Adopt a Siege Rhino today.
This deck is dedicated to the Siege Rhino Conservation Effort.
Ask not "What can the Siege Rhino do for me?" but "What can I do to make the Siege Rhino more competitive in standard play?"
+1 Appreciated; Advice Welcomed
Sylvan Caryatid. Rhinos love plants. A full set is almost absolutely necessary in order to fix the tri color mana issue and ramp to four mana on third turn to call up the initial Siege Rhino drop.
Jeskai Barricade
has flash and makes for fun tricks! Just great as a surprise chump blocker. Can rescue your own attacking OR blocking creatures from just about anything. Good for air dropping Siege Rhinos! All Rhinos go to heaven.
Spiteful Returned
cuz he's an enchantment and he's more life-loss.
Master of the Feast 5/5 flyer for three mana! Can handle Stormbreath Dragon! He's an enchantment so he kicks my card draw. Two black mana symbols to increase the effectiveness of Gray Merchant of Asphodel. It is important to closely monitor what a Siege Rhino eats, whatever it does not eat goes to Master of the Feast.
Temur Sabertooth are another protected species... Literally! Bounce Siege Rhino or Gray Merchant of Asphodel back to your hand at instant speed for 2 mana to make this cat indestructable until end of turn.
Siege Rhino The star of the show. A 4/5 Trample for four mana yep. I want to get him on the field third turn and just throw him at my opponent all day long. Return him to my hand at any time with
Jeskai Barricade
to save him or just to summon him a second time, blink him with Triad of Fates
, fright him from the graveyard with Whip of Erebos. Generate card draw with Eidolon of Blossoms to draw more Siege Rhinos. Summon more Siege Rhinos to the battlefield. When I have more than one Siege Rhino on the battle field and attack with them, or block with them and one of them dies and ends up in my graveyard, I can cast Rescue from the Underworld
at any time, sacrificing a Siege Rhino so that at the beginning of my next upkeep two Siege Rhinos come into play. Siege Rhinos have been known to sacrifice themselves in order to journey to the underworld to rescue their fellow Siege Rhino brethren. YAY for Siege Rhinos everywhere.
Eidolon of Blossoms More plants! A little bit steep in mana cost, but I need the card draw it provides in synergy with enchantment cards. Selecting him makes
Spiteful Returned
Boon Satyr
even better for early and late support. Also in tandem with Hardened Scales and
Suspension Field
. More card draw = more Siege Rhino! I can also blink him for card draw.
Triad of Fates
Ok, this guy is just all about what I want to do. He can exile opponent's creatures, or air drop some Siege Rhinos. Awesome in theory, but likely to be slow, easy to remove and difficult to pull off effectively against the competition. I'll main board one copy cuz it's a nice win condition if it happens!
Gray Merchant of Asphodel
You all remember him right? He's more life-loss, I can blink him, and he's a win condition with black on the field. He stopped dealing in black market endangered species and has pledged his support to the SRCE.
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes Yo Ajani loves Siege Rhinos and has mad respect for them, so don't litter. +1/+1 counters everywhere, great with Hardened Scales. Deck cycling to discover more Siege Rhinos or whatever else my heart desires. Give me 100 life. Ajani, you are my hero!
Garruk, Apex Predator has a dark past and Siege Rhinos were just one of the many exotic and endangered animals he used to slaughter for sport. He has turned over a new leaf recently and has become possessed by a demon, so now he only hunts chumps and haters; poachers and planeswalkers. Public enemy number one: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon this guy has an ugly reputation for pooping all over Siege Rhino territory.
Feat of Resistance
Cheap instant. Doubles up on +1/+1 counters with Hardened Scales. Saves creatures and counters removal. The Siege Rhino must be protected in it's natural environment.
Abzan Charm Three colors to cast an instant is a pain, but three spells in one is worth it. Exile removal, +1/+1 counters, or card draw for life (which I should have plenty of).
Rescue from the Underworld
Classy win condition if two Siege Rhino's hit the battlefield for -6 life loss. Gets me my Siege Rhinos back!
Read the Bones
I should have plenty of life to give up in order to scry 2, draw 2. Gotta catch em all! All those Siege Rhinos! And I have a foil copy, so why not?
Hardened Scales Additional +1/+1 counter for
Feat of Resistance
, Abzan Charm and Ajani, Mentor of Heros. Cheap card draw if Eidolon of Blossoms is in play. Siege Rhinos sometimes get a bad rap, but they can take it; they have thick skin.
Suspension Field
great removal for big scary stuff other than Stormbreath Dragon. Cheap card draw if Eidolon of Blossoms is in play. Booby traps for poachers.
Feast on the Fallen works great with Siege Rhino. Can work out to a 6/7 trample attacking fifth turn if timed right with Hardened Scales. Ideally my opponent will be losing life every turn.
I tried to vary the land selection so I didn't slow myself too much with temples and +1 lands, so I played with one of each for the respective color combos. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth lets me cut down on black and fall back on green to guarantee Sylvan Caryatid can always be easily summoned.
Please check it out, comment and advise.
No Siege Rhinos were harmed in the making of this deck.