Orzhov Anthem Tokens
Our pain will be the damage we endure from our Godless Shrine, Marsh Flats, Thoughtseize and Bitterblossom
Now, it is not uncommon for this deck to be sitting on 13-15 life by turn 3 due to our own life loss, but this gives us a very large early game advantage, it is necessary to use our hand hate to control the first 3 turns of our opponent, while allowing our mana to be flexible in both our colors, we run 3 basic land cards for our opponents (in some cases our own) Path to Exile. By turn 3 we should be setting up our token creation, card:Spectral possession will easily be paid for 3 white as all most all of our lands produce either color.
Our tokens will be flying, meaning many of our opponents will be unable to block the 1/1 over there head. We should aim to have an card:intangable virtue giving our creaters double the damage and vigilance for the block the same turn our tokens loose summoning sickness, any abnormally large creatures that manage to break through our discarding can be Path to Exile. Very easily with a single anthem effect and a single token spell, we will be swinging for 6-8 damage turn 3 and 4. Having 2 card:intangable virtue's out is almost always ensured victory with 12-14 unblockable damage every turn.
Now, when we are stalling, we have our Bitterblossom always giving us our tokens and our flashback Lingering Souls incase of wraths.
When we are on the ropes we have our Sorin, Solemn Visitor producing tokens but more importantly giving our spirits a +1 to there damage and lifelink. We run 2 Vault of the Archangel for a last resort deathtouch and lifelink anthem. And in our worst possible situation, we have our card:Shambling Vents becoming a 2/3 lifelink creature for a bit of health.
The deck struggles with Red Burn as we deal so much damage to our self that the opponent can kill us before our lifelink is online turn 4.
8-rack is a war on who can have the most Inquisition of Kozilek's and card:Thoiughtseize's out first.
Other weenie decks or Token generator decks become a game of knocking creatures into one another. Pray for our anthems and hope we have the bigger weenie board. I am yet to convince myself that wraths will be beneficial in the mainboard but certainly in sideboard.Goulgari infect is actually okay to deal with, creature base with anthems has enough toughness to soak up the initial 4 turn burst, both sides suffer loses and little creatures remain, but our deck with flashback tokens and Bitterblossom can bounce back more efficiently. I find removing with Thoughtseize protection and unblockable more beneficial than the creatures or growth cards.
our sideboard has been left empty due to every local game store having a different meta, i would recommend cards such as Disenchant for cheaper removal of enchantments and artifacts. And card:Stoney Silence for mass removal.