My first and most used deck, I fell in love with Jasper at first sight and he's the main reason I got into the game, so I'm very determined to make him work (despite how mid I've found out he is) so I'm always looking for advice as well as any other outlaw player's who have advice on how to make this deck do stuff.

The goal with this deck is to round up a crew of outlaws and treasure makers (preferably both in one) to start stealing as many cards as possible and win using someone else's wincon or slug it out with combat damage.

I'll say it right now though, Jasper isn't the best commander for theft which isn't that good of an archetype to begin with so if you're looking for a deck that gets consistent wins, this is not the commander for you. However, if you're looking to have fun casting rakdos criminals that let you play with other people's stuff, this is absolutely the deck for you.

Game diversity, almost no 2 games will be the same because your source of cards will almost always be different depending on who you're playing with and what they're using so the deck will almost always feel fresh.

The deck isn't too commander-reliant, despite most of the theft coming from Jasper, there are a lot of cards in the 99 that can be big threats on their own.

The biggest strength of this deck however is once Jasper gets going you're essentially playing someone else's deck with more card draw and treasures, which can be amazing at times, for example mono red goblins are brutal early game but run out of steam later on, this is counteracted by the fact you can draw 5 cards at a time from their deck and will have plenty of mana to keep casting all those cards. Alternatively, if a player is running big stompy green creatures you can steal their ramp and big boys to match their creature's power real quick.

Best of all being able to steal staples from anyone is great too, nothing feels better than stealing someone's sol ring off the top and adding it to your collection.

Goes very well against decks whose gameplan revolves around the top of their deck, eg scry decks.

As I said earlier theft is fairly weak and Jasper isn't even the best theft commander there are a good few weaknesses to the deck that I've found.

The theft itself comes with a few rotten downsides. For one, it can attract ire from other players on the table as theft can be seen as taboo depending on the pod, as such you can find yourself hard-focused at times out of spite, especially if you find yourself stealing someone big hit off the top, nothing hurts more than seeing some nerd across the table grinning as you're forced to hand over a sol ring you could've gotten next turn.

Consistency is another problem with this archetype, while jasper does give you very solid card advantage, 9 times out of 10 you'd rather card advantage of cards you KNOW are good that you put in your deck yourself rather than risking it and hoping the guy across from you knows how to deck build, or that his cards will synergize with yours in the first place.

On that note, another downside is synergy with the stolen cards or the lack thereof. Drawing a rabbit that knows karate if there's a banana on your battlefield is a lot less fun when the only banana in anyone's deck is that guy's commander.

A downside with Jasper himself is that he doesn't have access to blue, which is a premier theft color and has all of the good theft payoffs, as such we're forced to scrounge for any vaguely theft-related card we can.

Outlaws also aren't a super-supported tribe, there are very few cards that care about all outlaws and we're using most of the useable ones.

I wont be going into the mana rocks here as they're fairly self explanatory, however most of the ramp in this deck is through making treasures and amassing a horde of them so you can cast as many stolen cards as possible alongside your own.

Captain Lannery Storm: Solid treasure maker that's able to go through defenses fairly easily due to the +1/+0 treasure breathing effect, people would much rather take 2 damage and let you keep Lannery over questioning how willing you are to sacrifice your newly made treasure to kill their 3/3.

Kellogg, Dangerous Mind: Lannery Storm but instead of treasure breathing he has first strike and an outlet for your treasures if there are any creatures on the board you're willing to pay 5 treasures for.

Decadent Dragon: This adventure card is extremely solid in the deck, as the adventure can be used to essentially draw 3, while the creature side ramps you and gets a chunk of flying damage out every turn.

Grim Hireling: This guy is AMAZING, more often than not you'll have a way to get at least one creature through someones defenses in order to get a chunk of treasure every turn, this effects even better if you can get through everyone's defences as he'll be netting you a massive 6 TREASURES A TURN. Granted, you're typically only getting 2 treasures a turn from him in most games, this is more than enough. To top it all off he's removal on a stick as long as you have the treasures to meet the requirement.

Prosper, Tome-Bound: From one bomb to another, prosper is card advantage and ramp on one body which is already good enough, however he also synergizes with theft as we'll always be casting stolen cards from exile, netting you a massive amount of treasures and helping you cast every single card you steal.

Treasure Nabber: Whats better than casting your own mana rocks? Using other peoples duh. This guy isn't too reliable as ramp as some games no one else will have any mana rocks so he'll be effectively useless, however most times he's gonna be netting you 3 mana rocks minimum on your turns, or he's gonna be stopping other people from using their rocks as often, this is a win win for you.

Black Market Connections: This is a very solid swiss army knife in your collection, no matter what point you get this unless you're really low on life (i'm talking single digits here) you'll never regret drawing this. On your pre combat main phase you can buy a few things from this using your life as currency. For 1 life you can net yourself a treasure, hint: you ALWAYS take this every turn whether you're buying anything else or not. For 2 life you can draw a card, this can be good when you're starved for options, this mode should be used a bit more sparingly than the first as 2 life is where we start to get a tiny bit risky. Then, for 3 life you can net yourself a 3/2 shapeshifter, this modes amazing early game when you need a body in case anyone's being a bit too aggro, or it can be used after a board wipe when you're feeling a bit too open for comfort.

Dark Ritual: The token ritual of the deck, nice to be able to bring in your bigger cards a few turns early.

Discreet Retreat: This is definitely more of a flex pick that you can swap out if you don't jive with it, allows you to enchant a land to allow it to tap for 2 mana of any one color that you can ONLY spend to cast outlaw spells or activate outlaw abilities, it also draws you a card at the cost of 1 life whenever you cast your first outlaw spell each turn. This effect isn't too bad if not for the fact it costs 4 mana to cast, definitely more of a comfort pick than an actually good card so feel free to swap it out.

Most of the card advantage in this deck is through theft/exile (Hence why i called this section "card advantage" and not "card draw") so be wary of that.

Decadent Dragon: As mentioned earlier, the adventure is essentially 3 mana draw 3.

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser: For every creature you deal combat damage with you get to choose one of his two effects, both of which are very useful, however, most times you will be using the exile mode netting you 1 card advantage for every creature that deals combat damage. However if that player has a particularly nasty creature on board you can goad it to make it someone else's problem for a turn, alternatively you can goad a value engine forcing them to swing it at someone else and let it die.

Mari, the Killing Quill: Mari's an odd case, she theoretically can ramp you and draw you cards, however it relies on you not only hitting a player for combat damage, but that player also having non-token creatures that have died and been exiled by her which doesn't happen as often as you'd like. Thankfully though, she does give most of your creatures death touch as well as being graveyard hate on the board, so even if she doesn't net you any treasures or draw she's doing a solid amount by just existing.

Morbid Opportunist: A very solid source of card draw, any cards that reward you for simple game actions you don't even have to commit to are great.

Prosper, Tome-Bound: See his section in ramp

Rakdos, the Muscle: This guy doesn't always net you treasures as we aren't sacrificing creatures too often in this deck, however he has the ability to give himself indestructible and us card draw at instant speed at the cost of a creature, whether he's tapped or not, so he's a very nice chunky flying beater to have at any point in the game.

Reckless Lackey: Not exactly a card draw engine, however it is a nice one drop you can swing in with aggressively early game, then turn it into a treasure and a draw later in the game when someone inevitably blocks it with a bigger creature.

Valki, God of Lies  : Ignore the front side of this card as you are almost always casting it for the front side unless you're extremely desperate. This guy is amazing, as his +2 is effectively draw 4 cards, his -3 is bouncing someones creature/artifact into your hand, and his ultimate is moving everyone's graveyard into your hand, all of this without even effecting your maximum hand size is amazing. Unfortunately this guy is a massive target for removal so make sure you can protect him with your posse before slapping him on the board

Insatiable Avarice: Both spree costs on this card are amazing to play, its honestly a very underrated budget tutor. For 3 mana we can sorcery speed vampiric tutor, for 3 black pips we have a roided out sign in blood, and for 3 black pips and 2 colorless we get to demonic tutor and draw 2 lose 3 life. The flexibility on this card is great no matter what game you're in.

Brainstealer Dragon: Steals three cards each end step, a theft payoff as well as being a decent flying body. Good card.

Deadly Dispute: Good draw card as it either nabs you a treasure and 2 cards for 2 if you have a spare body/artifact you're willing to sac, or it's just 2 cards for 2 mana if you have a spare treasure.

Black Market Connections: See it's section in ramp. TLDR; Optional ramp, card draw and token generation at the cost of life. Really good card.

Charred Foyer / Warped Space: This one isn't the most solid choice as card advantage due to how expensive it's mana cost is, however you're mostly adding it for warped space, allowing you to cheat the cost of one exiled card each turn, which includes any stolen cards which has the possibility of being a big hit.

Court of Locthwain: Adds monarch into the game which is always a fun minigame, at the same time it gives you permanent card theft on your upkeep as well as allowing you to cheat the cost of one of these cards each turn as long as you're monarch, the fun part about this is you don't have to be monarch on your upkeep to get the reward unlike most of the courts, allowing you to swing at someone to steal monarch and then cast a card stolen by this for free.

Cunning Rhetoric: Discourages attacks by allowing you to steal the top card of whoever's swinging at you giving a nice bit of card advantage.

Discreet Retreat: See it's section in ramp, TLDR; Not the best at card draw or ramp so feel free to swap it out if you like.

The interaction package is pretty standard in this deck, cheap black instant speed creature removal, a few coverage removals for things black and red dont usually remove, as well as a few of what i like to call "rakdos counterspells" (aka redirect spells if you wanna be LAME).

Feed the Swarm: Sorcery speed creature/enchantment removal, could be replaced with Withering Torment if you really want it at instant speed.

Massacre Girl: One of the two board wipes in this deck, you could swap her out for any of the multitude of other black/red board wipes, it's more of a flex pick for me.

In Garruk's Wake: The other board wipe, you can swap both of these out for any of the better board wipe alternatives, i chose this as it functions as both a finisher and a board wipe however there are definitely better options.

Vandalblast: You can almost always get solid use out of this no matter what decks you're playing against as almost everyone is running mana rocks, however this card gets even better against decks more reliant on artifacts.

Bedevil: Subpar removal you can swap out if you like, however i come across a lot of planeswalkers in my pod so i find it advantageous to run due to how flexible it is.

Bolt Bend: You can almost always get this card of for 1 mana as any of the creatures your opponents are going to want to destroy on your board will be 4+ power as well as the fact jasper himself has 4+ power.

Chaos Warp: Solid permanent removal with a slight chance to screw you over, however most times if someone flips over a permanent it'll end up being a land so you wont be losing too much.

Dead Before Sunrise: Now this card is more of a hear me out than most of the cards here (similar to pretty much all of the cards that care about outlaws), it seems like a winmore card in most scenarios, however i find you'll usually have 3-4 creatures on board with around 3-4 power each, this card effectively allows you to remove an amount of creatures equal to how many you have on board minus around 1-2, however my favorite part of this card is that it's instant speed, allowing you to hold up 4 mana if you plan to use it to hold up blockers and see what exactly your opponents are doing giving you a chance to respond to any large attacks/game actions. More often than not though you're going to be casting this card and tapping all of your creatures on the player before you's end step, removing a few important creatures before your untap step. TLDR; I added this card because it's a cool cowboy card that removes a couple creatures based on your board state that pops off every once in a while, you can remove it if you like.

Great Train Heist: This is another more off pick, it has a few nice spree choices so it's a very flexible card. For the first mode you can spend 4 mana during your combat phase to untap all your creatures and get another combat right after, 4 mana for another combat step is a pretty fair rate if you compare it to other extra combat cards so this mode is the one you're going to be picking the most to close out games or finish someone off. For the second mode you can pay 3 mana to give all your creatures first strike and +1/+0 at instant speed, you can use this as a nice combat trick when attacking or when defending, this is another solid choice in a lot of games. For the third mode you can pay 2 mana to make it so you make a tapped treasure token for each creature you control that deals combat damage to that player, a nice cheap ramp option if you can get a couple creatures in unblocked. This card really shines in how it allows you to mix and match each of the modes based on what the current situation calls for, however, I've found with this card in particular it's very easy to hold onto it waiting for the "perfect turn" where you cast it for all 3 of the modes with a big board finishing off a player and making a ton of treasures, this however is very unrealistic in this deck so try to get any amount of use out of it rather than holding onto it for too long. Even if all it does is make you a couple tapped treasures for 2 mana or let you kill a few of your opponents attacking creatures with first strike, thats a lot more value than dying with it in your hand.

Imp's Mischief: Another redirect spell, useful due to how much hate jasper and the few big creatures we have can draw towards themselves.

Infernal Grasp: The most complicated card in the deck, so complicated in fact, i simply don't have time to talk about it's true inner intricacies. This is one you'll have to meditate over to truly understand.

Rakdos Charm: In most games it's going to be used as artifact removal, however in the few fringe cases its used to exile a graveyard players graveyard after they snuck their commander into their 50+ card graveyard feels amazing. And there's a few cases where the last mode will win you the game with the extra bit of damage, especially against token decks.

Return the Favor: A more underrated redirect spell, probably due to the cost. At 3 mana you can simply redirect a spell/ability, which is always nice to have as it's gonna be our form of counterspells. However this card truly shines in that it can also copy any instant, sorcery, activated or triggered ability, this can allow you to steal games right from under the nose of other players for just 3 mana by copying any big spell like Expropriate or even an overloaded Cyclonic Rift. Alternatively, you can just cast it for both of its modes to double and give to the next person any removal sent towards you. We love versatility.

Shoot the Sheriff: A solid black removal spell that's even on theme, waoh!!! There are a few fringe cases where where someone will decide to redirect this spell or even steal it from us, in which case we'll be almost completely safe from it. It does come with the downside that other people can also have Tribal decks based around an outlaw subtype (What do you mean a rogue or pirate deck is objectively better than an outlaw deck?) or even have their commander be an outlaw, if you're not too fond of these scenarios happening, you can feel free to swap it out however I've found this happening very little to me, more often than not it's more funny than anything else.

Soul Shatter: Edicts are always fun to have, especially one sided edicts.

Terminate: You can probably swap this out for any of the multitude of other mono black removal spells with a less restrictive mana cost, however i like terminate so i'll be keeping it for now.

Untimely Malfunction: Yet another modal spell, if you can't tell i think these are really fun. This card is genuinely amazing and should be added to more of your red decks, as it's artifact removal, a redirect and a...weird blocker removal? Yeah you're mostly just casting this for the first two modes unless you're really desperate for that extra damage. Either way, it's nice to have options at this low of a cost.

Waste Management: In most games you're casting this for a bit of graveyard hate that grabs you 2 2/2 rogues for 3 mana at instant speed, however if you ever find someone has a huge graveyard of creatures, you're paying 7 mana to exile that graveyard they were probably planning to use and getting a ton of rogues on top of it. Don't kid yourself though, most games this gonna be 2 2/2s for 3 mana with a liiittle bit of graveyard hate.

The Eldest Reborn: This is an altogether nice card, as whether someone removes it or not, you still get an edict out of it. If they don't remove it however, you get an edict, force everyone else to discard a card AND reanimate a creature from anyone's graveyard (woah theft), all at the cost of 5 mana. In most games someone is gonna have a nice creature in their graveyard by the time this reaches it's 3rd effect.

At Knifepoint: Another subpar outlaw matters card, if you don't care all that much about the outlaw theme then you can remove it probably, however i get a good bit of use out of it when i get it out. Giving all your creatures first strike on your turn for 3 mana isn't too bad of a deal, especially when you're getting a bit of token generation on top of it as long as you can commit the crimes to keep it going, which Jasper does on each of your upkeeps. It gives you more opportunities to get in for combat damage which this deck needs a good bit of, so i decided it's worth keeping.

Back in Town: Hey! An outlaw matters card that isn't actually all that bad! Crazy! More often than not you can get a good chunk of value out of this card, however it's benefits do diminish the more mana you spend on it, as once you get to 9+ mana you may as well just be playing Rise of the Dark Realms (you could actually add this card to the deck and it wouldn't mind it). You'll typically be using this to get 2-4 higher mana cost outlaws alongside Jasper to get around the commander tax. Either way, it's a really cool card i recommend for any deck that cares about an outlaw creature type. Though i guess you could just use Agadeem's Awakening   instead... sighhh kicks rock

Reanimate: Always a solid card in any deck including black, steal someones Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite after everyone worked so hard to get her off the board to see everyone groan and her owner shrink into their chair as all their creatures go from 7/7s to 3/3s

Butch DeLoria, Tunnel Snake: This guy is 100% a comfort pick that you can remove if you aren't as into greasy little rat men as i am. He comes with the ability to give your other creatures some evasion as well as turning them into rogues to activate his +1/+1 ability even off of non rogue outlaws. I find he typically gets a good bit of damage in over the course of a game however there are absolutely better choices for this slot so feel free to swap him out.

Dauthi Voidwalker: Pretty obligatory in any outlaw/rogue deck, especially a theft deck. He's graveyard hate, (effectively) unblockable damage as well as free theft on one 2 mana body, this guys great.

Dire Fleet Daredevil: You're absolutely never casting this on curve, it's an effective way to recycle anyone's removal more often than not, however you can also look out for any other nice instants/sorceries people use if you wanna steal one of those instead.

Graywater's Fixer: Probably one of the top 3 best outlaws matters cards in rakdos colors, would 100% include him in any deck that cares about outlaw creatures types in these colors. Encore is a scary good ability no matter who has it on them, giving you a chance to recycle your creatures in your graveyard for a good chunk of free damage. Works especially well when encoring Zulaport Cutthroat alongside a few other cheap creatures, almost always netting you 10+ life for you and 10+ damage to all of your opponents, which is a nice combo to win the game (granted it's definitely not something to rely on). Another card you could add to help this guy out even more is The Master, Multiplied, as it will make it so your encored tokens stay permanently as well as allowing you to encore legendary creatures to much greater effect. All this said however, more often than not he's just gonna be recycling your creatures for extra damage/etbs.

Mayhem Devil: Now, i will not lie to you, i mostly added this guy because of the new anime print and my love for little freaks in leather jackets (see Butch Deloria and Jasper himself), however despite not being an outlaw this guy is a really solid choice in this deck due to the amount of treasures you'll be making, allowing him to be bonified removal whenever you use your treasures (we know this is a good effect because grim hireling does this as well without letting you get mana from the treasures). The best part about this guy is that he activates whenever ANYONE sacrifices ANY permanents. Land fall player cracking a land to get another land? PING! Treasure player just existing? PING PING PING! Token deck with black in it? PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! We love being rewarded for anyone taking basic game actions.

Mysterious Stranger: Similar to dire fleet daredevil with an added downside and upside. The downside is you exile one instant/sorcery from each players graveyard and have to pick one at random to cast, which despite being pretty bad is actually pretty fun in the moment. The upside however is HUGE, as this guy allows you to cast whatever card ends up chosen for FREE, cheating costs on spells is always amazing, especially when you get an outlaw body at instant speed alongside it.

Thieving Amalgam: This guy generates amazing value for this deck, he is however usually a very big must hit target so be careful when casting him. He'll be netting you 3 2/2 manifests on each turn rotation as well as rewarding you for stealing creatures by healing you and damaging their owners when they die. however the best part about this guy is his synergy with Jasper. See, despite this snake ape freak not being an outlaw therefore not counting for jasper's outlaw count, the manifests he make are NOT cards you own, so they'll be turned into outlaws by Jasper, netting you HUGE card advantage and token generation while this guy and Jasper are both on the field.

Tinybones, the Pocket: Probably not the best card in the deck, however i think he's cute and he IS an outlaw that steals so he's on theme. More often than not he's a practically free deathtouch blocker stopping people from swinging at you as willy nilly, however he's also an attacker that practically forces blocks if someone has a nice permanent in their graveyard, putting people in uncomfy situations where they either let you steal a nice card from their graveyard or lose a creature. It's all about the intimidation factor with the little guys.

Unstoppable Slasher: Will most likely be removed at a later date, he's a solid blocker that forces blocks similar to tinybones, however unlike tinybones he forces blocks a lot harder as people are a lot more likely to let you cast a card from their graveyard than take 20 or so damage from a 3 drop. The best part is he'll come back from the dead as long as he has no counters on him, so he's an outlaw body thats a loot harder to remove than most cards.

Zulaport Cutthroat: This guy is a bit more meh than most in this deck, however he is a 2 drop so he kind of gets away with it. He's mostly board wipe deterrent as people are a lot less willing to wipe you're board when that wipe also says "the jasper player heals 5 life and everyone else loses 5 life". A removable card if you don't see the use in it.

Cloak and Dagger: A really fun card to have in your opening hand, casting this on turn 2 feels a lot less bad than casting Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots on turn 2 as this card further progresses Jasper's outlaw count as this card IS considered an outlaw. That on top of being able to auto equip it for free onto any rogue you cast is very fun. Fun fact: you can equip this card onto ANY rogue creature that enter's, not just your own, allowing you to possibly use it as a bargaining piece in certain games.

Bitterblossom: A really solid token generator that nets us a flying outlaw on each of our turns at the measly cost of 1 life a turn and 2 mana. With how many combat damage triggers I've gone over, i think you can see why getting that many fliers in can be good for us.


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95% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Manifest 2/2 C, Mercenary 1/1 R, On an Adventure, Rogue 2/2 B, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, The Monarch, Treasure, Wicked
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