Pyronixcore says... #2
I'm just going by the legal formats - but I'll change it now. Thanks for the heads up Cobthecobbler!
September 25, 2013 2:25 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #3
It's good to also understand those formats. This deck would not be legal in Commander, and the legal formats on this website only cross-reference whether or not a card is banned in that format. It won't check card numbers, for example.
I see your deck fitting more into the Casual format. Pre-rotation standard with a splash of Legacy.
September 25, 2013 2:28 p.m.
Pyronixcore says... #4
Great advice, I'll be sure to keep this sort of stuff in mind! Thanks for the feedback!
September 25, 2013 2:30 p.m.
AstralSoul00 says... #5
Celestial Flare is good for taking out targets, granted it doesnt target so it kinda makes it useless if your opponent is sending in lots of creatures.
September 28, 2013 1:55 a.m.
Pyronixcore says... #6
AstralSoul00, I've only had the chance to use it once or twice, so my regular opponents tend to forget it exists! I've used it before on opponents that got overconfidence with OP beasts and attacked with only one or two massive creatures (like an Eldrazi creature with Enlarge and other tokens).
After I focus on synergising my land I think I will start taking a harder look at cards like Celestial Flare and see what I can do to have cost efficient cards with uses more suited to this deck style.
September 28, 2013 2:05 a.m.
qwertyking says... #7
Emmara Tandris is 7 mana, and you have no way of getting her out fast.
September 29, 2013 11:08 a.m.
Pyronixcore says... #8
qwertyking, this is true, but I've built this deck to be able to survive without her - there's never a guarantee (even if I were to play four) that I'd even pull Tandris out of the deck in a game. Or that I'd pull her even if I had land droppers (I could always shuffle her down with each reshuffle, by chance). I've played a quite a few games without even pulling her, and still get some great play out of the deck. Ajani, Caller of the Pride is a good counterpoint to her, and my other actual creatures have subtle but useful abilities in lieu of either.
I did consider land drop cards but their usefulness never played out as well in this deck as with others.
September 29, 2013 11:18 a.m.
qwertyking says... #9
Ok, my only problem is there are cards all over the place, it isn't very consistent.
September 29, 2013 11:20 a.m.
Pyronixcore says... #10
qwertyking, that one's definitely just me. I like the variation, though I can appreciate the strengths of a deck that is minimalists with cards. But that makes me feel predictable! The spice of uncertainty adds to my fun. If I played in tournaments or whatnotI would spend the money to get a great set of cards with massive synergy.
September 29, 2013 11:30 a.m.
I like the variation, and your shtic, it looks fun to play. That said I think your mana curve is a little steep for a deck that doesn't ramp. And there are such fun cheap cards in selesnya colours. Scavenging Ooze is cool, Voice of Resurgence is fun if you can shell out the money. If you got your hands on Entreat the Angels or Rhys the Redeemed you could cause all kinds of trouble. I also think Advent of the Wurm is worth a mention.
October 10, 2013 10:03 p.m.
Pyronixcore says... #12
Hey there Gearge, and yes, it is a very fun deck to play!
My last game with this was against Anfalas and I finished with Emmara Tandris , 50 Angel Tokens, 30 Human Tokens, 18 Centaur Tokens, Imposing Sovereign and Odric, Master Tactician on the field, but I do recall the opening turns being very slow with the mana curve.
Voice of Resurgence is on my Acquire Board! I did have Advent of the Wurm in this deck for a while but I traded it out for things that get more tokens faster; I found it useful but during mid-game when it usually got used I always had better cards or faster cards to play. I'm trying to keep certain cards and card types separate, more for my own fun than anything, and while I love my angel tokens, I want a lifelink/angel deck which Entreat the Angels will inevitably be a part of.
My big thing for this deck right now is dualising the land so I can play it properly in both colours, and getting my hands on Trostani's Summoner and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice as well as few others, to sideboard and (like Resurgence) put straight into play.
Thanks for the comment, by the way, always love feedback or opinions!
October 11, 2013 9:31 a.m.
XTechNinjaX says... #13
Hey Pyronixcore!
I love token decks! I'm not 100% sure of what direction you want to take yours but I have a token spitting EDH deck here: Ghave, Guru of Awesome!
This might give you some inspiration or ideas for cards you hadn't yet considered. +1 from me cause tokens are awesome and I hope you find something cool in my EDH deck that you can incorporate!
May 9, 2015 12:07 p.m.
Pyronixcore says... #14
XTechNinjaX, thanks for the +1! I do appreciate it. I'm about to take a sneak peek into your EDH, and thanks for the links!
Cobthecobbler says... #1
This deck isn't Commander/EDH. It looks to be Casual or Legacy/Vintage.
September 25, 2013 2:22 p.m.