1)Treasury Thrull
would be at the top of my curve, and I'd rather be 'wipping back' creatures into play, as well as get card advantage from Erebos, God of the Dead
. Also, I would like to keep mana open for removal. Another point is that I have no significant artifacts/enchantments that I would consistently get back, and Whip of Erebos
needs creatures IN the graveyard to be most effective.
2)Crypt Ghast
was a serious consideration, but I left it on the sidelines due to the fact that I already have 10 four drops, and to add anymore would ruin my curve. I also did not find it as aggressive as I'd hope to be with this deck, and on turn 4, I'd rather be putting down a Desecration Demon
, then putting immediate pressure on my opponent, rather than playing Ghast and Losing it to a bounce spell, or removal spell such as Last Breath
. I will consider it as a sideboard card though.
3)Dying Wish
can be useful, although most of the creature that would be worth enchanting it to can be contained. Erebos, God of the Dead
can easily not be a creature as well as not being able to die, and Desecration Demon
can be tapped down. I could kill my own creature to trigger it, but then I'd waste a removal spell. Overall, I'd like to create a board presence and out as much pressure on my opponent on turn 2, so that Erebos and his Whip can become extremely relevent. Dying wish on turn 2 is awful, and its late game is relevent, but I'd rather draw a removal spell, or use my mana for more proactive cards that affect the board state.
December 20, 2013 5:53 p.m.
High Priest of Penance, Willing from Ready/Willing, and/or Thrill Kill Assassin?
December 21, 2013 9:24 a.m.
High Priest of Penance
is an impressive late game card, but is very useless on its own. Early Game it does not pose a threat, and usually your opponent disregards it and doesn't mind trading their turn 2 play for a creature that would be an issue later. Also, in this standard environment, against mono blue, priest would just be evaded, with flyers, or with Thassa, God of the Sea
's Ability. Against mono black, or a mirror match, priest gets slightly better, but will usually get killed by a non-dealing removal spell. Against any green, red, or GR deck, priest looks promising, but it is not so good, for in many GR or Red aggro decks its not a specific card that kills you, its just the endless swarm of creatures. And those decks can also swarm you early game, and once you have to chump block with the priest, they will play their bigger threats. Priest also goes against my early game plan of swarming, then life draining; Although, priest can be a decent sideboard option.
Willing is an interesting card. I have made decks around it, and sneaked it into a lot of decks. It can be very powerful, but isnt very aggressive. Assuming that it is most useful in late game stalls, I would have a Whip out for lifelink, and removal spells for death touch. Although not consistent enough to be a mainboard card, this is an EXCELLENT suggestion for a sideboard card. I will consider how to use this most effectively.
Thrill-Kill Assassin
is a very interesting card. Again, I would like to be as aggressive as possible, so I would have to unleash him on turn 2. Then he would be pretty irrelevant in the late game. He is actually a bad draw in the late game, just being a bad Priest (see above). If I don't unleash him to make him a relevant blocker, then he is not aggressive enough, and if I unleash him, he would eventually not be able to block, and then trade with a Hill Giant
Sized creature.
December 21, 2013 2:40 p.m.
Once you get your 4 lands this deck gets out of control. I like it +1
January 4, 2014 9:28 p.m.
pingpongball120 says... #9
Dark Betrayal in the side for monoblack devotion decks
January 17, 2014 5:05 p.m.
@pingpongball120 Dark Betrayal
is a good idea, but the only thing worth killing would probably be a demon because of the new BNG cards coming out to help deal with Pack Rat
The issue I have with dark betrayal is that it is going to be a dead card in a lot of cases, but I am going to add it because mono black is an issue and it is superb against itthank you
January 17, 2014 5:25 p.m.
@pingpongball120 Of course haha I would never mainboard that, I was saying how it's only good against a small portion of decks, but that is why I will be playing with 1-2 copies only, so that I have room for more diverse cards
January 17, 2014 5:56 p.m.
pingpongball120 says... #13
Yes, however monoblack is the biggest deck in standard right now, I'd run 2 if I were you
January 17, 2014 6:43 p.m.
@pingpongball120 I'm running Bile Blight against Pack Rat , and 2 Dark Betrayal s
January 23, 2014 10:48 a.m.
Check out my own Orzhov midrange. It wold be fun to test these out against each other.
January 24, 2014 2:16 p.m.
benwah3000 says... #17
Where's your Mutavault ? I would get them over Orzhov Guildgate .. really slows down your momentum.
February 21, 2014 2:26 p.m.
@benwah3000 The mana in this deck is pretty bad. The Guildgates are crucial to keep the mana consistent enough (I have a lot of Double black and double white mana costs). In a deck where you need 12 duals to stay consistent, Mutavault is going to hurt me more than benefit me. I could put in one, but I don't think that I have good enough mana to afford to do one.
February 21, 2014 2:34 p.m.
@redben346 Champion of Stray Souls is an interesting card in this deck. Whip of Erebos needs creatures in the yard for maximum value, but champion can also be very good when I have a lot of tokens. Overall I do not think it will make the deck because I do not have a way to mill myself, and I do not think that it is nearly as consistent as whip or Elspeth. Tormented Hero is very unimpressive. I do not have ANY way to target it, so it will just be a 2/1 for one, which is just a bad Soldier of the Pantheon which enters the battlefield tapped. It is also competing with Thoughtseize , which makes it even worse.
February 22, 2014 2:55 p.m.
love it great help for me i love the style i have a orzhov midrange myself but if you had to choose one which would you do option one 2 Obzedat, Ghost concil option two 1 blood baron of viskopa or option 3 one of each beacuse i am kind of on a budget
March 5, 2014 7:40 p.m.
@Pigsfly I would run one of each because both cards are just incredible, and the variety makes your deck more flexible in different matchups. If you have the money, I would suggest having at least 2 Obzedats and a blood baron, as well as Whip of Erebos , but to answer your question, run one of each.
March 5, 2014 7:52 p.m.
@M16man66 I do run whip i will upload deck so you can see it and also i'm thinking of running Diabolic Tutor to get singles out
March 5, 2014 7:59 p.m.
@Pigsfly I'd be happy to look at the deck. I find that Diabolic Tutor is very clunky and is often not proactive enough to close out games, but it can get your one-of 5-drops
redben346 says... #1
Treasury Thrull, Crypt Ghast, and/or Dying Wish?
December 20, 2013 5:30 p.m.