strateupjee says... #2
I have Blood Artist in just because with tokens, im not afraid to have them block and die, especially when they have vigilance, and making me gain life and you lose life when that happens, just too good!, also if it were you, 1x Obzedat and 3x Blood Baron or a 2-2 split? I am gonna stray away from making Nighthawk a 4 of due to wanting to make tokens on turn 3 usually, and lastly, Sorin, since he is rotating, will almost in no way make an appearance in this deck, unfortunately.
August 26, 2013 11:31 p.m.
DarkDeathclaw says... #3
Just to comment but if you're worried about Sorin, Lord of Innistrad rotating out, he isn't the only problem that comes up. Vampire Nighthawk , Midnight Haunting , Tragic Slip , Blood Artist , Lingering Souls , Sign in Blood , Intangible Virtue and Oblivion Ring are all going out of rotation too. Plus like you're getting at in your description, you might wanna run creatures with extort. That way you get to gain the life you want and drain your opponents all at the same time. Most are real low mana cost so just extort extort extort every time
August 27, 2013 6:08 p.m.
Slipshadow says... #4
I like it. +4 Lingering Souls and +4 Vampire Nighthawk for sure. And I give your deck a +1 because it is similar to other mid-range strategies, but a little off the beaten path. Don't be afraid to try new things!
August 27, 2013 11:47 p.m.
strateupjee says... #5
Where would you fit in the Souls? Also I can't run 7 Nighthawks =P
August 28, 2013 12:40 a.m.
lelandgiovanni says... #6
I love anything BWx by far my favorite colors. My notes would be:
4 Path of Bravery may be a bit greedy with only 13 creatures. Drawing that with no threats late game will piss you off every time.
and although i read your note on Chromatic Lantern i dont necessarily see it fitting in a two color deck, i think its more important to get something that effects the board state turn three, if you are dropping it to get BB or WW by turn four you may be too far behind.
Just my thoughts :) keep brewing!
August 29, 2013 9:45 p.m.
strateupjee says... #7
Dropped the lanterns and 1 of each PoB and SiB to add 3x Lingering Souls and 2x Underworld Connections to add in more bodies that I know I need and more draw power I found I need in the late game
August 29, 2013 9:59 p.m.
Since you have no creatures with mana cost 1 or less, I can't help but see Orzhov Charm as useless in this deck. Yeah, he saves a guy but with more Vampire Nighthawk they should be dead before they can kill.
Sign in Blood need not be more than 2, otherwise you're just drawing it (not really, but too many)
You might want more lifegain, as I only see 10 lifegain cards and I see 8 cards that hurt you. I don't think your creature base is aggressive enough to keep you at 21 to power Path of Bravery .
Otherwise, it looks quite good.
August 30, 2013 9:21 a.m.
strateupjee says... #9
Orzhov Charm is a one and done kill spell, first and foremost haha, second of all, I don't like Sign in Blood at 4, but I don't quite think 2 will cut it, the deck this is roughly based off of runs 4 mainboard haha, and I have never stayed below 20 life (where path of bravery was involved) more than 1-2 turns, I can always recover with this deck (which is freaking awesome), and plus with the inclusion of Lingering Souls I now have extra bodies to gain the 1 life trigger off of, however, when you get 2 on the field, that is when the fun starts!
August 30, 2013 9:30 a.m.
consider Dutiful Thrull or Grim Roustabout regenerate can usually tie up must aggro decks
September 4, 2013 9:15 a.m.
strateupjee says... #12
Well I should have almost no problem with aggro because if it goes perfectly ill have a turn 1 Tragic Slip to kill their 1 drop (if not ok, and not killing a Cackler xD), then turn 2 kill another thing, then turn 3 drop either the Jedi or the flying Vampire and shut them down through life gaining and killing.
Aerokid says... #1
You don't get the full benefit of Blood Artist without lots of creatures to kill off. Child of Night and Tithe Drinker might serve you better in the 2 drop slot. Vampire Nighthawk is a powerhouse and you should try to run 4. More Blood Baron wouldnt hurt either. Intangible Virtue is another thing you could do more with. More token generators like Sorin, Lord of Innistrad and Beckon Apparition would help. Maybe even Phantom General .
August 26, 2013 11:26 p.m.