Pain and Torment
FNM October 4, 2014 —Oct. 4, 2014
Five Rounds Swiss 2-3-0
Round One- Mardu Control
Heavy control kept my creatures off the board. Outpaced him in the second game for a win.
Round Two- Mono-White Aggro
Took turns beating on each other, but Pain Seer gave me the card advantage to pull out a win
Round Three- Golgari (Aggro?) 2-0-0
New player, looked like he was trying to build a aggro deck around Hornet's Nest and Cruel Sadist. QUickly outpaced him in both matches.
Round Four- Gruul Midrange 1-2-0
Close matches, but ultimately lost due to an inability to keep creatures out, and was unable to pull hte cards i need to deal with the Planeswalkers and Coursers
Round Five- Mono-Red Heroic Aggro 2-0-0
Built up on an early creature drop and won by turn 4. My damage was scaling almost as fast, but was ultimately just a little too slow.
KrimsonNekros says... #2
@aced420 Thanks for the suggestions. Phyrexian Revoker , Drown in Sorrow , and Grim Guardian are all great cards. I like Thoughtseize , but unfortunately it's really cost prohibitive at almost 17 bucks a pop. Thoughtrender Lamia seems to be more at home in a discard deck than it would be here, and with it's mana cost it wouldn't see much play in this deck.
September 27, 2014 4:52 p.m.
kimchiblaze says... #3
I'd leave Erebos and his Whip in the sideboard. Also I wouldn't run Gary at all in aggro. Boarding him alone will change up your deck flow.
-2 Grim Guardian, -1 Pain Seer, -2 Claim of Erebos, -1 Grim Haruspex, -4 Ulcerate
+1 Mogis's Marauder, +1 Herald of Torment
If you can get up to the playset of Bile Blight and Hero's Downfall that'd be awesome.
In 2 CMC, Boon of Erebos works well and will trigger Tormented Hero.
Thoughtseize is pricey but Despise is a decent alternative. It can hit Planeswalkers so it's not completely useless against control matchups.
You don't want too many Drown in Sorrow in your sideboard considering most of your board will be filled with 2/1s 2/2s 1/1s (assuming you play them immediately instead of bestowing).
Brain Maggot sideboard. Spiteful returned is better mainboard than Gnarled Scarhide (but that's just my preference). SIgn in Blood somewhere if you really want card draw (or a pseudo-Shock)
September 28, 2014 3:57 a.m.
kimchiblaze says... #4
and forgot to mention, the land count is a bit low, even for aggro. Personally, I run 21 Swamps (don't need anything fancy)
September 28, 2014 3:59 a.m.
I can understand no due to price, but... Thoughtseize , the lesser version of it being Despise
September 29, 2014 4:33 p.m.
-2 bile blight+2 downfall
despise in sideboard.
green devotion can really mess up your day, and bileblight does not kill Courser of Kruphix
aced420 says... #1
for your sideboard i would suggest Phyrexian Revoker maybe Drown in Sorrow , Thoughtseize also has a place in almost any black deck u may also want to throw in some constellation either Thoughtrender Lamia or Grim Guardian
September 27, 2014 8:31 a.m.