
Creature (4)

Enchantment (4)

Artifact (2)

Sorcery (5)

"The Orzhov never forget a debt. Death is no excuse not to pay..."

Orzhov Undeath

Godless Shrine

The Orzhov Syndicate have always been known to associate with Zombies and Spirits, and this is not shown any better than Orzhov Undeath.

Card Breakdown

Thrull Parasite

This is what this deck is all about. Thrull Parasite serves two major roles; Extort, and counter resetting.

The Extort role is fairly self explanatory. If I drop a 1 or 2 drop with mana to spare, I'll extort. Every little drop of blood helps me reach my ultimate goal.

The second is a lesser used ability, and is probably the main reason I use Thrull Parasite. His second ability can reset the counter on Geralf's Messenger, allowing him to die and die again in the name of Orzhov supremacy.


Everybody's favourite 1-drop Zombie. It plays a pivotal role in this deck. Firstly, it is aggressively costed at B, and provides a good deal of damage in the first few turns.

The most important part of Gravecrawler, though, is it's recursion. This allows it to be sacrificed again and again to Cartel Aristocrat. This especially comes into it's own when a Blood Artist is in play, gradually adding up damage.

Diregraf Ghoul

Everybody's second favourite 1-drop zombie. It's a 2/2 for B. Which makes for a cheap hitter, but also helps Gravecrawler more reliable when getting back to the frontlines.

Cartel Aristocrat

Cartel Aristocrat is the shining star of this deck, enabling the sacrifice of my creatures, and proving incredibly hard to kill, all the while activating Blood Artist and swinging at the opponent, and thanks to protection, usually goes unblocked.

Blood Artist

The first of many straightforward choices. Aggressively costed? Check. Makes my opponent think twice before nuking the board? Check. Punishes my opponents when I start sacrificing dudes? Check.

Obzedat, Ghost Council

Ghost Dad. There really isn't much to say about him (or them). The deck's finsisher.

Lingering Souls

This card was and interesting choice to include, and it can fill a few roles in this deck. Firstly, they're cheap flying bodies that can stick to the defence and stave of some big hitters. Failing that, they are also useful Cartel Aristocrat and friends.

Geralf's Messenger

Much like Gravecrawler, Geralf's Messenger is a prime example of a sacrificial creature. By itself, it will die twice and cause the opponent to lose 4 life in the process, making it a 2-for-one, especially when sacrificed to Cartel Aristocrat or otherwise. Even then, undeath can always be reversed with a little angelic help...

Sideboard Choices

Mutilate - Perhaps the best removal black has right now, and considering about 3 of the four of the lands I use to pay for Mutilate will be swamps, it is deadly effective.

Blind Obedience - Annoys RDW something serious. Also adds some more extort into the mix, which is nice.

Pithing Needle - Planeswalker hate. Enough said.

Oblivion Ring - Good White removal. Nuff said.

Vampire Nighthawk - Useful for obliterating most of the current Angel finishers that seem oh so popular. Also useful if I'm losing a race with an opponent, as it is a cheap, effective creature.

Appetite for BrainsAn odd choice that may well be my only way to deal with Thragtusk, and most board wipes.

All suggestions on this deck are appreciated! Thanks for looking!


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(11 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 6 Rares

20 - 9 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Tokens Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink
Folders Decks I Like, standard, decks to check out, I'm a fan, brzombies, Orzhov, Zombies, Favorites, Others, Competative Decks
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