

Any suggestions are welcome.
Here's an overview of the Deck:


Soldier of the Pantheon --- Great one drop that can push through damage or road blocka multicolored threat. Good against multicolored aggro decks and control decks (cannot be Detention Sphere d, also best card against Brave Naya. Take out against most Sylvan Caryatid decks.

Precinct Captain --- Aggressive 2 drop which can also be a good defender, and it can take over a game if uncontested. Excellent against aggro strategies and control (allows you to put a lot of pressure on to force a Supreme Verdict / Detention Sphere to take out a small creature). Take out against most Sylvan Caryatid decks

Brimaz, King of Oreskos --- Versatile threat which can attack and defend very well, and will take over the game if not dealt with immediately. Excellent in most matchups. Take some out if playing against Monster variants.

Desecration Demon --- Giant monster that is very hard to deal with and can present a fast clock as well as roadblock a large creature. Good versus any midrange deck without cheap removal. Take out against Mono Black, for it is clunky and easily killed by their sideboard cards. Not stellar against control on the play, but is reasonable on the draw (pre-verdict versus post-verdict)

Blood Baron of Vizkopa --- Hard-to-kill threat which can present large life swings as well as be able to push through damage, or be an imminent win condition versus many decks. Good versus any black or white based strategies (Try to play around Devour Flesh and Celestial Flare as much as possible, for it is near impossible to beat for those type of strategies). Take them out versus monster variants ( Polukranos, World Eater , Mizzium Mortars , etc.), as well as mono blue (too slow).

Obzedat, Ghost Council --- Large body that drains consistently and is near unkillable versus control. Excellent in matchups in which you are the aggressor (control), as well as matchups where the life gain is important. Not stellar versus mono black, and is also not great against monsters and mono blue.

Bile Blight --- Good answer to token strategies, aggressive decks (with and without Burning-Tree Emissary ), and is a good answer to Pack Rat and Nightveil Specter . Take out against control and monster variants, as well as planeswalker strategies.

Doom Blade --- Cheap answer to any non black threat. Take out against control and black devotion variants.

Ultimate Price --- Answer to any mono colored creatures. The reason I use more of this than Doom Blade is that this works well with Soldier of the Pantheon as a way to cover almost all creature fronts. Take out against control and Brave Naya.

Hero's Downfall --- Cheap, flexible answer to almost everything, at instant speed. good versus most everything. Take SOME out versus control (answers elspeth and Jace).

Thoughtseize --- Cheap discard spell to answer any threat (except Loxodon Smiter ). Good versus control, any midrange deck, and Mono Blue (thassa and Master are all you care about), as well as Burn (Trade 2 life for a 4 damage burn spell). Take our versus aggro decks.

Ajani Steadfast --- Excellent way to ultimate elspeth 1-2 turns faster as well as boost all the tokens you make from her, Precinct Captain , and Brimaz, as well as a way to gain life back (use +1 on a Desecration Demon ). Take out versus mono black, control, and any other matchup that kills a lot of your creatures.

Elspeth, Sun's Champion --- Giant late game threat which can shut the door on aggro, and can take over a game very easily. Good versus almost every deck. Take out against burn.

Whip of Erebos --- Solid artifact/enchantment which can help you gain massive life, as well as comboing with Obzedat. Good against aggro, burn, and control, Take out against mono blue, and any other matchup where you are taking out Obzedat.


Blind Obedience --- Bring in against aggressive decks with haste creatures, monsters/ Xenagos, the Reveler decks, and is decent against obzedat.

Deicide --- Bring in against Mono Blue (Take out the only threat to you: Thassa, God of the Sea ), mono black ( Underworld Connections ), Control decks with Detention Sphere , as well as any decks with gods or good enchantments (Constellation Decks).

Drown in Sorrow --- Bring in against Aggressive decks (Mono Red, Mono White, G/W, B/R, etc.).

Lifebane Zombie --- Bring in against any White or Green creature decks, as well as against control ( Archangel of Thune , Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Nyx-Fleece Ram , Fiendslayer Paladin , Brimaz, King of Oreskos ).

Nyx-Fleece Ram --- Bring in against Aggressive strategies, as well as against burn.

Obzedat, Ghost Council --- Bring in against control.

Pithing Needle --- Bring in against almost everything except burn, and aggro.

Read the Bones --- Bring in against grindier matchups (Monsters, Planeswalkers, Control, Mono Black)

Sin Collector --- Bring in against any deck with important instants/sorceries (Control, Mono black, Burn).


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 9 Rares

5 - 2 Uncommons

0 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Emblem Ajani Steadfast, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Ideeas, Alan, Standard, orzhov, Orzhov, ahhh, other, Orzhov yum, DDDDDECKS, white
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