Paladin's Path to Thune (Mono-White, 4 Turn Win)

Standard* jekara


jekara says... #1

@luclem, Mutavault doesn't trigger Door of Destinies or Champion of the Parish because in order for it to become a creature it MUST be on the field already. That being said, I thought about adding 2 of them (and I will immediately after this comment) because it does gain the bonuses from Archangel of Thune , Path of Bravery , and Door of Destinies (if it already has counters).

@Inthe0ry, I agree that Door of Destinies does not trump Odric, Master Tactician for my 4 drop. Seeing, however, that I only have 4 four drops (2 Doors and 2 Odrics) the chances of either one popping up are 1 in 30 for either.

July 31, 2013 2:23 a.m.

jekara says... #2

@DeathByDragons, I did think about War Falcon . It does have one extra power but it doesn't have the extra verstility of countering a sorcery or instant spell like Judge's Familiar can. I think the instant and sorcery spells can hurt me more than the 1 power will help. Especially when I look at board wipes such as Supreme Verdict , Terminus , Planar Cleansing , or Mutilate .

July 31, 2013 5:11 a.m.

DeathByDragons says... #3

Supreme Verdict can't be countered, but I know what you mean. It also depends on your local meta.

July 31, 2013 5:56 a.m.

jekara says... #4

That's true. And I missed that "Can't be countered" line in my head. Oops.

July 31, 2013 6:03 a.m.

ezraaaa says... #5

I used a lot of your ideas in my Modern prototype deck Mono-White Weenies Lifegain Face Punch . Thanks for your help, jekara. +1 from me!

July 31, 2013 12:16 p.m.

jekara says... #6

:) thanks!

July 31, 2013 3:04 p.m.

sandcoffin22 says... #7

hey i playtested the shit out of ur deck against mine Archmage its also mono white and i think u need silverblade paladin and 1 more plains id definitely take out Odric, Master Tactician and fencing ace then i think it would run smother +1

August 1, 2013 4:06 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #8

I think Odrics price would be supremely higher if he didn't allow any creature your opponent has to block, you may wanna reread his ruling, last I looked back when M13 released you couldn't say nothing can block...but then again the ruling may have changed since then.

August 1, 2013 8:58 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #9

Regardless of what his text says, you know WoTC and how they are an epic fail at text and rulings.

August 1, 2013 9:03 p.m.

luclem says... #10

Maybe a red splash Assemble the Legion + Door of Destinies call soldier also the door will work with Champion of the Parish , Fencing Ace , Odric, Master Tactician , Precinct Captain and is token

August 1, 2013 10:55 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #11

@GamerSonX WotC ruling 7/1/2012: "You can decide that a creature won't block".

August 2, 2013 2:23 a.m.

jekara says... #12

@sandcoffin22 , I dropped the Angel of Jubilation s to the sideboard and mainboardered 2 Silverblade Paladin .

@GamerSonX ,the current ruling for Odric, Master Tactician is that you can prevent blockers if you so choose.

@luclem , I have been thinking about splashing red for a while now. I was thinking Legion's Initiative would benefit me more than Door of Destinies . That would also open me up to Aurelia, the Warleader , Boros Charm , and Firemane Avenger .

August 2, 2013 2:24 a.m.

meecht says... #13

War Falcon over Judge's Familiar . Familiar is way too easy to play around. Another option would be to mainboard Imposing Sovereign over Familiar since Restoration Angel and Snapcaster Mage are still around.

I think you could remove Rootborn Defenses and Elixir of Immortality in the sideboard for 3x Oblivion Ring or maybe Bonds of Faith .

I'm not sure which matchups you'd want Firemane Avenger and Aurelia, the Warleader in because you should have already won by that time. Replace Firemane Avenger with Warleader's Helix because it's the same mana cost, but Helix can finish off your opponent that turn or remove a potential blocker.

August 2, 2013 11:18 a.m.

metal_meyers says... #14

The only thing I would consider adding is sideboarding a few Gather the Townsfolk for the weenie affect and to further pump your Champion of the Parish ; beside that great deck. I am looking for to playing mono decks again, (or at least as mono as you can make it.) +1

August 3, 2013 3:16 p.m.

Mkhoury80 says... #15

My only suggestion, based on looking over this deck, between mainboard and sideboard, I see you have 2/3 of a killer mid-game combo, but not the final 1/3... if you take out the fencing aces and replace them with nearheath pilgrims, that can make for a great combo with either Silverblade or Firemane Avenger combined with Archangel of Thune; just nearheath and silverblade combined makes 4 lifegain events (2 first strike 2 regular combat), whereas nearheath with firemane avenger also creates 4 lifegain events, but 2 of the events triggering before combat means getting two +1/+1 counters before either first strike or regular combat.

August 4, 2013 11:38 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #16

great ideas here. like the work man

August 5, 2013 3:43 a.m.

jekara says... #17

@metal_meyers, I thought about Gather the Townsfolk but I don't think the value it offers matches the value of a doublestriker like Fencing Ace or the lifegain of Nearheath Pilgrim .

@Mkhoury80, Nearheath Pilgrim is a great card. Don't know how I missed that... I will defiinitely try that out. As for the red sideboard, I am unsure of the red creatures. A few burn spells such as Bonfire of the Damned or mizzium mortars (vs. that irritating Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Might be worht a try....

@rakdosrunner, thanks!

August 5, 2013 3:33 p.m.

Loyalty says... #18

I'd take out Banisher Priest for Oblivion Ring , that way you don't have to just exile creatures. And then I'd add Ethereal Armor because you said

"Silverblade Paladin gives more of my creatures first strike damage (via double strike) and that really helps."

Plus having 4x Oblivion Ring , 4x Path of Bravery and 4x Ethereal Armor means that the Ethereal Armor s will be granting quite a big boost for 1 mana.

+1, and check out my white weenie deck Avacyn's Pretty Hot, I'd TAP that.

August 6, 2013 5:27 a.m.

assassin54853 says... #19

I hate white weenies...

August 6, 2013 11:44 p.m.

jekara says... #20

@assassin54853, if you hate white weenies, then don't look at them. I hate assassins which is why I don't hang with them. Logic, no?

August 7, 2013 7:07 a.m.

hjwing says... #21

There has got to be space for at least 2x Boros Reckoner in this deck. That being said, I like the engine. I'd also see if there can't be some room made for Rootborn Defenses at least within the sideboard if not mainboard. I'd also drop Ajani...he's decent but I think you might get more benefit out of something like Blind Obedience given the aggro nature of this deck, not to mention Blind Obedience extort works really nicely with the Archangel of Thune and would open up 2x sideboard slots for you. As for Fencing Ace ....pretty much just don't like that card. Feels like it should be better...but it's not.

So...+2 Boros Reckoner +2 Rootborn Defenses +2 Blind Obedience

-2 Odric, Master Tactician -2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride -2 Fencing Ace

August 7, 2013 6:25 p.m.

jekara says... #22

@hjwing, I agree some of what you say. I have decided to run 1 Imposing Sovereign and 1 Blind Obedience . This gives me the best of both worlds and makes the effect harder to remove. Fencing Ace is great...if he can get pumped by either the Path of Bravery or Archangel of Thune . I like dropping him on turn 6 with a Path of Bravery and Archangel of Thune in play.

I am hoping for some lifelink creatures in Theros that are more efficient than what is currently available for mono-white.

August 7, 2013 6:37 p.m.

rakdosrunner says... #23

Good idea but in reality what are the chances of getting all those pulled perfectly in the first 5 turns? I mean yea great idea but realistically 5 turn win? still +1 though solid deck even without the 5 turn win.

August 7, 2013 7:16 p.m.

GamerSonX says... #24

Just curious as to why you have Mutavault in this deck, is it just because, or on purpose as in, so it can be animated incase you need another creature.

August 7, 2013 11:18 p.m.

Dritz says... #25

Hey there, first off, I like the build!

Anyways, the main thing that catches my eye is that you don't have any main-deck burn, considering you're trying to get to T5 and later I feel like Searing Spear would be an appropriate replacement for Fencing Ace .

(Consider that the Ace is highly fragile until you have more than one Path of Bravery or that he has been out through repeated life-gain with Archangel of Thune already out and about. With your more aggro-midrange plan I feel like more versatile removal is potentially more helpful than a creature that requires your anthems to be functioning to pull real weight.)

Anyway, definitely like the deck, hopefully my suggestion will prove helpful!

August 8, 2013 8:50 a.m.

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