3 against a control deck in a good circumstance so adding more hasty creatures ain't needed, truth is hammer is a spot filler rather then key card it has won me games but not many

December 28, 2013 1 p.m.

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