Orzhov Death Machine

Standard* Jordan0601


Mycotic says... #1

whip of erebos super combos with ghost council, suggest maindecking it. Suggest maindecking devour flesh replacing tablet of the guilds at least if not vizkopa guildmage. Grave betrayal probably isn't playable, imo, and I'm probably more lenient than most. Alms beast is pretty good, so is ajani, maybe/probably should maindeck them instead of baleful Eidolon. Merciless eviction is really good but I don't know if you'r going for midrange, aggro or control. Definitely put it in for control, maybe for midrange.

November 28, 2013 10:26 p.m.

Countertop says... #2

I would say to make your land base at least 24, even though you have a relatively low curve, if you don't you might find it rather difficult to cast teysa, or even obzedat, but then again, thats just me...

I would also suggest Merciless Eviction , which although wipes your board, can deal with gods and the like and pretty much ends aggro decks if you can get it out

November 28, 2013 10:33 p.m.

Jordan0601 says... #3

I put all the tablet of the guilds in my sideboard and the merciless eviction was just thrown in because I had them. I don't have any ajani's yet but I think this weekend I will pick up a few and put them in my main board. Do you think I should cut the baleful eidolons all together or just sideboard them?

November 28, 2013 10:37 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #4

I like your deck! Cool idea. I would take Countertop's advice and increase your mana base. Any comments you could give my decks would be super helpful! I am new to magic.

November 28, 2013 10:41 p.m.

Jordan0601 says... #5

Countertop I got land count up to 24. I think I might sideboard teysa though. What do you think?

November 28, 2013 10:43 p.m.

Countertop says... #6

i hardly ever cast teysa, and when i do, she only works for a little before either one of us dies, and you have better win cons, like papa obzedat and blood baron. I would suggest Vizkopa Guildmage too, as if you use both of its effects on obzedat or blood baron, the opponent is dead pretty quickly.

also, if you find that a lot of creatures are dying, Crypt Incursion and the guildmage's second effect can crush opponents

November 28, 2013 10:48 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #7

With so much removal oppurtunites in your deck, the chances of activating her abilities are slim. It may be a good idea to sideboard her. Increasing land was definitley the right move.

November 28, 2013 10:50 p.m.

Countertop says... #8

in my orzhov deck, i run 2 Diabolic Tutor for those awkward times, they find what you need, especially removal and win cons

November 28, 2013 10:53 p.m.

Jordan0601 says... #9

I really like the idea of running Crypt Incursion with Vizkopa Guildmage . I am just going to sideboard it for now. I never liked the mana cost of Diabolic Tutor plus whenever I used it, it never worked out well.

November 28, 2013 11:02 p.m.

Rhinowarrior says... #10

Operation Donation advice desperately

November 28, 2013 11:04 p.m.

RikonVan says... #11

4x blood baron 0x obzedat the removal that wont Hit the baron hits the obzedat

November 29, 2013 2:22 p.m.

RikonVan says... #12

Or the other way around... :-)

November 29, 2013 2:23 p.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #13

Your mainboard looks pretty good. Your sideboard on the other hand... Can you explain what you would side for which matchups? I don't see Ajani, Caller of the Pride , Alms Beast , or Tablet of the Guilds being sided in against any of the current matchups. Ajani is mostly used in hyper aggro decks with his -3 to end games. If you're wanting to use his -8 as a win con, mainboard him over Pacifism although it would be hard to keep him alive long enough to use his -8. Pacifism is great against big creatures but with all the removal you have, that doesn't matter. Alms Beast is just a budget yet worse version of Desecration Demon . I'd suggest uping the demon main board to at least 3 so that you can hit that 4-drop. The Tablet does no good in this deck main or side. You have enough lifegain to sustain yourself.

I'd suggest adjusting your sideboard to accommodate formats in the current meta, mainly control (Esper or Mono-blue), devotion (Mono-red, blue, or black), and aggro (Mono-white and G/W). One great card in your main I see is High Priest of Penance , perfect against aggro.

Overall, I'd say this deck is really good. You have a control type of gameplay going with all the removal. Plus your sustain/lifegain will help you against the aggro match up. Against midrange, the Ghost council with his ETB and recurring presence should finish them. Against control, the Baron is your best hard-counter to it. But side in the Soldiers against that match up too. Your hardest matchup will be a mirror or a Mono-black devotion deck. Since those decks usually run Erebos, God of the Dead , stopping your lifegain will end the game for you. Plus with devotion build up, all they need is Gray Merchant of Asphodel to win.

Just my opinion on your deck. To be honest, if I had the budget, I would love to run this kind of deck. For this I'd pick up Erebos, God of the Dead for other lifegain decks and Archangel of Thune as a 2-of alternate finisher. Variety in finishers will keep your opponents guessing especially if they have limited removal. I'd also get rid of Orzhov Charm and up the count on Doomblade, Hero's Downfall and Celestial Flare . Add Dark Betrayal to your sideboard against black decks sided in for Doom Blade. Stab Wound also a great side card for midrange.

Have fun at FNM! I feel like it could do really well.

November 29, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Kage-no-Raito says... #14

Oh and get 4 Temple of Silence and if possible 4 Godless Shrine for the mana-fixing. The scry is good especially since you really need to hit all your land drops to win. Shocklands are always just great, plus you won't lose much life with all your life gain.

November 29, 2013 4:50 p.m.

Jordan0601 says... #15

Tainted_Light thanks for the suggestion. I think i will keep three Orzhov Charm . They let me bring creatures back to my hand which can definitely help when I only have one desecration demon on the field and my opponent decides to celestial flare it. Plus I can use it to get rid of my opponents stuff.

December 2, 2013 3:30 p.m.

Nick_V says... #16

Maybe im pointing out the obvious .. or its a joke i missed .. however Demonic Tutor is not Standard legal so wont be playable in FNM ... Diabolic Tutor is standard legal though

December 26, 2013 10:29 a.m.

Jordan0601 says... #17

Wow i feel so stupid. Thanks for the correction though. Wish Demonic Tutor was though.

December 26, 2013 11:05 a.m.

Vizermage says... #18

I run a similar Orzhov list, and if I might make a suggestion; I see you're using a lot of removal for the purpose of disruption so that your 4-drops and 5-drops can come down unhindered, but I think you might want to cut some of the outright creature destruction to make room for some hand disruption with Duress /Thoughtseize and Sin Collector the latter of which is especially useful as it comes down a turn before Demon and takes care of any counter/kill spell your opponent would use.

December 26, 2013 4:19 p.m.

Countertop says... #19

Merciless Eviction deals with pretty much anything the situation calls for, unless your against control

December 27, 2013 9:05 a.m.

CanibalKaiser says... #20

Try exile Worldspine Wurm , maybe with Merciless Eviction

Here is no more Demonic Tutor ! In Standard you have Diabolic Tutor

January 8, 2014 10:07 a.m.

Jordan0601 says... #21

I fixed the domonic tutor/diabolic tutor problem already. I don't like Merciless evictions cmc but it does look like the only answer to the wurm

January 8, 2014 10:11 a.m.

Ghostfang1337 says... #22

Cool to see others do the B/W thing. I made Oreo Cookies. 1st Place FNM!!! for your deck I suggest Master of the Feast due to the cheap early threat it can provide you with. On top of that I think the downside can be easily countered by your focus on control. Also maybe replace the Vizkopa Guildmage for Brain Maggot . The Maggot did me wonders in fnm. Many people didn't even remove it, and ignored the threat I pulled from there hand. The people that killed it wasted the spell on the maggot so I could swing through with something strong.

May 18, 2014 11:22 a.m.

ThEdUnCeCaP says... #23

May 18, 2014 8:19 p.m.

Jordan0601 says... #24

Ashen Rider cost too much mana for my taste. I do like Brain Maggot though. I just don't like taking our the Vizkopa Guildmage for it. Vizkopa Guildmage has won me games. Maybe the Pack Rat ?

May 18, 2014 9:17 p.m.

Ghostfang1337 says... #25

Best bet is to play test it both ways. First the way you prefer -Pack Rat . If that doesn't work out then try removing some things, or reducing the amount of things to fit in a few Brain Maggot to test them out.

May 18, 2014 10:21 p.m.

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