Orzhov's Healing Touch
Initial Card Replacements and Additions —March 12, 2014
Thanks to all of you who gave some advice, I really appreciate all of it.
I've done some consolidating here and there, removing some cards, and adding duplicates of others, but I won't have a trip to make it out to my local card shop for a few days to get any new cards.
I'm definitely going to add Trading Post, along with Festering Newt, Bogbrew Witch, and Bubbling Cauldron as soon as I can find them all. I'll go ahead and add Doom Blade and Pacifism to the deck, as I've already got two of each. I'll also be adding in two more Angelic Accord, Child of Night, and Soulmender as soon as I can get my hands on them.
I'm considering the removal of Avenging Arrow and Wring Flesh, I don't feel the really align with the rest of the deck that well, any opinions? Accursed Spirit and Minotaur Abomination are out as well. They were last minute additions that didn't sit too well with me either, and I'm glad that opinion wasn't just mine.
I'd also like to end up with a second Sunbond and Divine Favor, I like the concept of Stab Wound, but I'd be like to hear arguments as to why It doesn't work in the deck.
For now I'm using the Maybeboard as the Acquireboard. It makes more sense to actually display the things you'd like to add but don't own.