Paid in Blood [Pauper]

Pauper jimmynitos


Altoman says... #1

You need Liliana's Specter and Okiba-Gang Shinobi in this deck. Also replace Murder with Victim of Night.

March 12, 2015 10:04 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #2

Altoman, Liliana's Specter seems nice, thanks for this.But Victim of Night too limited, I guess. In the games I played it didn't work so well. This rat has a high cmc for the deck, so I pass.

March 13, 2015 10:07 a.m.

PenguinPete says... #3

Since you're asking...

I tried it on my mono-blue Delver control and it stomps you. On the other hand, if your local play radius doesn't include much Delver or blue control, you might not care.

I urge reconsidering the Victim of Night. It really is good against the majority of the meta, unless all you play against is vampires and zombies. Even in the sideboard it looks better than Sinister Possession. Other good mono-black removal includes Geth's Verdict and Disfigure, good against Bogles and Delver respectively.

For your strategy, Augur of Skulls is good. You run too light on threats; you just can't race in the air like the faster decks can. Augur can force the 2 discard just like Mind Rot and still carry a Bonesplitter when the point comes to go offensive.

March 23, 2015 6:57 p.m.

KoriAne says... #4

Instead of Mind Rot I would go Wrench Mind. And i would go 4x augur of skulls: he is your best opener. Take out a couple of Raven's Crime. Is too wide, and u virtually need just one in your graveyard to keep using it. Put a couple of cycling lands.

April 16, 2015 5:03 a.m.

fAPE says... #5

I don't think Quag Vampires is good enough. Maybe in the sideboard against other black decks. Chittering Rats is a much better creature and literally gives you an extra turn, because your opponent draws the card again in the next turn. In addition, i would change Murder with either Victim of Night or Grasp of Darkness. Both spells have the same Mana cost and kill nearly all creatures in the format.

May 9, 2015 2:54 a.m.

jimmynitos says... #6

Thanks fAPE, I really like those rats.

May 9, 2015 10:40 p.m.

palacinke says... #7

Hello, may i suggest adding hymn to tourach, its one of the better hand disruption cards in pauper (in my opinion). It is a bit of an expencive card for pauper (~3$) but it could prove well worth it. Cheers

September 6, 2015 1:58 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #8

Unfortunately, Hymn is out of my budget. I'm replacing it with Horrifying Revelation for awhile.

September 6, 2015 9:06 p.m.

saturnosring says... #9

Hymn to Tourach isn't legal in Pauper Online (I don't know if it's legal on Paper Pauper).

It was printed uncommon online. "Fallen Empires", the set where it was printed common, hasn't been released online.

What about using Wrench Mind or Unburden instead?

May 13, 2016 10:03 a.m.

jimmynitos says... #10

It's legal in paper Pauper, I don't play MOL xD

May 13, 2016 7:33 p.m.

saturnosring says... #11

Oh, Ok, that's true jimmynitos xDDD

I don't play MOL either, but I like to stick to the rules and banlist of it. That all depends on what your playing group chooses.

June 21, 2016 10:34 p.m.

Daalot says... #12

Seems like a very decent list. I would probably put Gray Merchant of Asphodel in the main though.

August 29, 2016 4:35 p.m.

Smokus_Krakus says... #13

Unearth let's you reuse any of your utility creatures for just one mana (also most of the time you'll probably have a selection to choose)

September 28, 2016 12:41 p.m.

Redh says... #14

Hymn to tourach it's illegal in pauper

March 8, 2017 7:17 a.m.

jimmynitos says... #15

It's paper pauper, Redh.

March 8, 2017 10:21 a.m.

BerylLasko says... #16

I'm going to say this about Hymn to Tourach being legal in paper: it depends on your play group! The group I play in uses the popular Card Kingdom: Rags to Riches banned list for paper, and it's getting recognized more and more by the community. In addition to the MTGO banned list, Card Kingdom also has banned the following cards:

  • Hymn to Tourach
  • High Tide
  • Goblin Grenade
  • Sinkhole

All of which are VERY broken cards. Technically, this list is "legal", yes, but until WotC steps in and makes a official announcement, many players agree Hymn should be banned in Pauper across the board.

March 16, 2017 4:58 p.m.

KoriAne says... #17

Actually MTGO ban-list just do not need to add those cards in the list... Cause they do not exist at all on MTGO.

March 16, 2017 5:05 p.m.

BerylLasko says... #18

We're talking about a banned list for paper, my friend.

March 17, 2017 8:10 a.m.

jimmynitos says... #19

BerylLasko, my LGS uses the Legacy Pauper banlist, same with every game store that I know. Pauper is not a sanctioned format IRL, so this discussion is useless, imho.

March 17, 2017 12:37 p.m.

Venersis says... #20

April 24, 2017 8:37 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #21

I used to run two copies of Corrupt in sideboard, but was almost never useful. I'm still considering Tendrils of Corruption, but don't know what to remove for it.

April 29, 2017 2:08 p.m.

Venersis says... #22

i would swap out pestilence to add tendrils, its instant speed removal and most likely you are gaining around 5 life.

April 29, 2017 2:37 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #23

Pestilence is a key card against Faeries, Stompy, White Weenies, Goblins, Souls Sisters and tokens in general, while Tendrils doesn't help in any of those matches.

Choking Sands is the least useful card in Sideboard and is still better than Tendrils in most games, except for MBC, I believe.

May 1, 2017 1:05 p.m.

pedrogsena says... #24

How is Dauthi Slayer's performance in your deck? I like to use Cuombajj Witches (the Chronicles' ones are cheap on paper) but I've always been curious about how the Slayer does in the field.

June 3, 2017 11:15 p.m.

jimmynitos says... #25

I'm not using Cuombajj Witches for budget reasons, I simply dislike the card. Anyway, Dauthi Slayer keeps the devotion and cmc, providing a nearly unblockable creature. For me it's performing pretty well, win me some games, despite not being useful for blocking or helping as a removal.

I believe it's really meta dependant, with Dauthi Slayer the deck becomes closer to a Midrange strategy, and that's better for my gameplan.

June 4, 2017 12:19 p.m.

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