Modern* Milkaholic


Milkaholic says... #1

I'm looking to cut a few lands (maybe 2) for a few other spells. Any suggestions?

December 29, 2014 3:34 p.m.

mr_spooner says... #2

Fun, simple, and awesome, +1! Although not the same, can consider adding in the green creatures that have bloodrush, like Slaughterhorn and Wasteland Viper. Imo, I'd swap out Briarhorn for Slaughterhorn, but in the end, that's your call. Looks like a fun deck overall!

December 30, 2014 2:37 a.m.

Milkaholic says... #3

Thanks for the feedback, mr_spooner. Since the main attraction of Briarhorn is that it can be flashed in, I'm not so sure Slaughterhorn is going to fill his role well. That being said, I am testing with Slaughterhorn, and it is certainly interesting, if nothing else.

Too often he is just a weaker Giant Growth, and as a creature he holds up the mind games caused by leaving all mana untapped.

December 31, 2014 11:32 a.m.

JPODS0717 says... #4

I think fetch lands would do wonders here. they are probably out of your budget, but im 90% positive they will be reprinted soon. Deck thinning is perfect for control decks. also you may want to put in Breeding Pool to go with those Misty Rainforest if you have the money/want to. +1 from me.

Also, for sideboard, you may want to make one. lol

January 1, 2015 12:41 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #5

Yeah man, when they reprint those fetches I'll jump. Fingers crossed for zendi fetches in Dragons of Tarkir. I do need to pick up a few Breeding Pools though.

January 1, 2015 12:46 p.m.

JPODS0717 says... #6

Oh i actually think theyll be seeing reprints in Modern masters 2. I dont think wizards will put all 10 fetch lands in standard at once lol

January 1, 2015 12:50 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #7

Ehhhhh. I honestly don't know how much prices will drop on rares in mm2. Especially with something as in demand as fetches.

January 1, 2015 6 p.m.

hermesmtz95 says... #8

Looks fun!

January 2, 2015 6:04 p.m.

JPODS0717 says... #9

Very fair point.. i mean, just look at what MM1 did to goyf. not only did it not decrease his price, it actually increased it and its demand. So you may be right.

January 2, 2015 6:18 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #10

Honestly, I'm not sure how much prices will change at all. I've got a playset of Ravnica Remand and I don't think they'll drop below $10 each. Just look at PtE. No matter how many times WotC prints it, the price stays at about six bucks. Serum Visions will probably drop to $5, but I doubt that anything will fluctuate that much.

That being said, if I can pick up Misty Rainforest I'll swap them in.

January 3, 2015 9:38 a.m.

Milkaholic says... #11

Hey, if anyone could help me out, I'm looking for a way to add a 3rd Spellstutter Sprite to the mainboard. They are rapidly becoming my best T2 play. Any suggestions what I should cut?

January 6, 2015 5:34 p.m.

Cant have 3x Condescend in your mainboard and sideboard

January 8, 2015 3:42 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #13

Yeah man I know. I originally had none in the main board, but then moved them to and haven't had a chance to make a new sideboard yet. Thanks for pointing that out though

January 8, 2015 10:07 p.m.

lakit says... #14

January 11, 2015 3:22 p.m.

The sideboard could probably be slightly altered pending what you take out for it in a given game and what you want your ETB cards to be. I get that you run Nulltread as a quick beater that you can get out by T3 and that efficiency is a priority (hence the ETB cards), but I don't know if drawing cards is exactly what you want to be doing. You've obviously been testing the deck more than I have so you probably have a better feel (and card advantage is never a bad thing), so if your current sideboard works in testing, then godspeed. However, if I were playing the deck and wanted to throw in a sideboard for the sake of beating up your opponents Goyf-style, I would be tempted to try a more aggressive route and run some cheap creatures that can provide cheap boosts to your other creatures. Some cards that I'd consider after a quick search on Gatherer include Timberland Guide or even Simic Initiate or Bond Beetle. If you wanted to squeeze even more use out of the aforementioned ETB's, you could always try Hardened Scales as well. Augur of Bolas might also work if you still run a decent amount of instants and sorcerers after you sideboard stuff in. Nonetheless, these are just oddball ideas that popped into my head. Take them as you will, lol.

January 11, 2015 4:54 p.m.

Milkaholic says... #16

lakit while Treasure Cruise is undoubtedly a better card than Think Twice, I don't really feel the need to drop 2 bucks on a playset of cards that will be gone in the deck DCI banning. Treasure Cruise is broken AF, which is precisely why I'm not bothering to include it.

InfinityMinusOne because you took the time to be constructive and put a significant amount of thought that sideboard feedback, I'm going to breakdown the reasons for my choices. I'm also going to break them down for me, because, in writing, things often click. If this seems like I'm talking down to someone as smart as yourself (because you are a highly competent deck builder), it's because this is primarily for me. I'll probably end up copy pasting it into the deck description.

Anyway, here we go.

The sad thing about the sideboard is that it is only 15 cards. This gives us two options for how to construct it. Either we can tailor specifically to the current meta, slightly evening up our chances against particularly bad matchups, or we can devote it to an entire surprise package, effectively making a new deck. This is often seen in modern decks with a 15 card sideboard devoted to a Gifts Ungiven package. Since this is a casual deck, we are not going to be in a meta that mirrors the pro modern scene. For this reason, we will follow the second sideboard option, and make a package designed to beat face. This deck is not great on the draw. Not having a T2 counter is often dangerous. For this reason, the sideboard package is devoted to beating face as hard as we can. Now, the single most efficient creature in modern (and arguably in all of Magic) is Tarmogoyf. He's also 200 a pop, so we aren't playing him. However, Nulltread Gargantuan is a 5/6 for 3cmc, which is frighteningly good. Sure, he has a drawback, but we can work that into an advantage. Like bouncing Mystic Snake if we need a counter, or Coiling Oracle to prevent tempo loss from the missed draw.

Here's the thing though. We only have 15 cards to work with to completely overhaul the deck. This means that the instants need to stay, because the creatures are the most important things. Coiling Oracle is either card advantage or an extra land drop, and either way is great. He's an automatic 4 of alongside the 4 copies of Nulltread Gargantuan. That leaves us with 7 cards to play around with. I chose the Elvish Mystic and Lorescale Coatl package because between, the Remands, Think Twice, and Elvish Mystics, that is 16 extra draws to boost our snake. I chose the snake because the maindeck already had a support structure for him, and I needed more beaters.

However, during playtesting, I feel often like the draws 12-16 are gratuitous, and to dig for that counter would be very nice. Augury Owl, though he doesn't put a card in hand, provides an evasive beater. I've thought about him. Augur of Bolas on the otherhand provides a nice body. What it comes down to is what I need most as a repeatable effect. I can scry 3, or draw a card, or dig for a counter. When those are your options, and the bounce dudes really aren't meant to be beaters, the +1/+1 counter of Timberland Guide isn't good enough. Bond Beetle and Simic Initiate are both interesting options, as they hit a turn earlier.

Thanks bro. This kind of feedback is great.

January 11, 2015 9:22 p.m.

Hmmmm... Cackling Counterpart? Sadly you can't bestow another Boon Satyr onto anything with it, but as long as you leave the mana open you could essentially have another Mystic Snake or another booster in a pinch, provided you already have another in play.

Eel Umbra might also be an interesting method of protecting your creatures. Just a thought.

January 16, 2015 1:07 a.m.

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