Painful Pokey Sticks (28 Trample Damage Turn 3!!!)

Modern WalzY


MisterGman says... #1

I would suggest a singleton of Gavony Township it's a nice mid-game mana dump and lets you squeeze in more damage.

December 4, 2012 7:30 p.m.

WalzY says... #2

Thanks, that definitely sounds like a good idea for the extra damage when I'm lacking something to spend mana on. I've updated the deck with it.

December 4, 2012 9:31 p.m.

I like it :) Very well made deck and +1 it

December 7, 2012 11:35 p.m.

WalzY says... #7

Thanks! :)

December 7, 2012 11:41 p.m.

Gatecrashed says... #8

Just a though Mayor of Avabruck  Flip works really well with humans. A nice sideboard card, that I think is underated is Spare from Evil , that card basically says: 2 mana, all your creatures are unblockable this turn. Only thing that stops that is if your playing mirror match, which is why it's a sideboard card. Also in certain situation's, Spare from Evil could be better then card:Faith's Shield, it really depends. And I saw that in the comments you were talking about how card:Faith's Shield wouldn't protect you from Supreme Verdict , but Rootborn Defenses would, however you have nothing to populate in this deck. + 1 from me.

December 7, 2012 11:44 p.m.

WalzY says... #9

Thanks Gatecrashed!

I'm very tempted by Mayor of Avabruck  Flip now - going to have a think on it.

I was trying to find any cards other than Rootborn Defenses that would save me from Supreme Verdict without branching out into blue mana, but there aren't any so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and accept that as a weak spot in this deck, unless I add Wolfir Avenger s back into my deck, but again that has its own problems (not human, doesn't quite fit).

Spare from Evil is a nice card but I almost want people to block my creatures as mine will usually come out on top due to the pump (especially with Revenge of the Hunted )!

Thanks again for the help, it's really appreciated :D

December 7, 2012 11:59 p.m.

Docilekhan484 says... #10

I think Odric, Master Tactitian would serve you far better than Sublime Archangel (I forgot how to do the card link thing), but I'm still willing to give this deck a big +1.

December 9, 2012 3:34 a.m.

Docilekhan484 says... #11

Also, maybe Mikaeus, the Lunarch?

December 9, 2012 3:36 a.m.

WalzY says... #12

Thanks for the +1 and the suggestions!

Odric, Master Tactician doesn't suit the deck as he relies on at least 3 other creatures in play (more suited to a White Weenie deck with loads of Soldier, Human and Spirit tokens flying around; this deck is focused on few creatures being pumped up on early turns), and I generally end up killing people before I would have 4 creatures on the board. Whilst he is a 3/4 Human with first strike for 4 mana, I feel I get more out of Sublime Archangel 's usefulness from the exalted bonuses and the flying option, as I don't need his passive block re-targeting ability.

On the contrary, I generally like it when the opponent is forced to block my pumped up creature (it's even more fun with Revenge of the Hunted being miracled!): Whichever creature I choose to pump up and attack with really punches through with huge double strike + trample damage, generally wiping out the opponent's board (thus removing creatures the opponents control which would otherwise be attacking me), and the trample damage carries over.

I'm more worried, if anything, about control trickery messing with my powered up creatures by bouncing them or removing them - or simply getting out-paced by another R/B Zombie Burn Aggro deck: Searing Spear s, Pillar of Flame s, Mizzium Mortars , Brimstone Volley s and any other cheap heavy burns/destructions really hurt - hence why I can't wait to make a Boros deck when Gatecrash is released! I'll probably take most of the white spells from this and combine it with the red from my other aggro deck (deck:unleash-the-freaks-1), to make an even more fast-paced destructive aggro deck and integrate whatever strong new exciting cards come with Gatecrash - it could even lead me to a Naya (R/W/G) deck combining all of this! ...Apologies, I've become too excited about Gatecrash again.

That's the main reason for the 4x card:Faith's Shields in my deck, as they offer great protection from almost anything that can target one of my creatures with a negative outcome short of board wipe in the form of Supreme Verdict - the only way to bypass that short of a huge 8 mana drop Avacyn, Angel of Hope , or partially, Angelic Overseer , which are only really viable in a Ramp deck with card:Avacyn's Pilgrim, is Rootborn Defenses , but there's no room in my deck for that card, and it's not very cost-efficient - particularly as I have nothing to valuably populate. Similarly, the bursts of damage come from instants which Supreme Verdict can't react to in time short of some crazy deck including a Hypersonic Dragon in, due to it being a sorcery - so there's no risk there of spending all my instants only to have them included in the Supreme Verdict washout.

December 9, 2012 5:19 a.m.

WalzY says... #13

I was thinking about Mikaeus, the Lunarch too, but he seems a bit too slow in terms of cost-efficiency (this deck is all about fast speedy powerups) - he's realistically a 3-4 drop to get much use out of him, and can only tap the turn after. Also, I'm not playing a mass-White Weenie deck so I can't capitalise on the +1 on each other creature. In comparison, for example, the 1 green mana Giant Growth or Rancor gives me that instant injection of power to hit hard early on before the opponent can really stabilise himself.

Amusingly, if my opponent was playing a deck with Mikaeus, the Lunarch 's evil opposite side - Mikaeus, the Unhallowed , that would really give me the creepers - for obvious reasons (see his ability)!

Ultimately, I went with Sublime Archangel because when it comes into play, with an average of 3 other creatures on the battlefield - that's an immediate +4/+4 from the exalted, which turns into +8 attacking power with the double strike from Fencing Ace s/soulbound Silverblade Paladin s along with an already-in-play trample from Rancor or use of a Selesnya Charm the next turn if necessary which, if the game isn't over already, usually seals the deal. It also offers me an escape route around some big ramp deck fatties/deathtouch creatures without reach that my opponent may have managed to summon if the game has dragged on a bit, such as Vorapede or Thrill-Kill Assassin s by attacking with the Sublime Archangel instead. (Quite easy to save a rancor/giant growth to quickly pump up the angel. It's also possible that one of my Silverblade Paladin s is free to soulbond for whatever reason (put one in play on the previous turn, or the creature previously soulbound to a Silverblade Paladin was bounced/removed/destroyed/exiled).

p.s. To do the card links you just add [ [ and ] ] either side of the name of the card/deck-link. e.g. [ [Odric, Master Tactician] ] without the spaces.

December 9, 2012 5:24 a.m.

Docilekhan484 says... #15

WalzY, your reasoning is sound; I hadn't thought of it that way! Thank you for the tip as well; I'm still getting used to this site. Also, now that I think of it, I played a guy at FNM who used a deck like this. He Rancor ed a War Falcon paired with a Silverblade Paladin and had me stomped by turn 3 or 4.

December 9, 2012 3:02 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #16

Have you ever considered Mayor of Avabruck  Flip ? He's been seeing a lot of play in G/W humans lately and might be a good choice.

December 15, 2012 12:54 p.m.

WalzY says... #17

Yeah, I've thought about it but still can't quite decide what I'd swap him for. Realistically it would be for either the Elite Inquisitor s or the Fencing Ace s and both seem to be performing really well for me at the moment. It feels like swapping them would make no difference for better or worse, so I'm not sure it's worth buying some.

December 15, 2012 1:41 p.m.

Shabadoo says... #18

Love the simplicity of this deck +1 from me

December 15, 2012 4:20 p.m.

morphranos says... #19

I don't believe Supreme Verdict passes through protection, because protection= can't be destroyed. It does kill hexproof. Terminus puts everything in your library either way though. I run a very similar deck with 3 Nightshade Peddler . I would trade some of your enchant hate out for Knight of Glory in the side.

December 16, 2012 3:21 a.m.

Kamenitza says... #20

@morphanos: Protection means you (or the permanent) can't take damage or be blocked or targeted by a spell or permanent of said color. There is no targeting, and no damage done with Supreme Verdict.

December 16, 2012 9:51 a.m.

zexyu says... #21

Great deck. I have a question though: wouldn't Sunpetal Grove come in turn two tapped? (Or does Temple Garden count as either a Forest/Plains?) If so, how would Fencing Ace come out turn 2? I think however I'm just misunderstanding something. Thanks for sharing your experience.

December 18, 2012 2:50 p.m.

jerryseltzer says... #22

Very good deck. I like the speed. +1

December 20, 2012 3:02 p.m.

+1 for me... I can't decide if i wanna play mono white or white green.... But since looking at this I am kinda leaning more twords white green.

December 22, 2012 2:36 a.m.

jgiesler says... #24

Love it! Scares me a bit to play competitivly just because it has almost no answers.

December 22, 2012 9:21 p.m.

WalzY says... #25

Thanks for all the kind comments and +1s. It's been a pleasant surprise seeing how popular this deck is - now rank #8! :)

@jgiesler, I'm just curious - did you mean there's almost no answers vs this deck or that this deck has no answers vs other decks? In testing, I found that this deck punishes any decks that aren't heavy on creature removal. Every deck has to have a weakness, and I guess creature removal and burns are this deck's problem - everything else gets punished hard as long as I don't have terrible card draws. Decks holding lots of Pillar of Flame s and Searing Spear s are problematic if I'm not drawing lots of creatures as they can burn out everything except the Loxodon Smiter s (part of the reason why I swapped out Precinct Captain s for these!)

To explain my sideboard thinking: Ray of Revelation and War Priest of Thune s are nice vs enchantment decks that focus on Oblivion Ring s, Detention Sphere s and Sphere of Safety s (my friend runs a heavy enchantment deck, though I beat it 80% of the time when I'm not using the sideboard). The Ray of Revelation flashback cost makes this card fantastic in dealing with enchantment decks. Rest in Peace is great vs Zombie aggro, dealing with card:Geralf's Messengers and Gravecrawler s effectively, and the Sheltering Word is what I sideboard in vs burn aggro decks - it offers a nice defence against burn spells and at the same time gives me a nice injection of life if I'm taking a lot of early hits from their aggro. For example, Player B uses Searing Spear on my Silverblade Paladin . In response, I use Sheltering Word and then Giant Growth . It resolves from the top of the stack first, so my Paladin gets +3/+3 making it a 6/6, gains hexproof, gives me +6 life from Sheltering Word and prevents the burn resolving.

December 22, 2012 10:36 p.m.

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