Orzhov Midrange

Standard* M16man66


TheDudeAbides says... #1

How's Mutavault in this deck? Was thinking of converting my weenies into a midrange because Midrange has a lot more to offer

May 18, 2014 11:40 p.m.

M16man66 says... #2

@TheDudeAbides: The many is very shaky, and I've tried a couple of Mutavault s, but they have been bad. In a deck with better mana, I would suggest one or two Mutavault s

May 19, 2014 6:36 p.m.

Good deck. I would sugest upping your count of Blood Baron of Vizkopa . He is just such a good card. Also in your disctiption when you were givingis a runoff of your matchups, I think I would be a lot better if you spaced and made your text in paragraph form. Like this.

Round 1: G/R Monsters- jdhfheijdbfhdifnrjdbfjdidowiwyyqiwor7dnznxbsj#+48#&$+2&#+%&hggggjfjrhdjdhdjchrhdicgcbndkslxhcrbwmwe w.eukwoqqqqbansnentyvrhrbjtjubtxxzsrgswswddcxkhikjojfoonviksj,hgdkHehrji$+7j|||]

Round 1: G/R Monsters game 2: hfjeifjdjfbcjdidjdjfjosososkskskslskskskfb gch g hens Shi+68|||. Abbey>|<|>hhejrHHHRJDJDHDHFHCUEKFNHFB. FBH&&&(|>|||>[][


May 26, 2014 9:19 a.m.

M16man66 says... #4

@Traps_and_Spells, thanks for the advice! I have two blood barons in the main (Just moved one from sideboard for Game day) and I am reluctant in adding more due to the fact that I have a lot of 5 drops, and that RTR is about to cycle out. I Apologize for the description, I will try to fix it.

May 26, 2014 4:56 p.m.

iwin7368 says... #5

What about adding a couple Sunbond in there?

June 9, 2014 4:11 p.m.

M16man66 says... #6

@iwin7368: Sunbond is a card which has no real upside to it, and it would mostly be a dead card, synergizing with only Whip of Erebos and Blood Baron of Vizkopa . It cannot enchant either of those, and is useless without either of those present. I would usually be two-for-oned whenever I cast sunbond, and it is bad in every single matchup, aggro and control. Overall, sunbond is not a very good competitive constructed card for this deck, for it has no synergies and also doesn't have any impact even if there was synergy. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!

June 9, 2014 4:51 p.m.

AHeroNextDoor says... #7

Awesome to see someone else playing a similar style deck, and posting decent results as well! Here's the deck I'm running for the sake of comparison:


What's your general plan vs. aggro most times? Also, do you feel Athreos is a solid addition to this style of deck? I'm on the fence about his inclusion as well as what to replace for him in my deck?

June 19, 2014 11:20 a.m.

M16man66 says... #8

Aggro has previously been a bad matchup, and that is the main reason I moved Read the Bones to the sideboard in favor of Brimaz, King of Oreskos and more Removal. In Game One, I usually just hope that I draw the right half of my deck, because cards like Thoughtseize and Athreos, God of Passage are terrible against aggro decks. After Sideboard, I think I am favored, but I am still hoping to draw the right half of my deck. I have a good amount of my sideboard devoted to Aggro since it is such a bad matchup (Blind Obedience , Nyx-Fleece Ram , Drown in Sorrow , another Brimaz). Against Aggro I am hoping to win game 1, but usually am relying on life gain to grind my opponent out in the post-sideboard games. Athreos, God of Passage is a card I added in just to test out initially. With a low curve against control decks or other midrange decks, being able to put up significant pressure while topping off your curve with Athreos followed by a Desecration Demon is usually back-breaking. Athreos, however, is only good if you are the aggressor. I keep him in for all matchups except aggro because his upside when you are pressuring your opponent is very high. Going turn one Soldier of the Pantheon , turn two Precinct Captain , turn three Athreos, God of Passage , turn four Desecration Demon , can beat just about any deck, Even Brave Naya (See Above). I moved my Sin Collector s into the sideboard because Brimaz, King of Oreskos was a lot more significant. Despite Athreos being so good, I am also on the fence about him in the main board because when I draw him with no other creatures in play, he is quite bad. I am keeping him in, and I hope you experiment with him as well because Having an aggressive draw with him is almost unstoppable. Thanks for the props!

June 19, 2014 1:34 p.m.

N1996 says... #9

No Underworld Connections ? It is useful with packrat

August 29, 2014 7:32 p.m.

N1996 says... #10

sorry mistake with last comment thought I saw Pack Rat I didn't so sorry

August 29, 2014 7:39 p.m.

KingMetalink says... #11

I am wondering as to how it says this is legal in standard, as the Return to Ravnica block has been cycled out of standard.

January 13, 2015 2:10 a.m.

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