Orzhov's the Name, Lifegain's the game

Standard* cptjmaverick

SCORE: 32 | 174 COMMENTS | 17044 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS

cptjmaverick says... #1

Thanks for the suggestions Ballade1754 but DjinnjerVitis is right... by running Doom Blade you drastically reduce the number of targets for removal, especially with the ammount of multi coloured decks around at the moment, Doom Blade is in my sideboard but i never want it game 1 incase i'm against a black deck.

Also High Priest of Penance and Crypt Ghast both are fantastic creatures. High priest will lock out aggro decks from turn two, when mixed with Strionic Resonator it becomes a costly job to remove him. Crypt Ghast ramps me for game winning cards so i want to make sure i'm dropping him turn 4 for a turn 5 win if i can... Strionic Resonator is another card that can let me win early and again the deck can easily sideboard it out for more useful cards but a lot of my deck benefits from it

July 30, 2013 6:01 a.m.

Ballade1754 says... #2

The thing about Crypt Ghast is that it's a 4 drop, and your highest card cost is a 5 drop. So I don't see the point in getting too much of it.

July 30, 2013 2:38 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #3

It gives you the ramp for the X costing cards and lets you have lots of spare mana to use in your opponents turn whilst still playing your big creatures in yours... it could drop to three but literally i want the best odds of having that card on turn 4... with 3 i have less chance... all down to probability of draw... and using the least amount of lands as possible to get my plays off

Another point is that people will waste removal on that card... if they dont they are stupid and if they do then great means another one of my cards will be able to do its thing

July 30, 2013 3:17 p.m.

Ballade1754 says... #4

Actually, High Priest of Penance is what people waste removal on. Trust me, in my deck, Life Leeching Orzhov, I run him and people used a burn spell on him before putting any creatures on.

July 30, 2013 3:48 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #5

Most people i play will kill Crypt Ghast if they get the chance because they know i can win next turn if they leave him... but i agree high priest draws a lot of attention and tbh thats great because thats what he is meant to do... i mean bar a few wild and wacky decks that break the norm i've not actually lost with this deck so i just got it to a point where it runs how i want... again the people i play against may play very differently to the ones you face so we adapt to the people we play... this is the build i've found runs best for me

July 30, 2013 6:05 p.m.

Ballade1754 says... #6

I see all of your points. +1, great deck.

July 30, 2013 6:56 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #7

Thanks Ballade1754 it's been fun discussing the deck with you

July 30, 2013 6:58 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #8

congrats cptjmaverick, you made #10 in top decks today. was nice seeing it there :).

July 30, 2013 9:56 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #9

Oh wow really? Thanks DjinnjerVitis, sure your deck had been up there too as its a fantastic build and appears to have a lot of interest in it. How's it been doing at fnm recently?

July 31, 2013 2:38 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #10

well, im in the navy so i miss a fair amount of them. and currently out to sea until this friday, so i will be playing it on saturday. it does well, but i have a very competitive LCS; consistently facing $400-500 decks.

July 31, 2013 4:23 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #11

That makes for some stiff competition then, only a couple of guys at mine run decks that come with a hefty pricetag but it keeps the gaming interesting. Shame that you don't get more oppertunity to play, still good to have something to unwind with when you're back on shore.

July 31, 2013 4:45 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #12

yeah. have a small group that plays on the ship, jekara is pretty competitive (he has a nice mono-white deck, check it out if you get a chance Paladin's Path to Thune (5 turn win for monowhite) that hes going to debut it this saturday.

July 31, 2013 4:57 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #13

Thats cool I was wondering if you had anyone else on board who plays, i'll make sure to go check out that mono white deck your mate has... sounds interesting

July 31, 2013 5:59 a.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #14

Drop debt to the debtless and run 2x Exquisite Blood for the infinite combo with sanguine bond

August 2, 2013 2:51 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #15

a lot of people suggest that RedCloud2012 but a) its a bit of a crap thing to do to an opponent and if they have any sense they will shut it down fast, just feels unsporting tbh. b) its really slow and mana intensive, i'm having to waste turn 5 and 6 in the best case scenario getting the two on the field and then there's no guarentee i can set it off. Debt to the Deathless on the other hand is a card that can win you the game on turn 5 with Crypt Ghast on the field and wont involve clogging my hand with useless enchantments.

just my opinion but trolling my opponents isnt why i want to play magic

August 2, 2013 3:09 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #16

i believe that's the 4th time someone has suggested this for your deck?

August 2, 2013 4:30 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #17

yeah i think you are right... i've seen it a few times on your board too and just makes menwant to bang my head against a desk lol! seems like no one has realised you've been able to do it with Vizkopa Guildmage for months before Sanguine Bond was reprinted in m14, it rarely worked then and its no different now

August 2, 2013 5:37 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #18

yep... and its honestly really not that fun

August 2, 2013 5:49 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #19

as i said it just feels cheap

August 2, 2013 6:12 a.m.

RedCloud2012 says... #20

extort sets it off and diobolic tutor is in M14 so you can grab the one you didnt pull and boom. I'm using 4 crypt ghast and Lilliana of dark realms and a ton of removal to get there. Its kinda like black tide without clones and a super easy win con. Its mono black and plays mutilate though so viscopa is not and option. Yes its cheap but winning at FNM and building your collection 15 packs at a time vs feeling bad you hurt little spikes dream of winning tonights FNM and going on to be the next Brian Kiebler....Meh I'll take the ladder. Sorry Spike

August 3, 2013 5:03 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #21

lmao fair enough, tbh i have another deck which is my 'i win fnm' go to, just this one is a little more fun as it's got a lot of flexibility and just feels good to play

August 3, 2013 5:29 a.m.

Samurai1 says... #22

The deck works great. I took all your advice and this is what I came up with Orzhov possibility . Let me know what you think.

August 17, 2013 11:24 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #23

made some changes if you get the chance to take a peak.

August 18, 2013 10:20 p.m.

Trollhoffer says... #24

B/W lifegain is always good times. One of my concerns, though, is that you don't have many extort sources at all. Given that many of your noncreature spells are inexpensive and you support the deck with other lifegain options, that's not an absolutely massive issue, but I can definitely imagine that you have games where you don't have as much extort as you'd like on the board. Furthermore, the number of expensive creatures you run limits the opportunities you have to extort, even with Crypt Ghast .

Remember that cheap creatures are themselves fantastic opportunities to get a bunch of extortion off -- something like Thrull Parasite can turn the game around, just by being a cheap spell (and another source of extort).

All that said, I really love the combination of Rhox Faithmender and Sanguine Bond .

August 27, 2013 8:03 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #25

Hey thanks for the comment Trollhoffer. Extort used to be a massive part of this deck but its evolved a lot since then... whilst i like the slow grind of the lifepoints that extort gives you i've found myself edging more towards the best that white and black has to offer which means some of the orzhov cards have been left behind, especially the weaker ones. My main win conditions come from Debt to the Deathless , Sanguine Bond and Archangel of Thune and i have tried to include as many cards that allow me to control early then drop my big cards without too much worry.

The only real worry i have on this deck is a pure control deck as i dont have the speed or ability to stop the control decks main win conditions such as AEtherling and they can negate and destroy a lot of my cards which is never fun but hopefully i have enough win conditions that one will get through and turn the balance of the game

August 27, 2013 1:48 p.m.

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