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Our Lord and Savior, the Two Drop Planeswalker

Modern BR (Rakdos) Competitive Discard Midrange Theme/Gimmick




Sorcery (1)

Praise be unto him, for he torments those who are too weak to understand his power.

The Cards:

Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded is the engine that makes the deck work. His +1 essentially reads "draw a card", which is insane value. Also he can improve your late game a lot when you are topdecking.

Faithless Looting is how we smooth out our draws to ensure we get our engines running smoothly and we can find our lands. Discarding Bloodghast, Demigod of Revenge , and Fiery Temper is just sweet, plus we can discard any extra lands or spells that aren't relevant. Flashing this back in the late game is also a great way to ensure you can answer threats or find a body to put into play.

Bloodghast lets us get in for some damage. You can fearlessly suicide these guys as sacrifices to lord Tibalt, then bring them right back. Great plays when they block with their X/5, then you Lightning Bolt it afterwards. Haha!

Gurmag Angler is a Zombie Fish, which gives him style points. Also he comes down on turn 2-3 frequently and begins gobbling up the opposition.

Demigod of Revenge is just brutal. He always brings his buddies to the party, and those flying haste bodies hit hard. Even if he gets countered, those other Demigods are still being put into play.

Grim Lavamancer is great. Our Lord Tibalt gives us half of the cards we need every turn already, so we can fire some lava at people without any hesitation. This guy also just wrecks Delver of Secrets  .

I would love to hear some comments and criticisms about the deck, and +1's are never harmful (remember to always +1 Tibalt, his other abilities can't compare!)

The sideboard is still a work in progress until the meta is more clearly defined. I would appreciate any and all suggestions


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Finally was able to get some official testing done rather than just some pick-up games. Went 3-1 overall.

Round 1 vs Junk

Game 1 was a grindy affair. We both used discard to rip each other's hands apart, I killed his creatures with bolts and he Path to Exiled my Bloodghasts. After killing both his Liliana of the Veils and trading our manlands for each other, I kill him with Demigod of Revenge through his Lingering Souls

Sideboard: +2 Go for the Throat -1 Darkblast -1 Tibalt, the Fiend-Bloodedfoil

Game 2 was a total bust. Removal, Tarmogoyf, and multiple Siege Rhinos is hard to beat.

Game 3 played out similarly to game 1. Lots of back and forth, lots of beatdown. Finally I trade my three Bloodghasts for his three Lingering Souls. He passes at 19 life. I play a land to get back Bloodghasts and cast a Demigod of Revenge, getting the other two in my grave. Swing for 21.

Round 2 vs B/W Tokens

Game 1 took forever. He played token producers, I killed them with Gurmag Angler. Rinse and repeat until I got rid of his drawsteps with back to back Kolaghan's Command and killing him.

Sideboard: +1 Anger of the Gods +1 Darkblast +2 Duress +1 Engineered Explosivesfoil +2 Pyroclasm -2 Fiery Temper -2 Young Pyromancer -3 Tibalt, the Fiend-Bloodedfoil

Game 2 and Game 3 he goes Burrenton Forge-Tender into Rest in Peacefoil, then tokens into Sorin, Solemn Visitor. I get the RIP off the table game 3, but die to a double Intangible Virtue the next turn.

B/W Tokens seems like a really terrible match-up. I may need to dedicate a bit more hate for it. A good way to kill enchantments would likely be best. Maybe a second Engineered Explosivesfoil over a Pyroclasm

Round 3 vs Grishoalbrand

Game 1 was an easy affair. Turn 1 I Faithless Looting a Bloodghast away. He goes draw, discard Griselbrand. I then landfall and Inquisition of Kozilek away his Goryo's Vengeancefoil. Bloodghast and Young Pyromancer beats kill him quickly. Discard kept him off his combo all game.

Sideboard: +2 Duress +2 Rakdos Charm -1 Darkblast -3 Tibalt, the Fiend-Bloodedfoil

Game 2 was basically the same gameplan. Turn 1 Faithless Looting two Bloodghasts. Discard spells and Gurmag Angler kill him quickly.

Round 4 vs Grixis Control

This is honestly our best matchup, hands down. Grixis will almost guaranteed lose game 1, and unless they run Leyline of the Void or Surgical Extraction with Snapcaster Mage, they will never be able to beat Bloodghast and Demigod of Revenge. My opponent played neither.

Game 1 was quick. He gets turn 1 and turn 2 Ancestral Vision. I beatdown with Young Pyromancer and Bloodghasts. He dies to them and my Lavaclaw Reaches before the second Visions resolves.

Sideboard: -1 Darkblast -1 Terminate +2 Go for the Throat

Game 2 was a bit fairer. We sling discard and attack each other. He gets Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver on turn 3 and begins ticking up. Meanwhile, I fight through his Pia and Kia Nalaar with Lightning Bolt and Bloodghast. He kills my Gurmag Angler and Bloodghasts, and uses Ashiok to play one of my Young Pyromancers. Meanwhile, I'm burning him out with Fiery Temper, Kolaghan's Command, and Lightning Bolts. Cast a Demigod of Revenge for GG flying over his Batterskull

Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with how the deck performed. I've slowly began to realize that although Tibalt, the Fiend-Bloodedfoil can be super awesome, he can also be a liability. I side him out in about half of all my games. It might be correct to cut him for two Sin Prodder and another Terminate.

As for my sideboard, I'm probably going to cut the Despise for a Ratchet Bomb. Having more answers to Rest in Peacefoil and Burrenton Forge-Tender would be good, and in general enchantments can be a nuisance. This card also gives me more mileage against token strategies. If it works well enough, I may cut a second Pyroclasm for another.

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Revision 11 See all

(8 years ago)

+1 Goblin Lore maybe
+1 Grim Lavamancer maybe
+1 Tombstalker maybe
-1 Young Pyromancer maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 2 Rares

11 - 11 Uncommons

11 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.57
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
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