This deck is like a box of chocolates - You never know what you're gonna get.

I have been constantly tweaking this deck for playability testing out various combos.

You do not have to run all combos in the deck at all times. There are core files that make up the mechanic, the rest is up to you.

Below are a bunch of ideas and combos that I have played with over time so you can build you own sideboard or version of the box for yourself.

Like a box of chocolates

Please don't forget to +1 this deck if you like it

Playing this baby you will be saying to your opponents on so many occasions "Yah that just happened..."

This deck is a convertible with so many different modes in which to play it. The concept is to utilize the infinite combo of

Kiora's Follower x2 + 1x Illusionist's Bracers

This combo allows you to infinitely tap and untap any single card with a tap effect on the board.

Utilizing this combo you can for example:

  • Infinitely tap and untap a Lobber Crew for Infinite 1 damage
  • Infinitely tap and untap any land for infinite mana of one color
  • Infinitely tap and untap Sylvan Caryatid for infinite mana of any color combination
  • Infinitely tap and untap a Codex Shredder for infinite milling
  • Infinitely tap and untap this combo Gorgon's Head + Izzet Staticaster for infinte deathtouch on opponents creatures

Infinite mana can be used for things like Biomass Mutation for X/X to all creatures you control. Or with Nylea's Bow utilizing any other un-tap effect to add counters to your creatures.

The other great mechanic is the Elite Arcanist with basically any instant exiled to it. With all the untap capabilities of the combos in here you can effectively have a on demand:


With the core structure of the mainboard you can sideboard in whatever you like to really shake up a game. I would recommend when side boarding this deck to swap out the Simic Charm / Urban Evolution set for whatever you want to sideboard in.

For some serious fun you can throw in singletons of many sideboard cards and play as a grab bag. Your opponent will never know what is coming in any given game and neither will you.


Infinite Damage

Elite Arcanist + Triton Tactics and Zhur-Taa Druid

Infinite creature removal

Kiora's Follower x2 + 1x Illusionist's Bracers and Gorgon's Head + Izzet Staticaster

Infinite Milling

Kiora's Follower x2 + 1x Illusionist's Bracers and Codex Shredder

Infinite Mana

Kiora's Follower x2 + 1x Illusionist's Bracers and Any Land or Sylvan Caryatid


Burst of Strength + Elite Arcanist Put as many +1/+1 counters on your Elite Arcanist as you have mana leaving it untapped for an attack during your attack phase.

Burst of strength is 1 drop and untaps creature so tap your left over mana into it and give it as many counters as you have mana leaving it untapped for attack.

Then Bioshift any number of those counters to Sage of Hours or Fathom Mage for a tonne of card draw or a couple extra turns to repeat the process all over again.

There you have it, a core deck structure that can be shifted and modified into any kind of fun combo deck your inner brewer can come up with.

Pandoras box

Remember +1 if you like the combos...



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Revision 17 See all

(9 years ago)

+4 Birds of Paradise main
-1 Blustersquall main
-1 Chromatic Lantern main
+3 Collected Company main
+3 Crimson Wisps main
-2 Disperse main
-2 Dissolve main
-1 Gorgon's Head main
-3 Guttersnipe main
-1 Hammer of Purphoros main
-2 Mana Confluence main
+4 Mana Leak main
-2 Quicken main
+4 Scalding Tarn main
+3 Serum Visions main
-3 Simic Charm main
+2 Spell Pierce main
+3 Vines of Vastwood main
+4 Wooded Foothills main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #71 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.90
Folders The Best Decks Ever, Others' Decks, Elite Arcanist, Decks I Like, Combo & "?", Nice Competive, Standard Decks, Possible decks, lol, Ideas
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