An Orzhov Weenie deck made by yours truly, after much research of other successful weenie decks.
****Card Analysis****
Boros Elite, Judge's Familiar,
Soldier of the Pantheon
All solid 1 drops, most have only one toughness leaving them open to Drown in Sorrow but we have answers for that later on.
Precinct Captain A solid two drop, but he costs WW. If you start with no shock lands, this can be rather unfortunate, and can end up delaying something for a turn. However, a 2/2 with first strike is good, the ability to make soldiers is really only added value.
Pain Seer I was hesitant about this card. He has to swing to be our only card draw, isn't helped by
Brave the Elements
, and has a tendency to steal our life. However, since our highest costing card has a 3 CMC, he won't be too devastating to us, and forces an answer from the opponent.
Ajani, Caller of the Pride He is the white weenie man, giving buffs, and providing a few ways to end the game should you get close to that point. Also his double strike buff combines well with Precinct Captain who will end up making two 1/1 soldiers.
Fiendslayer Paladin
In a black dominated meta, he is also a solid drop due to his pseudo-protection. He also gives us a way to get a little bit of life back, and also can be buffed out of [[Drown in Sorrow] range pretty easily.
Xathrid Necromancer He turns all of our opponents sweepers into buffs for us. He requires himself to be dealt with before any sweepers, or just turns all of our 1/1 tokens and 2/1 one drops in to nice 2/2s. A solid in this deck.
Brave the Elements
awesome finisher card, doesn't affect any of the black minions, which is really it's only down side. It also helps with shenanigans when it comes to blocking.
Spear of Heliod Excellent to use to get 2/2 creatures out of Drown in Sorrow range, and can add a lot of damage in one round of swinging. Also is some removal, though at a higher cost.
Orzhov Charm
Gets you back some of your smaller minions, keeps things safe from dying to removal, and provides some removal itself. A solid card, and not to expensive at all.
Lands: Mutavault is recommended, but I myself do not have any.
Banisher Priest
provides some other way to deal with enemy gods and Master of Waves. Anything that may have protection from
Orzhov Charm
can be removed with him.
Dark Betrayal
again, in a mono-black dominated meta, this gives us a way to deal with demons and rats without taking too much of a toll on our life.
is another answer to Drown in Sorrow, though it is rather expensive. Of course, it can also be combined with
Brave the Elements
to be a nice finisher.
Spirit of the Labyrinth screws over control. It also negates our Pain Seer, so replacing one with the other would be a good idea.
***Good cards I didn't take*****
Drown in Sorrow We have a lot of protection from this, but nothing aggressive for it. Why? It's rather expensive, both in terms of CMC and dollar wise. 1BB is going to be hard for us to get, and would interrupt tempo. Against aggro it would be good, so it's worth he mention, but also trust other decks will be prepared for it.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion way to expensive. Plus drawing this off of Pain Seer would be a tough pill to swallow.
Pithing Needle Good for dealing with planeswalkers, but we are hoping to have a dead opponent before they can bring out their walkers. Also interrupts tempo
Archetype of Courage Another good 2/2 drop. May be good to slip him in as a sideboard against aggro, but for now, he provides nothing on the aggressive front.
Heliod, God of the Sun He is a wonderful god, allowing us to play creatures without cards, and gives everyone Vigilance. Which won't help our Pain Seer at all. I would put him in if there was room, but there is nothing I'm too keen on taking out.
Daring Skyjek
He is a good 3/1 with a nice battalion, but I feel the other 2 drops we have provide more usefulness.
Imposing Sovereign
Is another good card against aggro, but with the new inspired mechanic, she may not be the best drop. She does help against the haste-tribute creatures for sure, but if anything. I'd at least use Blind Obedience because most aggro decks won't be able to deal with the enchantment, and the extort can give us some extra life.