Paradise, Damnation or Tariel [[PRIMER]]
Commander / EDH
@KALA - i'll save everyone from the suffering. I actually think Radiohead's 'Reckoner' is her unofficial theme song. if I knew how to link it I would. Thanks!
November 18, 2015 12:32 a.m.
Linvala, Keeper of Silence. Shuts a lot of people down for a good price.
April 2, 2016 12:30 a.m.
@Trinitok - I'll definitely consider her. now i just need to figure out what to drop to make room for her...Thanks!
April 2, 2016 1:09 a.m.
namesallgone says... #6
I have never made a Mardu deck but this have given me a lot to think about. I also thought about...where is Victimize? Is there a reason you aren't running cards like Archon of Justice, Ashen Rider, and Angel of Despair?
But seriously...I am going to steal the majority of your deck and claim it as my own.
May 20, 2016 12:07 p.m.
namesallgone: thanks for trying out my deck here. I look forward to any input you have playing it out and how it does for you. please send me a link to what you come up with.
Victimize: I don't run it as i try to get as many reanimate spells that target any graveyard since i have the option to grab a huge bomb from across the table. it also gives it some of that %75 feel as my deck is as good as what the opponents bring. I add some amazing creatures on my end though as i want options when i run up against low creature builds/token decks. if anything I'd run the old favorite reanimate but the enchantments i have work well with sun titan for recursion.
archon/ashen - i dig these guys as removal is definitely important, but exiling the threat is kind of a bummer since i would want to reanimate it later and exile is gone for good mostly.
angel of despair- she is better since she destroys, and used to be in my build however i ran out of space and found things like Malfegor to be MUCH better.
Thanks and good luck!
May 21, 2016 2:34 a.m.
June 3, 2016 9:59 p.m.
@Delta-117: Thanks for the input!earlier versions of this deck had Urabrask in as a way to get to the late game quicker since I didn't have enough power early in the game, but after adding more cheap reanimation and self mill I am able to get the party started early enough without him. also the double red was pretty steep at the time. he may go back in if i can find a good slot for him.
Archangel Avacyn is less impressive than Avacyn, Angel of Hope as AOH makes all permanents indestructible for more than just one turn, and AA's "semi-wrath" flip is too small to do much against my playgroup. 99% of the time she is only killing a solemn simulacrum or an anger, which if anything, helps the opponent. Also if i can tutor/Reanimate only one creature, I'd choose AOH 100% of the time.
I am definitely eyeing up an entomb now that it is going to get cheaper with the reprinting going on but I'm torn between it and a vampiric tutor for the same slot since i could tutor for buried alive. most likely i am going to have to find two slots for both of these.
Thanks again!
June 4, 2016 2:43 a.m.
KingOfGOblins says... #10
I have always loved Tarial, Reckoner of Souls, but have always been unsure on how to build her. You have given me so many ideas and finally shown me her true potential. I so look forward to building, tweaking, and dominating with this deck! Props and thanks for helping rekindle this guys love for Tarial, Reckoner of Souls.
June 11, 2016 1:36 a.m.
@KingOfGoblins - Glad to hear it! I'd love to see what you come up with.
June 13, 2016 1:59 a.m.
I run Reconnaissance in my Tariel deck. So long as you don't mind your commander not dealing commander damage you can tap her in combat and then pay 0 to untap her again. Also Aurelia, the Warleader combos well by granting three untaps which can give you 4 reanimations per turn cycle for literally nothing.
June 14, 2016 12:32 a.m.
I just had to come here and see if you were building a control deck. You are. Good job.
Oh I guess I should try and make some suggestions. I really like Hero's Downfall in decks like this where I know it'll be a long drawn out game.
Also Kher Keep is surprisingly nice especially with Skullclamp. Speaking of Skullclamp where is that Elspeth, Sun's Champion and Painful Truths? Draw is always a good thing. Especially when you have lots of 7 drop creatures and a 7 drop commander. You have to make sure you consistently hit lands ya know?
Also Malfegor isn't that great. The times he works the way you want never happened enough for me at least.
June 14, 2016 12:46 a.m.
@Kingicczar - Malfegor has never under-impressed me. it is essentially a better wrath spell since I typically drop 3-4 cards and the "sacrifice" thing helps out when creatures are indestructible. I like when people are forced to sacrifice an active Xenagod or Avacyn, angel of hope.
I tried the token thing before with Walkers like Sorin, Lord of Innistrad but since i have several other token decks I really got burned out on that. Especially since planeswalkers, and especially tokens don't synergize well with recursion.
Hero's Downfall is good though dreadbore is cheaper. Also I have Anguished unmaking but am considering swapping it out for vindicate since Exiling is kind of a nonbo. I'd think Vindicate would be higher on the list than hero's downfall however if i need a 3rd copy I'd definitely consider it. I don't really see all that many 'Walkers in my playgroup to target but maybe that will change. If I do though it'll probably drive me to run Recoup again...
Card Draw is definitely a good thing. I need to figure out how to draw more cards without losing too much life over the game.
Thanks for the Suggestions!
June 15, 2016 1:13 a.m.
@stopshot - funny you mention [reconnaissance] I just heard about it a week ago. I'll keep it in mind but the main downside I can think of is that often there simply aren't enough dead creatures to recur. This is the main reason i included Mesmeric orb as it helps fill up graveyards.
June 15, 2016 1:18 a.m.
This deck looks real nice, I've been thinking of making a Tariel deck recently myself. Are cards like Moratorium Stone worth running so that you have a bit of control over what card you pull out of the graveyard with her?
July 20, 2016 2:13 p.m.
@cobalt127: Moratorium Stone seems a bit janky, I've often seen cards like Eater of the Dead or Junktroller included. I had Junktroller in the deck early on as he was a decent ground blocker with added benefit.
Tariel's random reanimate ability is really fun when left alone. Sure you may get something super odd, but sometimes that is pretty cool. Plus it's bonus points when you luck out and get a void winnower (out of 4 or so creatures). it kind of leaves that fun "Gambling" type effect that seems to be in the spirit of red. Worst case scenario you are getting a chump blocker of some sort.
I'm running a good amount of direct opponent graveyard reanimation spells, so i don't need to rely on Tariel's reanimation unless I'm out of options or I'm feeling lucky, which is probably the best time to be gambling (as a red player of course).
July 20, 2016 4:13 p.m.
A buddy of mine had a pretty sick Tariel deck that ran Sepulchral Primordial with a ton of ways to sac it and get it back. Not sure if it is all that worth it in this deck, but with that on top of a Grave Pact, it was very difficult to beat him with a creature based deck.
July 31, 2016 1:30 p.m.
@Teal_Fox - Sepulchral primordial is very good. i ran him in earlier versions of the deck. I'm going to drop blazing archon and add him in. i'll try it out for a bit and see how he does in that slot.
August 3, 2016 2:12 a.m.
Mogis, God of Slaughter all day, everyday in this type of deck, for extra damage, and targets for Tariel.
December 1, 2016 8:58 p.m.
Thanks TK. I'll test out Mogis and see how he does.I run him as a different (group slug) deck, and didn't think about using him here.I know that in my other deck people tend to always take 2 rather than sac creatures unless they are at 5 life or lower OR are running a lot of tokens, as such I wonder if it'll make any targets or simply be slight attrition. we shall see!
December 3, 2016 5:47 p.m.
Well, two life before you get going is nothing the snarf at, and it adds up. I hope he works for you.
December 3, 2016 6:47 p.m.
TK, so i played a few games this weekend and got a chance to test out mogis and here is what i found:not once did a player sacrifice a creature as 2 life wasn't enough of an incentive on it's one game a player had enough life gain that mogis didn't even matter (oloro player). i feel like if you run mogis, you kind of need erebos in order to stop any consistent life gain.interesting story: i played against an ezuri deck which was able to go infinite with sage of hours. it seemed that since they would get hit every extra turn the life loss would have stolen the game from them. this didn't happen though as he had a creature out with unblockable, and knocked me out of the game quick enough that he only lost about 4 life.
i feel that Mogis really needs the support of an entire deck to work out well. including stuff file erebos (as per earlier) as well as ways to double the damage and possibly stop creatures from being relevent (tainted aether). the wrath spells i have in tariel did help to stop creatures but i feel like Mogis really needed more dedication than i had here.
also side note: fumigate probably should be taken out and replaced with rout since i could have cast it at instant speed to stop ezuri's infinite turns. Fumigate helps more against decks that "go wide" which ezuri just wasn't doing.
December 5, 2016 1:21 p.m.
I have a WB Reanimator deck with some great combos, check out the description for the combos Ayli 'n' Friends destroy control would be better for Tariel so not everything is compatible, but it is very Psychopomp themed like Tariel.
February 1, 2017 10 p.m.
I love this deck! I didint think you could make Tariel into a sort of better Meren EDH! Love it, Do you think you should add some Lilliana's or something of the sorts for discarding?
Kala says... #1
if it's called reckoner of beats, you just HAVE to link a dubstep song in your description.
November 17, 2015 8:33 p.m.