Xira, Eldrazi Princess

Tiny Leaders* DeeLight


K34 says... #1

I like it a lot; I love theme decks and eldrazi, so this is right up my ally.

If you decide to keep it no longer on-theme or budget, Bitterblossom, Ophiomancer, and some other repeated token generators could be good.

It's worth noting that Lavalanche is worthless in tiny leaders since no spell can be cast for more than 3 mana. At least that's my understanding, I could be wrong.

December 24, 2015 9:36 a.m.

DeeLight says... #2

K34 Hi there! Thank you for your support, I'm happy to see you like it, and I will give more stuff a shot as I start real playtesting.

As for cards with X in their cost, it's actually possible to exceed 3-drop given that x is a non defined value (Otherwise think on it, the Zenith cards would not be staples :) ) To quote the rules:

905.5b Each card must have a converted mana cost of three or less. Cards with x in their mana cost count X as zero for this purpose. Split cards and double-faced cards are legal only if both of their halves would be legal independently.

December 24, 2015 2:07 p.m.

K34 says... #3

Oh, ok, i was wrong. Where did you find the comprehensive rules to the format? I went to Tinyleaders.blogspot.Com and they answered it in their F.A.Q. section in a way that made it sound different. The ruling you found is much more coherent.

December 24, 2015 2:55 p.m.

DeeLight says... #4

K34 Here you go! http://tinyleaders.blogspot.com/p/comprehensive-rules.html

December 25, 2015 12:08 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #5


Your deck has been selected to join the prestigious Cheap Deck Club. Information can be found under this promotional page.

The Cheap Deck Club.

Standard Atony1400

SCORE: 81 | 64 COMMENTS | 8437 VIEWS

  • Atony1400, (leader of discussion of the Cheap Deck Club Committee)

P. S. Congratulations on being our first ever Tiny Leaders deck!

January 24, 2016 5:32 p.m.

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