pie chart

Overlord and his Comboing Court

Commander / EDH Combo Infinite Combo Sliver



Back to Sliver Overlord from The First Sliver, you can see the deck list here. The First Sliver was fun but I wanted to go into a more serious, not quite CEDH, direction. It's not impossible to win in combat. More than likely victory will come from some kind of combo.

With that in mind let's break this deck down.

Sliver Overlord - There are many legendary Sliver lords that have been printed through the years. Sliver Legion & Sliver Hivelord are just okay. Not going to lie, Sliver Queen is a great infinite combo enabler. The First Sliver is explosive, if inconsistent, and plenty of space in the deck has to be used on cards to manipulate the top of our deck. Unless of course it's Food Chain which is another pretty solid competitive combo deck. Our commander is just solid all around. His first ability is a Swiss Army knife allowing us to search up whatever we need to get out of the situation or help us push to a victory. can be a little much so to make this a little easier we're adding...

Training Grounds - The biggest activated ability cost reduction currently in the game redues our Commander's abulities down to .

Heartstone - The OG creature cost reducer.

Both of these cards have a clause that stops creature abilities from costing less than . Therefore, our commander will never be searching or stealing for free.

These cards will also impact a few other creatures in our deck, which will be noted when we get to them. If you'd like more or different options for these, there's Zirda, the Dawnwaker.

On the surface, the second ability seems to be useless we're in a mirror or there are changelings on the other side of the battlefield. So, to help us steal our opponents' hard cast critters we'll use...

Shields of Velis Vel - When we're ready we can pay and turn all creatures one player controls into everything, including creatures. Allowing us to scoop them all up in one go, or a lot of them. This could also be Amoeboid Changeling or Unnatural Selection. I've played them both in this deck at one time or another. The and turn all creatures one player controls into everything, including creatures. Allowing us to scoop them all up in one go, or a lot of them. This could also be changeling has to survive for a turn, or it can be hasted it up and we can only steal one creature per turn. Unnatural Selection gives us a political angle to approach creatures. Unless Sliver Overlordfoil is in play it doesn't do too much.

Also, with seven power commander damage is very real way to win the game. This can be done with as little as two attacks with the help of Bonescythe Sliver. Three swings are more common.

Winning with Intruder Alarm Show

Winning With Mana Echoes Show

With the popularity of the tribe we can always look forward to seeing more printed. It's unlikely we'll ever see the sheer volume of them printed in one go like the good old days.

There's good chance on a few being printed every time a specialty eternal card set comes out. We can also take a closer look at Changelings for any value, Unsettled Mariner is a good example.

Sliver Queen - The original five colour creature. Here to chew bubble gum and make infinite tokens, and she's all out of gum. Her ability can be reduced by Training Grounds & Heartstone. The simplest way is in tandem with Mana Echoes and a single token trigger we'll have all the mana for all the tokens we want. Add a haste sliver and the game should be over.

Infinite Tapped Slivers Show

Infinite Untapped Tokens Show

Lavabelly Sliver Combo Show

Screeching Sliver Combo Show

Infinte Mana, Any Colour Show

Adding any of the ability cost reducers to these will start netting mana. Currently, the only outlet for this are other slivers.

The First Sliver - Unlike our commander this can come into play and immediately make an impact on the board. Note that any Sliver which is cascaded off of The First Sliver won't cascade in return because The First Sliver isn't in play and the cascaded spell resolves first, but afterwards cascades off one sliver to another sliver will give another cascade etc., pretty explosive. Our Enlightened Tutor, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Vampiric Tutor and Worldly Tutor can all help to make a bigger boom. On the downside, if there are cards like Trinisphere or Sphere of Resistance in play we'll have to pay the tax on the cascaded spells in addition to the original spell. Also, cascade and cards like Rule of Law don't mix.

Sliver Gravemother - Let's take this one one step at a time. The Legend Rule doesn't apply. For a couple of our legends it's mostly meaningless. Sliver Hivelord or Sliver Gravemother herself. With our Commander we'll most likely put him back in the Command Zone. We can also let him go to avoid paying a large Commander Tax and either attack or use him as per usual perhaps getting that last bit of Commander damage. Encoring the Sliver Queen, we get a Second Chance to go off with Her Majesty. The other legends get much more interesting. Sliver Legion becomes Craterhoof Behemoth on steroids. And oh boy, the pre combat The First Sliver. Up to four cascades off each sliver played. On that note that brings us to the second ability of Sliver Gravemother. Why yes that is four precombat The First Sliver because encore is sorcery speed before we go into combat and shenanigans will ensue.

Sliver Hivelord - Blue collar sliver lord. Nothing fancy, easy to understand, just punches the clock and goes and stops damage-based and destruction-based effects and abilities.

Sliver Legion - Slivers are really good at going wide. Sliver Legion grants our swarm to power to go tall. Like, skyscraper tall.

Shifted version of Coat of Arms

Basal Sliver - Our Ashnod's Altar stand-in and facilitator for many of our infinite combos.

This is a shifted version of Basal Thrull

Galerider Sliver - M14 gave Sliver players a lot of upgrades, none more so than Galerider Sliver. It has the same power and toughness as Winged Sliver for less and its ability only covers our hive.

Shifting Sliver - On the higher end of our curve, but this is one of the ways we can push a lot of combat damage through a clogged board. Shadow Sliver is also an option and it's the worse option. Going forward we'll only be able to block creatures with shadow. Be aware if you choose this path.

Screeching Sliver - Combined with Intruder Alarm we can have a real chance at milling one or more of our opponents. It'll also plays havoc with their Sensei's Divining Top, Brainstorm, any of the Mirage tutors (Enlightened Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Vampiric Tutor & Worldly Tutor) and anything else that might manipulate the top card of their library, particularly if we flash it in with Quick Sliver. Having a second one drop Sliver can also help us set up our Mana Echoes + Sliver Overlord search loops. In the early stages it'll get us that extra or mana that'll get us over the hump and make the combo self-sufficient.

Gemhide Sliver & Manaweft Sliver - One, two punch of mana fixing and mana acceleration. Thank you to Commander Masters! Now our Manaweft Sliver looks like an ACTUAL sliver and not a Predator.

Hatchery Sliver - This one has been slept on. We're not playing any Slivers which we would benefit from having extra copies, like Predatory Sliver. Harmonic Sliver would be able to destroy any combination of two artifact/enchantment. What it is good at is creating fodder for Necrotic Sliverfoil (See 'The Leader of Our Swarm' tab under 'Winning with Mana Echoes' for a complete explination). Intruder Alarm and a Gemhide Sliver or Manaweft Sliver and maybe a haste enabler this guy becomes Sliver-Queen-at-home.

Quick Sliver - Why should we limit ourselves to playing slivers on just our turn when we can play on anyone's turn? Unlike other flash creatures our slivers can radically change the way blocking goes for our entire team. Or we can suddenly add some ability to the squad which makes things difficult, see Screeching Sliver.

Venom Sliver - Allows us creature a bit of removal in combat potentially turning each of our swarm into a land mine. With Horned Sliver + Venom Sliver and those land mines suddenly become suicide bombers. Deal one damage to the blocker, kill it and trample over with the rest. Never forget, the combat step is a type of creature removal. Thank you to Commander Masters! Now our Venom Sliver looks like an ACTUAL sliver and not a Predator.

Horned Sliver - Pairs well with Venom Sliver and Sliver Legion. With Horned Sliver + Venom Sliver we'll only have to assign one point of combat damage to the blocker for lethal and then the rest of the damage tramples over. Sliver Legion changes our team from being individually weak to worldbreakers which can't get past a single elf or insect. When it becomes Horned Sliver + Sliver Legion it will take quite a lot of big butts to stop our damage. Don't forget, in commander it's not unreasonable for our opponents to go just as wide as we do (up to and including infinity) and without trample, or Shifting Sliver, we could be doomed to a board stall.

Heart Sliver - Slivers like to go fast and this one hits the table and goes the fastest. It, and the other hasty slivers, combos well the mana slivers to aide casting our meat hooks ahead of curve or en-mass. We're going with two haste enabling, the other is Cloudshredder Sliver. They're the lowest CMC Slivers with haste. If you can't find them or want more haste options you're in luck. Slivers that give haste are well represented in the tribe. The next best option is Blur Sliver, followed by Firewake Sliver and as a last resort there's Reflex Sliver.

Spiteful Sliver - this is a very flexible creature. Attacking and blocking just became a lot more fun (for us anyway.) This also gives us a chance for creative problem solving since we redirect the damage to any player not necessarily the owner of the damage. We can crash one of our Slivers into a creature and remove a Walker. We can also suicide a single creature into a field of tokens and direct leathal damage at the pillow fort player. We can also cast Blasphemous Act and kill the table. Spiteful Sliver are package deal. If we were to remove one card from the deck we should probably be pulling both.

This is a shifted version of Repercussion Double coloured mana costs for slivers are rare.

Sentinel Sliver - at it's heart this is an aggro deck, which can leave us open to counterattacks. This sliver allows us to play offense and defense. Furthermore, with one of our mana slivers we can cast spells in main phase 2 after the attack or even at the end of our opponent's turn with the help of Quick Sliver.

Regal Sliver - Two parts to this card. We become the monarch. Which is nice and all. People tend to hate slivers so we'll be getting attacked anyway, but we're playing Quick Sliver and instant speed token generators like Sliver Queen and we can steal it back. The real meat of this card is once we're the monarch every sliver that come into play gives the swarm +1/+1, for each sliver, we don't even need to cast them. When we get to make a large number of slivers and then they'll be huge. Throw in haste and we can get a free win or free elimination.

Cloudshredder Sliver - Such value with this guy! Take a bit of Galerider Sliver and a bit of Blur Sliver then reduce the cost by . Chef's Kiss

We're going with two haste enabling, the other is Heart Sliver. They're the lowest CMC Slivers with haste. If you can't find them or want more haste options you're in luck, Slivers that give haste are well represented in the tribe. The next best option is Blur Sliver, followed by Firewake Sliver and as a last resort there's Reflex Sliver.

The original art for Cloudshredder Sliver is an homage to the original art for Skyknight Legionnaire

Crystalline Sliverfoil - We've got a lot of critters running around and this is the best sliver at protecting the swarm from any targeted removal or annoying activated abilities. Weirdly, this can include our own Sliver Overlordfoil, sort of. Here's why, with all of the Clone and Clone-type of cards running around the format someone from the other side of the table can copy our Commander and start stealing our team. This'll become a war of resources, which mostly ends with one of the other two opponents capitalizing while we're pettily tit-for-tatting each other. Crystalline Sliverfoil stops this from even starting.

The best way out of this scenario is to be the first player that controls both Sliver Overlords. Legend rule their copy

Crystalline Sliver + Sliver Hivelord gives us low level invincibility. Though we're still vulnerable to cards like: Merciless Eviction, Toxic Deluge and the everpresent Cyclonic Rift.

Now comes the big but. BUT it also stops slivers from targeting other slivers so a few of our good to great options become situationally useless. The only one kept in our deck is our Commander. As noted in his tab if we control Crystalline Sliverfoil and we change an opponent's creature type with Amoeboid Changeling the creature in question will become a Sliver and get shroud. In addition to its cost, this is also the reason we don't play Ward Sliver.

The most common Sliver in other decks around the internets that can non-bo with Crystalline Sliver is Crypt Sliver. Then probably Firewake Sliver and Magma Sliver.

If this realization isn't for you good news! Diffusion Sliver and/or Unsettled Mariner might be for you. With the release of Strixhaven: School of Mages we can simplyfy their rules text and just say proto-Ward of pseduo-Ward. (No thanks needed)

Hibernation Sliver - Another way to insulate ourselves from board wipes which destroy, board wipes that reduce toughness board wipes that exile targeted removal and combat tricks. It may also behoove us to pick up and re-cast our slivers when The First Sliver is in play and get some two-for-one cascade value or re-trigger other ETB effects. If you'd like more protection from removal Frenetic Sliver offers a 50/50 chance of dodging it.

Harmonic Sliver - Commander is a format of mana rocks and greedy land bases. Destroying a nasty Signet or Sol Ring can cripple the other side. There are also oh so many problem artifacts and enchantments that are just begging for an immediate end. If we're out of creatures in hand Hibernation Sliver can bounce one back to our hand for some more sweet, sweet ETB triggers. The downside of this card is if we run out of targets on other people's battlefields we'll be forced to turn on our own. This risk can be mitigated by replacing Chromatic Lantern with either Darksteel Ingot or Skyclave Relic.

Shifted version of Aura Shards

Necrotic Sliverfoil - This card is helped by Training Grounds and Heartstone. This one can remove any troublesome permanent. With Basal Sliver + Sliver Queen and one of our ability cost reducers we've go the potential to completely wipe our opponent's stuff and securing the victory by sadness.

Shifted version of Vindicate

Mox Tantalite - Colour fixing early on and can be the ultimate last link in a card:The First Sliver(MH1) cascade chain.

Arcane Signet - Least expensive five colour fixing, in terms of cost. card:Fellware Stone is a fine substitute, though you're dependent on our opponents.

Sol Ring - Does this really need an explanation...it goes in every Commander deck.

Scroll Rack - Helps to fix a bad hand or setup our cascades with The First Sliver, while also getting rid of dead cards. There are also fetches in our deck. In legacy a Brainstorm and then fetching is called a "Perfect Brainstorm" . What is it called when we clear four plus dead cards from our hand into our deck with Scroll Rack ?

Intruder Alarm - At the very lowest level this card can act like pseudo-vigilance, attacking and then casting a creature. There's so much more we can be doing! If there's a Gemhide Sliver or Manaweft Sliver we'll be able to play many creatures from our hands, building up to cast our commander (and any tax we've accumulated) then moving on to the slivers in our deck. Throw in The First Sliver and we'll go two-for-one on our casts. Or with the Sliver Queen we can create infinite slivers. Or with Screeching Sliver we can tap our team over-and-over-again and go for decking out our opponents.

On a side note; when this went through R&D did WoTC believe this would be a stax piece or combo enabler? Both? Neither? Genuinely curious.

Mana Echoes - The best/easiest use is to combine with Sliver Queen and create infinite Slivers and infinite mana. We can also generate a lot of mana and pump it into Overlord searches up more Slivers and just keep going.

It can also just be used to generate colourless mana to extend our plays. Free mana is never a bad thing.

1x Forest

1x Island

Badlands, Bayou, Plateau, Scrubland, Taiga, Volcanic Island, Underground Sea. - Dual lands, originally they weren't in the deck. Decks have been condensed and collection has been shrunk so now they're in. They're the Rolls-Royce perfect non-basic lands. Unless you've been playing a while, have a large disposable income or a time machine they're kind of to get ahold of but if you can you're, in all Humility ,in an elite group.

Bloodstained Mire, Flooded Strand, Misty Rainforest , Polluted Delta, Verdant Catacombs (ZEN)- Fetchlands, like the Duals originally they weren't in this deck. Lands which were in there made everything playable. It has been very rare when casting something was a problem. With this land base these it doesn't matter what colour(s) are missing these can find them. The finest colour fixing there is, until something better comes along.

Blood Crypt, Breeding Pool, Godless Shrine, Hallowed Fountain, Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, Stomping Ground, Temple Garden & Watery Grave - Shocklands. They're great. Play them.

Cavern of Souls - We're a tribal deck and making sure we keep a steady supply of critters coming out of our hand and staying on the battlefield is crucial to winning. This land fixes our mana perfectly and stops our opponents from countering our slivers, or at least once a turn.

City of Brass & Mana Confluence - Pain lands aren't ideal but they're a concession we need to make. Remember greatness at any cost.

Also, when Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is in play Mana Confluence taps for or without damaging us.

Command Towerfoil - Let's see, are we playing Commander? Check! Are we playing more than one colour? Yes! No reason not to include it.

Gemstone Caverns - Welcome to the game-within-a-game...The Great Gemstone Game.

Contestant number one, check your opening hand. If you have Gemstone Caverns check and make sure you're not going first. If you are we have this lovely parting gift of a draw on your turn.

Contestant number two, draw your opening hand if you don't see Gemstone Caverns you can stay in the audience and play a regular game of Commander.

Contestant number three, you look at your opening hand and you see a Gemstone Caverns and you aren't going first. Congratulations! Your on the stage and ready to play for the fast start.

Okay, enough of the game show metaphor. This is a Chrome Mox we only have one opportunity in the game to play. When evaluating a hand to best use Gemstone Caverns we want to look for turn zero plays, which are going to be Enlightened Tutor which we'll use to get Mystic Remora or a Top. A Worldly Tutor which will be used to find a two mana turn one play. Usually, a Gemhide Sliver, card:Manaweft Sliver(m14) or Heart Sliver. Lastly, a Vampiric Tutor to find any of the above or some other two mana play depending on what our opponents play. If a turn zero play isn't there make sure you have another land and something to on turn one, like a Gemhide Sliver. At a stetch a turn two Rhystic Study.

Next, we need to have a card to exile, bearing on mind we don't have Riftsweeper or one of those over-designed Battle for Zendikar Eldrazi to get it back. Whatever we choose is gone. Like many other Commander decks there's a certain amount of redundancy built into ours but there are some pieces which are irreplaceable. Know your deck when you choose.

The hardest situation with Gemstone Caverns is having it in the opener and the hand does nothing. That's the way things go sometimes and you'll have to mulligan it away and sometimes it'll be the card you bottom. It's cliche but there's always next time.

Secluded Courtyard & Unclaimed Territory - Five colour tribal fixing. Great! It also taps for for all other spells and abilities. Getting two of these is our openers is a bit clunky with our combo pieces. If another similar card comes along two is probably all the deck can handle.

Sliver Hive - Five colour tribal fixing and can make tokens. Perfect!

Tarnished Citadel - So...um...yeah...greatness at any cost and all that. A little better than City of Brass in that it can tap for without taking damage. Not really reccommended with Ancient Tomb. At least The World Tree and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth can turn the pain down.

Volrath's Stronghold - It's nice to be able recycle our slivers. Getting to draw a key sliver either at the beginning of our turn or off of a Mystic Remora or Rhystic Study. It can also set up the top of our library for some The First Sliver antics. This is one of the few lands that can't access any coloured so be careful if it's in our opening hand, this is a card we want later into the game to help us grind. In a pinch it can help save us from milling out, for a little bit anyway.

In an ideal situation there are as few guaranteed "Comes into play tapped" and conditional "Comes into play tapped" lands. As it stands, this deck is playing currently playing with fire. Because of this there won't be any: Triomes, Tri-lands or the Amonkhet cycle lands.

Slivers won't be to just plow through everything. Our opponents will try and stop us. We will need a way to react. What we're using are efficiently costed hard counterspells. Conditional counters like Mana Leak are fine early but as the game goes long they're less and less useful.

Pact of Negation - Make sure you have the mana to pay the flashback. Only gamble on having Gemhide Sliver & Manaweft Sliver and not enough lands during your upkeep when absolutely necessary.

An Offer You Can't Refuse - Another Counterspell with some sort of downside. This one has two. The first is it can only stop non creature spells. The other is we're giving the caster two treasures. In a format with huge haymakers like Torment of Hailfire and Expropriate giving an opponent two treasures is a small price to pay. We can use this as ramp. That useless Pyroblast into stored mana for another turn.

Stubborn Denial - Anytime we have a sliver lord on the table we'll have a discounted Negate. This is when we'll likely be using it most ofeten either as a way to dodge a wrath or targeted removal.

Veil of Summer - combines the two most commonly used modes on Cryptic Command; counter a Counterspell and draw a card. Well not exactly, but for who cares?

Counterspell - The first, the classic, the workhorse. It does exactly what its name says. Nothing fancy, no frills, no exceptions, no cost reductions. Just pay and the spell is countered.

Dovin's Veto -

Mana Drain - Running neck-and-neck with Force of Will for the best Counterspell of all time. To say this is a strictly better version of Counterspell is a diservice and an insult. After we stop a spell we may not be able to use all of our free mana but we're going to try to cast as much as we can then syphon the rest into our Commander, Sliver Queen & Necrotic Sliverfoil.

Negate - This will be doing two things most of the time. Stopping board wipes and stopping targeted removal.

Remand - A way to stall a spell for a turn or to make it so the spells that would follow it are a lot less damaging. For example they want to go for an Aetherflux Reservoir play and in essence it costs there's much less damage that can be done. It also kind of cycles for .

Force of Negation - The "fixed* Force of Will which was safe for Modern. It doesn't counter everything it's just what a Negate could handle. Plus, it's only free with a blue card on an opponent's turn, which in a pod could be 75% of the time.

It would be a lie to say when The First Sliver cascades into a counterspell it feels great. How about this scenario. Think about the great story you'll get tell when someone casts Cyclonic Rift forgetting about the Quick Sliver in play then we cast Syphon Sliver and cascade into a Negate.

If all you want to do is counter counterspells Pyroblast & Red Elemental Blast are thoroughly underrated. Nobody thinks twice about being the only mana available. In addition when The First Sliver flips one of these up they can still destroy a Rhystic Study or Consecrated Sphinx that slipped through. If nothing else they can kill the bird token from Swan Song These should be in more five colour decks.

If you're having trouble finding these or are just looking for more spells whose purpose are to counterCounterspells here are a few:


Guttural Response

Muddle the Mixture

Test of Talents

And here are a few more which still have text when they're cascaded into:

Autumn's Veil

Anguished Unmaking -

Assassin's Trophy -

Cyclonic Rift - We're playing blue so in it goes.

Deflecting Swat -

Nature's Claim - Redundancy is key to winning in Commander. We're running Slivers which can clear problematic artifacts and enchantments ( Harmonic Sliver & Necrotic Sliverfoil) This gives a piece of removal which is guaranteed to work at instant speed. Another key to winning is keeping the curve low and right now is as low as we can go. As for the life gain this deck tends to win by miles not inches. On occasion the life gain can be used as a political tool.

Swords to Plowshares - When it absolutely, positively, has to go. The life gain isn't that important, except in edge cases. We'll most likely be overwhelming them with an extremely large number of creatures. There have been more and more printings of this card but if you can't find it or want an extra targeted creature removal for a cheap cost Path to Exile is a good choice. Many deck's mana bases or so greedy your opponent may not even have a basic land to search out.

Toxic Deluge - This slot was Damnation but this isn't as hard on the mana being a single . Damnation didn't gel with Sedge Sliver so it was replaced with a card that...doesn't work with it either, huh? Sliver Hivelord has lost it's title as the best friend to our mass removal to Sliver Legion.

Blasphemous Act - the casting cost is deceptive on this card. We'll never be paying full cost in fact in a multiplayer game it'll like cost just . It combines perfectly with two of our Slivers. With Spiteful Sliver we can end one or more player's day. The other is Sliver Hivelord who turns this board wipe one sided. Spiteful Sliver are package deal. If we were to remove one card from the deck we should probably be pulling both.

Demonic Tutor - Pretty standard go and search something up. No reason not to include it.

Enlightened Tutor - Once we have Sliver Queen we should go straight for Mana Echoes and plan to make infinite slivers. If it's early in the game we should be leaning towards getting Rhystic Studyfoil.

Once again, control the top of our library is great when The First Sliver is in play. If we have our Commander or Our Queen when we cast El Numero Uno we should be leaning towards Mana Echoes as The First Sliver will come into play after the enchantment it'll start netting us mana and we'll combo off. If we don't have those but there are either Manaweft Sliver or Gemhide Sliver Intruder Alarm is probably the way to go.

Nature's Lore & Three Visits - Essentially half a Skyshroud Claim. It can get common Forests or Shock Lands and we still have the option to pay 2 life to come into play untapped. This card can be a little pricey for a common/uncommon, if so just use Rampant Growth. And thank the Gods Three Visits was reprinted in a modern set.

Vampiric Tutor - Low cost tutors are so nice to do some of the lifting. We find what we need and, in theory, the rest of the table doesn't need to know. We're a five colour deck so don't be afraid to go for a land with a missing colour, Cavern of Souls is usually a good choice. The First Sliver loves Vampiric Tutor for setup. Basically we're getting what we want for nothing and a bit of life. Greatness at any cost.

Worldly Tutor - Our creatures have been chosen to be a toolbox. In almost any situation if the Sliver which fixes the problem is in our library we can solve the problem. Or we get the other half of a combo. Or we grab something that lets us go over the top. Good with The First Sliver.

Ancestral Vision - In addition to Mox Tantalite this is way to go full combo with The First Sliver and cascade into a (blank?) cost card. The ability to draw 3 out of nowhere is always welcome.

Mystic Remora - Get ready to say "Did you pay for that?" every time a non-creature spell is played.

Rhystic Studyfoil - Get ready to say "Did you pay for that?"

Wheel of Fortune - Reloading our hand is never a bad thing. Just be aware of the decks with Counterspells and how much mana they have access to. This card is on the reserve list and the price will continue to rise. The best budget substitute is Windfall. Going the other way, the best (most expensive) option would be Timetwister. Think of the swag getting to play with Power Nine.

Ghostflame Sliver - Has a really niche but interesting ability. Originally, changing slivers to colourless would turn off any colour protection our opponents'creatures had. It also covers Ugin, the Spirit Dragon's down tick and All is Dust. Unless there's a lot of both in your particular meta there's no need for it.

Virulent Sliver - Alternate wincons are always a nice flex, but this is not anything like the infect decks in modern or legacy. With this we have to connect to an opponent with 10 attacking slivers while keeping this alive. Which is difficult in a board wipe happy format like Commander.

Ward Sliver - This is one of those old symetrical Slivers so when we change an opponent's creature to a Sliver with Amoeboid Changeling the card in question will have protection from five-colour Sliver Overlord. Also if we want to break through our opponent's lines Shifting Sliver does the job much better and we aren't pigeon-holing ourselves against one oppenents creatures.

Herald's Horn - This seems a bit odd. If you're playing a deck where 33+ Slivers its pretty good. Pretty good chance you'll draw two cards per turn and get a discount on our Meathooks. As this deck continues to evolve the cuts are going to be creatures for more counterspells and removal, making this card worse and worse.

With Ikoria's release we're getting a brand new mechanic to play with. The way Companion works in Commander it doesn't count against the size of your deck. It functions like part of a non-existant sideboard(not that we now have a sideboard). Looking at what we got there are really only two potential choices for a Sliver Tribal deck. Obosh, the Preypiercer and Jegantha, the Wellspring. Obosh, the Preypiercer would require a new deck list which goes beyond this page.

The other, Jegantha, the Wellspring, may seem like it could easily be slotted in. If an extra starting card, playing in a slower friendlier meta and the deck building restraint isn't too much it wouldn't hurt to use it. In general Jegantha, the Wellspring isn't worth playing in our deck.

1) This card's types, elemental and elk, don't synergize with our slivers.

2) It doesn't do anything when it comes into play. All we have to look forward to is a very nervous round before we could actually use it. A turn in which it'd have a huge target on it.

3.) We're running a few cards which would break the Companion requirement Counterspell, Mana Echoes & Patriarch's Bidding. Counterspell we could work around. Bidding could be replaced IF a mass recursion could be printed. Mana Echoes has a unique ability unlikely to be re-created and is better than anything Jegantha will be able to give us.

If you'd like to flex no one's going to stop you. Just don't expect to see it here .

Slivers were originally created by Mike Elliot from Wizards R&D. The Slivers were inspired by Plague Rats. This was further iterated on bu Elliot in the concept set set "Astal Ways", many of the concepts were used in Tempest block.

In the story the villain, known as the Controller,opened a door to the Astral World was overwhelmed and managed to close it shattering himself into into many fragments called slivers.

The original card text for these slivers can be found in the Sliver Me Timbers article linked below.

Sources: Have anymore delightful Sliver Trivia?

Sliver Me Timbers

Sliver Biology Show

Volrath and the Queen Show

The Riptide Project Show

Time Spiral Show

Shandalar Show

Slivers of other Planes Show

Cards which were in the deck at one time. One way to show how the deck has changed over time. It's also a way to quickly add something back into the deck without much effort.

Many of these put an emphasis is on The First Sliver when I started this deck I just copy-and-pasted my old deck to save time. Now you know.

Creatures Show

Artifacts Show

Enchantments Show

Instants Show

Sorceries Show

Lands Show

Thank yous to Doombeard1984's deck and Mortlocke's deck MrPonzi's deck. They were invaluable resources and you should check them out as you're building your deck.

For those who would like a little more Sliver EDH in their lives head over to the Sliver Hive Discord. Great friendly community who love to answer questions, strategize and talk about all things Sliver.




91% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 8 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens Copy Clone, Sliver 1/1 C, The Monarch, Treasure
Folders EDH, sliver, X - EDH Inspitation - SLIVERS
Ignored suggestions
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