You attack whenever possible, preferably with either Nantuko Husk or Bloodthrone Vampire, and sacrifice the other creatures both to make it stronger and to deal direct damage\lifegain through Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist
Ideally you would only need to actually attack once or twice, if the attacks connect. If you need a finisher for a late game, just sacrifice everyone, bring them back with Rally the Ancestors and sacrifice them again (with the added bonus that no one get exiled.
to help control the board a little, Grave Pact and Anguished Unmaking, just in case something problematic hits the board
Some few interesting iteractions here:
1) Nantuko Husk + Gravecrawler + eitherZulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist. This allows you to sacrifice Gravecrawler over and over again, since Nantuko Husk is a zombie. becomes one black mana for +2/+2, opponnent looses 1, you gain 1. gets pretty sweet with multiple zulaports/artists
Dark Prophecy
+ either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist. this mitigates the life loss from
Dark Prophecy
, drawing you a card with each sacrifice with no drawback
3) Geralf's Messenger can actually be sacrificed twice and delas 2 damage on each time, so rally the ancestors bringing him back with a zulaport and a husk actually totals 12 damage, 4 life gained and +8/+8 for the husk