
This is my attempt at a very aggro deck that has an answer to everything. I'll generally keep the Slitherhead s in hand until I have Lotleth Troll out and then get him 4 or 6 counters for free (with the help of Corpsejack Menace). The Golgari Charms are there to help against Oblivion Rings or tokens and the Thragtusks for helping against powerful burn decks. Vraska the Unseen is always useful for her -3 ability and maybe her -7, although I've never used it. Arbor Elf is there to make this combo:

Turn 1: Forest, Arbor Elf

Turn 2: Forest, Strangleroot Geist, Rancor attack for 6 damage.

Turn 3: Dual Land/Swamp, Dreg Mangler, maybe another Rancor, attack for 9 damage.

The other cards are pretty self-explanatory. I keep Revenge of the Hunted in the sideboard because I never draw cards except in the draw step so it will nearly always be Miracle. I only have two Abrupt Decays in because I don't have any more and they're difficult to get hold of. Any thoughts on more/less removal?

Please comment; suggestions and +1's are welcome.


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Played a slightly different version of the deck with no Garruk; Putrefys instead of Abrupt Decays (probably should've gone 3-3 with those, though);and a Wolfir Silverheart; as well as two Vampire Nighthawks, who smashed bottoms throughout the night.

I ended up in 2nd place, my best finish so far! I also got a Ral Zarek in the prize, which was very nice indeed.

Round 1: 2-0. Played against BUG. He didn't really manage anything before I could win. Vampire Nighthawk worked like a charm.

Round 2: 2-0. Played against Junk control. I was pretty scared before the match because my opponent was a top player, but he didn't get anything done and my Rancor on Vampire Nighthawk was too much for him in game 1. Then in the second game he was mana-screwed and I got my fourth good hand of the night, so it was over quickly.

Round 3: 0-2. Disappointing match. He was playing Rakdos midrange control. Liliana of the Veil was what got in the way, and for that reason I wish I had included my Abrupt Decays, but it was too late, and in game 2 I nearly had a win, but he was too careful, didn't take any risks and I had no hand and no creatures.

Not a bad night overall, comments welcome!


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #86 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

13 - 0 Rares

17 - 11 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.11
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Favorites, Pricy Decks
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