
Instant (7)

Enchantment (2)


Sorcery (1)

Had to make a deck around Athreos, God of Passage! This is probably the coolest God, in my opinion. Anyway, I would like to make this a competitive deck and standard isn't my strong suit, so any suggestions and tips I would appreciate!

So, obviously, the staple is the Athreos, God of Passage. Combined with cards like High Priest of Penance or Desecration Demon, it creates so much extra value. Also, I've added plenty of creature control to help keep the board in check. I feel Strionic Resonator could work really well in this deck, as almost all the cards have a triggered ability it can work with.

Also, the side board is not set yet! Those were just some extra ideas I had considered. Feel free to comment, +1, etc.!


Updates Add

I think Dying Wish is really underrated; I just realized it'd be funny to Devour Flesh my own creature when attached with Dying Wish; tons of life gain and the opponent takes a bunch of damage too. I'm so looking forward to this next set!


Revision 11 See all

(8 years ago)

+2 Blind Obedience side
+4 Dark Betrayal side
+1 Worst Fears maybe
-2 Blind Obedience side
-4 Dark Betrayal side
-1 Worst Fears maybe
Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 9 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.79
Folders deck ideas, Orzhov Ideas, Fantastic decks ! , Modern
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