Paladin's Path to Thune (Mono-White, 4 Turn Win)

Standard* jekara


jekara says... #1

@ GamerSonX , Mutavault is in there for a couple reasons. First, it can receive +1 tokens from Archangel of Thune that remain even after it is no longer a creature. Additionally, board wipes hurt. Badly. So a creature that can't be removed as easily as normal is definitely a bonus.

@ Dritz , Fencing Ace is fragile, but the fact that there are 2 of him means he usually comes in pretty late. Path of Bravery can pump him as well. I agree that the burn would be useful, but most of my creatures have first strike so I can kill most creatures in an efficient manner. The Mizzium Mortars are in the sideboard to counter that vicious Blood Baron of Vizkopa which is the only real big threat I worry about (because the Path of Bravery and Archangel of Thune combo is good at pumping my creatures. I do like the Frontline Medic option....he might replace the Silverblade Paladin post-rotation. Unless Theros comes out with something good.

Thanks everyone for the comments and recommendations!

August 8, 2013 5:34 p.m.

deadlyz1 says... #2

hmm, banisher priest seems situational,. maybe better in the sb, this deck needs +4 Boros Elite, and +3 War Falcon, and probably +2 smite in the sb for aggro, i would cut 3 judge;s familiar for 3 war falcons, and cut 2 fencing ace and 2 banisher priest for Boros elites

August 9, 2013 7:57 a.m.

deadlyz1 says... #3

hmm, Banisher Priest seems situational,. maybe better in the sb, this deck needs +4 Boros Elite , and +3 War Falcon , and probably +2 Smite in the sb for aggro, i would cut 3 Judge's Familiar for 3 War Falcon , and cut 2 Fencing Ace and 2 Banisher Priest for Boros Elite

August 9, 2013 8:01 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #4

I pilot'd this deck for jekara at FNM this past friday, and went 3-1, losing only to red burn aggro featuring Young Pyromancer .

@deadlyz1 Banisher Priest is terrific; one of the cards im never upset to draw at any time during the game. he pushes your creatures through, as they are left with fewer blockers, and of course hes going to draw removal (which is great when you Brave the Elements . Boros Elite is underwhelming at best...Judge's Familiar does a lot for a one drop against many matchups....he saved me a few games as the opponents either forgot about his ability or they were always a mana short. War Falcon its a little stronger, and thats it.

anyways match results from Friday: MB was same, except red lands were plains. SB was: 2x Ratchet Bomb 2x Witchbane Orb 2x Rest in Peace 2x Elixir of Immortality 2x Blind Obedience 3x Rootborn Defenses and 2x Pithing Needle .

Game 1:Izzet Cyclops 2-0First game he mulled to 5 and i was on the play, and didnt draw mana as much as he'd have liked. i had a solid draw, and hit my T1 Judge's Familiar , T2 Precinct Captain , T3 Banisher Priest on his creature (cant remember what it was), allowing Precinct Captain to make a token T4 Path of Bravery and a T5 Odric, Master Tactician ....

Second game was better, i mulled to 6, but was on the draw. dodge his removal using Brave the Elements and Banisher Priest his Nivix Cyclops and match.

Game 2:Red Burn Young Pyromancer 1-2

round 1 caught me off guard as he seemed to have an endless supply of burn spells; and i was expecting haste creatures when i saw mono red. T3 Young Pyromancer and T4 was 3x 1cmc burns to me and creatures making 6 elementals. he won T6.

round 2 i sided in Ratchet Bomb and Rootborn Defenses . opening hand had 2 Brave the Elements Mutavault Precinct Captain Judge's Familiar 2 Plains . T1 Judge's Familiar T2 Mutavault T3 plains Precinct Captain , he attempted to pillar but i burned a Brave the Elements . T4 Banisher Priest his Young Pyromancer to which he Flames of the Firebrand to remove him; i sac'd Judge's Familiar to counter spell as he had no mana open. T5 Path of Bravery and got all of my creatures out of 2 burn damage range; and proceeded for the win.

round 3. i didnt hit a single Brave the Elements or Rootborn Defenses but as such i was still playing a turn behind to make him think i had it. it worked as he hit me with most of the burn spells; avoiding my creatures. Fiendslayer Paladin deterred him for a rd, but he drew into Chandra, Pyromaster , and pinged Fiendslayer Paladin every turn from there.

Game 3 Bant flashback 2-0

rd 1 i had a turn 7 win, seeing only 2 Snapcaster Mage and a Scavenging Ooze and Jace, Architect of Thought .

rd 2 sided in Rest in Peace . opening hand had a Rest in Peace so i waited until he dropped the Scavenging Ooze then i caught him off guard with it. needless to say his flashbacks and graveyard pumping was out. Saw a Thragtusk ; otherwise nothing spectacular. turn 7 win.

Game 4R/B/G 2-1

Rd 1 - Caught him off guard by playing white weenie, as he didnt have nearly enough removal. Saw 2 Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip but Banisher Priest s ate them. 1 Thragtusk but he got ignored due to Odric, Master Tactician battalion+1

Rd 2 - I sided in Ratchet Bomb . he hit 3 Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip this game, to my 1 Banisher Priest that got popped by Olivia Voldaren . it was a valiant struggle, but he eventually got me.

Rd 3 - sided in Pithing Needle he hit 2 Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip (i think maybe he had like 20 in his deck...?) and an Olivia Voldaren . well timed Banisher Priest and Brave the Elements i avoided removal via Dreadbore on my Banisher Priest targeting his Olivia Voldaren and he was going to attempt to take my Fiendslayer Paladin with Olivia Voldaren when he got her back. next turn i drew Archangel of Thune (she was nowhere to be seen all night before this) and he scooped.

Took 4th place with another guy with a 3-1 record

August 18, 2013 9:20 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #5

Congrats on top 4 again last night jekara.

August 24, 2013 7:47 a.m.

Blazei says... #6

I wouldn't run red lands without mainboarding red cards.

August 29, 2013 7:28 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #7

congrats on top 8...again...gotta learn to not draw shitty hands everytime u enter top

September 8, 2013 12:15 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #8

Grats on top 8 at the Grand Prix Qualifier.

September 30, 2013 12:04 a.m.

jekara says... #9

So I recently attended a Saturday night Win-a-Box. It also happened to be a Grand Prix Qualifier. Spiffy. I got top 8. But I had to do so with a gimped deck. I, and DjinnjerVitis, thought the tourney started at 6 30. Nope. 5 30. So he has some of my cards. But I get there early cuz that's my favorite thing to do. I have to pull half of my sideboard to make a 60 card mainboard. This hurts. A lot. So, without further ado, here were the results of the night. Hobey-ho, let's go!

Match 1 0-2

Game 1 - Drawing no lands really stunts what you can do. :/ Loss.

Game 2 - Ok pretty good starting hand. Draw no creatures for four turns. And when I's a double black Obzedizzle. :/ Meanwhile, I have one black source. I eventually pull one of my two Swamp s. Just in time to get over run by angels in the sky. :/

Match 2 2-0

Game 1 - Open up with 2 Plains . Which is okay because I have 2 Judge's Familiar and 2 Precinct Captain . My last card is a Fiendslayer Paladin . Most of my hand is castable from the get go? I'll give it a shot. No land draw until turn 3. Drop a Temple of Silence and put the Whip of Erebos on the bottom of the deck. Turn 4 I draw and play Path of Bravery . My opponent, meanwhile, has dropped a 3/3 centaur token, an Experiment One , and a Loxodon Smiter . I'm hurting. Turn 5 - Fiendslayer Paladin . Turn 6 - Plains. Turn 7 - Archangel of Thune . I wait until next turn to attack (I don't want to be susceptible to Selesnya Charm ). Turn 8 - I am at 3 life and draw Blood Baron of Vizkopa . I swing with everything but the Archangel of Thune . I gain 3 life off the get go. I smack with my Fiendslayer Paladin for three. Trigger everywhere. Sure enough, Selesnya Charm drops its ugly head. Brave the Elements stops those shenanigans. I end with an untapped 5/6 lifelinker and 9 life. His turn....draws and passes. I draw another Plains and drop Blood Baron of Vizkopa . He scoops.

Game 2 - He gets mana-screwed. Only creature I see is 2 Experiment One and 1 Loxodon Smiter . I have 3 Plains , 2 Precinct Captain . 1 Swamp , and 1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa . My first turn I draw a land. He never draws a fourth land. :/ I win.

Match 3 - 2-1

Game 1- He plays everything. Domri Rade , Loxodon Smiter , Unflinching Courage ...I get 3 plains and 2 Fiendslayer Paladin . I lose. Badly.

Game 2- He plays Domri and a Loxodon Smiter then pumps it with Unflinching Courage . I Banisher Priest his only creature. Then I proceed to creature bash him. He plays an Anger of the Gods and I counter with Brave the Elements . I win next turn.

Game 3- He gets mana-flooded. And they are all scry-lands. He had to have started with at least 4 (I saw 5). It never made it to turn 6. I win.

MATCH 4 1-1-1

Game 1 - Mulligan to six. Keep with 3 lands, 1 Judge's Familiar , 1 Boros Reckoner and a Spear of Heliod . I never draw another land (although Obzedat, Ghost Council and Archangel of Thune rear their heads). By turn 3, I know he is playing control...and it does me no good. I lose quickly thereafter.

Game 2 - Awesome hand vs. control. 2 Plains , 1 Godless Shrine , 3 Judge's Familiar , and a Battlefield Medic . He can't get enough lands to ignore my birds and I play the medic. He plays Supreme Verdict . I start topdecking vs his topdeck. I get creatures. He gets counters. Or other blue shenanigans. I eventually continue to draw creatures. He doesnt have enough counters. Especially when Mutavault rears his head. And my Whip of Erebos . And my Obzedat, Ghost Council . I win this one. After a grueling 45 minutes. Stupid Control.

Game 3- Nothing special about my hand. By the time I end my first turn, the time is up. We draw.

MATCH 5 - 2-0

Game 1 - 3 lands and creature flood. He has a single creature. But a Tenacious Dead cannot stem the tide. I win shortly thereafter.

Game 2 - He plays a two land hand. And stays at 2 lands. I, meanwhile, am not. I smash face unopposed.

-----TOP 8-----OK. Here's the thing. I submitted my deck list for the Top 8 inspection. I had 2 Boros Reckoner in the deck. I wrote that down twice. So...deck violation. My opponent gains one win. He wrote down as one his lands...Temple. Just... Temple. Deck violation. Win comes to me. We start in final death.

GAME 3 - He mulligans to 5. And is playing control. And then he draws absolutely everything he needs to. Counters? Check. Kill spells? Check. Elspeth, Sun's Champion ? Check. I lose. :/

So, yeah. That stinks. Especially when it was a dumb mistake on my part that cost me a game in the top 8. Control was really the only opposition I encountered. I have playtested a few decks....and made a mostly anti-control sideboard. Updated now. :)

If you guys have any recommendations, please, let me hear em!

September 30, 2013 5:06 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #10

Congrats on winning FNM Oct 4th. Make sure you update your decklist and annotate your victory. I'd like to see this deck become a thing.

October 6, 2013 12:43 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #11

i suggest making all the Judge's Familiar foil because then maybe people will pay attention to how awesome that card is...hehe

October 11, 2013 11:45 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #12

maybe verdict over azorious charm? T4 swing with the gang with medic for indestructible, then verdict second main seems good. but how do you beat spot removal...i dont know how you would beat monoB though....i imagine most of the matchups will be monoB and Esper....i still think you will have better games with red or black instead of blue. ill play test you though if u want.

January 12, 2014 6:27 p.m.

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