At the very base I've categorised this deck as sort of a lifelink lifegain with the main strength of it being the large amount of lifelink vampires and the methods available to gain life via the ability. The deck is rather high mana cost heavy compared to what I'm used to but it can still, under the right circumstances, build a good field early game.
At the low end of the mana curve I've included some of the newer cards from Ixilan, Bishop's Soldier and Skyblade of the Legion. I might replace skyblade for Duskborne Skymarcher depending on how I find the deck in play testing. Both these cards offer decent abilities and power/toughness levels for their cost and fit in very nicely to the overall theme of the deck. For black I've got Indulgent Aristocrat, this card is awsome, not only is he cheap and offers a useful ability but you can also sac the tokens you make later game to add a counter to the whole field.
Further up the mana curve we have Captivating Vampire and Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle. Captivating Vampire is a huge must have in a vampire deck that produces tokens, it becomes too easy late game to just steal an enemies creature and use it against them, why not include it right? Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle is great in conjunction with the previous card mentioned, need more tokens? just attack every now and then with one of your vampires that has flying, again, simply a must have in this fashion of deck. Eternal Thirst, Mighty Leap and
Vampire's Zeal
are all good for early game just in case you need to defend yourself or start attacking.
At the end of the mana curve I've gone for Bloodline Keeper
( the card speaks for itself ) and Paladin of the Bloodstained though again I may opt this one out for something different like Bishop of Rebirth for extra survivability.
Campaign of Vengeance Makes end game a bit easier, every attacking creature is helps weaken your opponent by simply attacking. Blood Tribute is in here only because I go up against lifegain decks every now and then but it can be opted out for New Blood if you're playing casual ( this card isn't modern legal though so ask your friends before playing or find something else in a proper modern format game ).
The rest of the cards in this deck I think don't need explaining. My one issue with this deck is that the CMC is tilted a bit too high so I might look at fixing this in the future once I've played the deck. I'm hoping this deck meets my expectations in play testing, I recently purchase something similar for my brother but with less token based cards and R/W and was very excited to see the idea pay off so well, he barely plays and managed to whoop my ass, maybe I'm just bad ;p
Suggestions would be great and thankyou for viewing the deck!