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Bitterblossom in Standard (KLD Standard)

Standard* Artifact Counters Midrange Tokens WB (Orzhov)




Originally I was trying an orzhov look on this golgari +1/+1 counter deck. However, this variation just might be stronger with Aetherstorm Roc , Hanweir Militia Captain  , and Collective Effort.

Animation Module + Fretwork Colony really feels like a bad Bitterblossom that's availible to us in standard, which is to say that it's still really good. Especially when the servos work with Smuggler's Copter, the deck sometimes just feels unfair in testing.

I would love any advice or comments on this deck! Thank you!


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0-2 versus Mardu Vehicles 0-2 versus Control Delirium 2-0 versus Grixis Control 0-2 versus RW equipment 2-0 versus Wolves 3-3 in pick up games throughout the night

I have an extremely favorable matchup against RW equipment, but ended up horribly mana screwed in both games, getting stuck at two mana with a hand of three drops. For the delirium and Mardu Vehicles, I never drew the pieces I needed to have a successful game, either drawing no removal or too much removal. In addition, in those four games I saw only one animation module, but had no creatures on board to actually get value from it.


  • Weaponcraft Enthusiast never actually did anything, as his inclusion was designed for synergy with the militia captain and a good target for collective defiance. As it turns out, an 0/1 and two 1/1s on their own don't actually have any board presence.
  • Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip only ever flipped once, as I ended up going way less wide than I was anticipating through testing. However, it was still a good magnet for removal to have my other cards dodge some.
  • Collective Effort is an underperformer becuase I never saw a creature with more than 4 power. Through the entire night, the only target for that mode was a Goldnight Castigator, and as I hardly ever drew both it and an animation module, I didn't get to test the +1/+1 mode.


  • Animation Module generated immense value whenever I actually managed to draw it. Building my deck around this card was in fact worth it as in one game I played two, and using its ability was creating three or four servos a turn.
  • Fretwork Colony whenever he stuck around for more than a turn, the colony would crunch in for immense points of damage. People eventually caught on how dangerous he was, and his only drawback was his inability to block, which did cost me against Mardu Vehicles.
  • Smuggler's Copter I knew that this card was amazing, and turned out to perform better than expected. The card is amazing.


Revision 9 See all

(8 years ago)

-2 Aetherstorm Roc main
-3 Collective Effort main
-3 Endless One main
+4 Fatal Push main
-2 Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip main
+4 Metallic Mimic main
-4 Smuggler's Copter main
+3 Sram's Expertise main
+3 Yahenni, Undying Partisan main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

23 - 6 Rares

13 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Clue, Energy Reserve, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Servo 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Stuffs, standard, KLD, Standard, KLD Standard, Standard, Liked, Black/White, kEW;, LIked
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