Papa Nurgle's Chief of Medicine
Commander / EDH
Third Field Test —Nov. 11, 2023
This is being written on 11/26/2023 because I had not the time to do a proper logging and reflection after last EDH night, due to work and the holiday.
This was a very interesting game night. I had some good ideas previously, although playing out some of them showed me the general error of my thinking. Ironically, I was the winner of the night.
Land Removal - Less effective than I expected; granted, I knew going in it wasn't going to measure up to other support destroyers like Naturalize but I had underestimated just how inefficient land spot removal is in the wider ecosystem. For political reasons, it must be held back until a proper threat arises, yet it cannot stop a threat that's already gained momentum. It can slow them down but the general rate of neutralization is low, as it relies on them having too little land otherwise to continue taking ground. Land removal also paints a target on your back because someone hit by it generally becomes a true enemy for the rest of the game. Less than ideal for a deck whose sluggishness necessitates reliance on politics. The flavor was delightful when I did play it. The reception just was...more appalled than I expected. Thankfully I already had cards on hand from previous projects, so nothing was lost in this failed experiment.
Haymakers - Yes, yes, yes, I know haymakers have been core to the identity of EDH for a long time. Thus far I experimented without them in hopes of finding an overall efficiency increase that would give Mort enough power and consistency at its base that while it would be unable to win out of nowhere, it would prove robust enough (amid appropriately powerful decks) to never truly need them. I was correct in theory, however, I did not consider certain variables that necessitate haymakers. Namely I refer to decks and commanders that either have outright protection or are mechanically designed to counter Mort such as Animar, Soul of Elements. This is not a substantial issue because we try to not play hard counters to each other. However when playing in a group of 4-8 people, the group just becomes too large to effectively select decks so kindly. Whilst haymakers I believe now will be necessary to an extent, I'm not necessarily obligated to play them, and neither are my friends. We're developing a sort of chivalry, where haymakers aren't always shotgunned and we are starting to just let games play out how they will. My one friend in particular, who oft plays Zurzoth, Chaos Rider, has willingly lost more than one game because he thought it would be more fun to just play it out than cast Burn Down the House for game. Regrettably, Torment of Hailfire is the only one I own, so anything I want additionally I will have to buy and test for real. But what's not regrettable is that due to the deck's sheer mana output, I will have the power to force draws by casting Death Cloud for like 26.
Nickel-and-Diming - Previously I observed the usefulness of group drain cards like Revenge of Ravens, but I hadn't expected the more pillow fort-y cards would prove so useful. Marchesa's Decree in particular came in clutch against the Animar deck, for while the Monarch lured him into attacking in, the bleeding ultimately put him in killing range when it boiled down to us two. Additionally, the presence of Monarch serves as a sort of bait for people to swing in, because while I don't mind giving up my Burger King crown (yes, we have one for the Monarch), someone who wants my crown often has to bleed a little to get it, and coupled with the greater system of slow draining, there's an insidious efficiency to offering people a card for just a little life. Even Dogged Pursuit is a threat by simply being in a mob of cards that ankle bite people to death. I will certainly want to monitor this vein of card for any new treasures, or old ones I missed.
Mana Curve - I believe I have observed this before, but the mana curve seems a little too heavy in the mid-ranged costs (4 and 5 CMC). I find myself often wishing either I had a little more mana or cards that cost a little less. It could also be an issue of generating too many resources, although I've never found myself in such an oversaturated state. I think it's most likely a curve issue, which would be most simply resolved by adjusting the curve itself. I will consider this moving forward as I gather more information and conduct tests.
Progress is slow but steady. It's just a matter of time and trial-and-error.