Just a fun, straightforward, yet powerful Ashling the Pilgrim TL deck.
This deck really shines against creature-heavy aggro decks, taking out all of your opponents creatures with Ashling's ability, or hitting them with burn spells to get an edge.
The deck relies heavily on Ashling, so tuck effects like Oblation or enchantments that render her useless, such as Song of the Dryads will make it difficult to win.
Now here is how the fun gets rolling:
Ashling the Pilgrim
= devastating blow to creature heavy decks...which is why there aren't many other creatures in this deck.
Equip Ashling the Pilgrim
Scythe of the Wretched
and if you want to just take control of your opponents creatures charge Ashling up enough to destroy them, stack them in the graveyard with Ashling last (she usually dies to her own ability unless you protect her), and BAM!...now they are yours, and Ashling returns (because you DID choose to let her go to the graveyard, right!?) with the Scythe attached to her again.
Need lifegain? Okay, just equip Ashling with
Basilisk Collar
or Loxodon Warhammer and you gain life for all the damage she deals.
Make Ashling indestructible with Darksteel Plate or take half of your opponent's life with Quietus Spike.
Charge Ashling up twice per turn to avoid her "popping" and make her huge, then Fling her at your opponent for another fun way to smack your foe in the face.
Burn spells are aplenty, and x spells are a good way to get powerful spells around the 3 cmc rules in Tiny Leaders. There are also a few spell copiers to get twice the burn, or just to copy your opponent's spell and give them a taste of their own poison.
X spells and pumping Ashling every turn does get expensive, especially if she died to her ability a couple of times already, so getting lands out are important. 20 mountains go into the deck, and a Valakut, Molten Pinnacle turns each of those land drops into a free Lighning Bolt. Explorer's Scope will help you get them out quicker also. Just incase you are playing against a multi-colored deck who likes to use non-basic lands (I know, I know...why in the world would anyone NOT want to play mono-red?! PSHH!) Blood Moon or the sideboarded Magus of the Moon will make their day miserable. I get a weird satisfaction out of turning someone's very expensive mana base into freaking mountains...is that wrong of me?
Other sideboarded chaos items I like to play are Price of Glory..."what a nice control deck you have there...I hope you didn't want those Islands you were keeping untapped for that counterspell" and Planar Chaos..."oh, you wanted to cast that? Let's flip a coin. Aw man...bummer, that spell is countered and you tried so hard."
I probably should get some other stuff in this deck to help with non-creature based decks...but I haven't had any trouble dealing tons of damage relatively easily, and making my opponents take their Tiny Leader deck back to the drawing board.
Any feedback or suggestions are welcome.
Thanks and enjoy!