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Paradoxical Tezzeret (Standard Theorybrew)

Standard UB (Dimir)



Hey guys! Redbuilder here! I am a devout magic player and deckbuilder who loves to find fringe decklists, especially in standard. This is a standard brew (semi-budget) that was inspired by Tezzeret the Schemer as well as the card Paradoxical Outcome, two cards that currently and previously saw little to no standard play. It involves multiple artifacts which have advantageous ETB triggers and creatures with artifact synergy. This list is certainly a theorycraft, and is unlikely to gain traction in standard. However, in playtesting the deck against tier 1 and tier 2 standard decks, it seems alright in most matchups, but can get countered by good sideboard tech and/or strong aggro. It does need more testing, and possible a more reliable win condition, but this is just a fun and creative list that I wanted to try out. This deck also benefits greatly from the ban of Aetherworks Marvel, as that was a poor matchup which necessitated a strong opening as well as counterspells and disruption. With this deck out of the meta, cards like Disallow can be placed into the sideboard, leaving more room in the mainboard for cards that fit better into the deck. Also, to help against tough aggro matchups, I am running 3 copies of Yahenni's Expertise in the mainboard. Most of the creatures in the deck can survive the -3/-3. The free card is extremely relevant, since most of the core artifacts in the deck are 3 CMC or less. This deck also actually is often good hitting a 2 drop on turn 3 which can also allow the playing of a tapped land on turn 3. That covers all of the major choices. Below you will find all card choices and reasoning for individual cards and amounts. The only cards from Amonkhet that are played are the reprinted version of Evolving Wilds and Fetid Pools. I am also leaving the sideboard open to everyone's personal choices. I like to run some counterspells like Disallow and some creatures with removal attached like Vengeful Rebel.

Individual Choices

Choked Estuary - Great land for this deck considering it enters untapped the majority of the time

Sunken Hollow - Nice land but it will rotate in a month or so - will be replaced by more Fetid Pools or Basics

Fetid Pools - Not running 4 because curving out is extremely important in this deck, but the cycling can be super useful in this deck

Inventors' Fair - One of the hardest cards to correctly choose the number. Hitting the correct colors is very important, so Inventor's Fair falls short in that regard. However, Prophetic Prism can filter the colorless mana, and the life and potential artifact tutor can be very strong. I ended up going with 3 copies because I was considering running 2-4 copies.

Evolving Wilds - Solid as always, even in 2 colors, and triggers Revolt for Fatal Push. Running 3 copies because the land enters tapped and as aforementioned, curving out is important.


Fatal Push - A slam dunk removal in standard, which also synergizes with some of our artifacts as well as Paradoxical Outcome due to the revolt trigger

Renegade Map - Helps hit land drops, is always better than drawing a land in the late game, besides a Fetid Pools

Prophetic Prism - Draws, filters mana, synergizes with Paradoxical Outcome and Syndicate Trafficker, and is an easy choice for the deck

Metalspinner's Puzzleknot - Draws on ETB and is versatile (can be sacrificed and can be returned with Paradoxical Outcome)

Servo Schematic - Great fuel, good with Paradoxical Outcome, Servos help with blocking and are good fuel for Syndicate Trafficker along with the Schematic itself

Contraband Kingpin - Core blocker in this deck, and the scry trigger is helpful

Syndicate Trafficker - Great creature, but not a 4-of because the deck wants to have some artifacts left for Paradoxical Outcome (probably more of these in the sideboard)

Foundry Inspector - Another easy choice - cheapens all artifacts and helps fire off earlier. Can lead into a crazy combo with Paradoxical Outcome.

Cultivator's Caravan - Works with Metalwork Colossus and can help ramp into more artifacts

Tezzeret the Schemer - Duh, easy. Makes artifacts, synergizes, win condition

Yahenni's Expertise - Stated Earlier

Paradoxical Outcome - Returns artifacts and then draws cards, basically everything you need

Metalwork Colossus - The finisher

Sideboard Recommendations - Torrential Gearhulk (for control matchups), more of Fatal Push, Disallow (for some matchups), Padeem, Consul of Innovation (for protecting and drawing)

Thanks to everyone who helped me with this list!-Redbuilder11

P.S. I also came up with a version that uses the Implements from Aether Revolt and is more themed around putting artifacts into the graveyard, but is somewhat slower and less efficent since Metalwork Colossus and Paradoxical Outcome no longer work.


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Playtested a bit more. Lost a lot to Lathnu Hellion and Walking Ballista. The Hellion just beat me down and I could not manage to find a Fatal Push at all, let alone with revolt. Ballista got huge, and I yet again did not find a Fatal Push. Yahenni's Expertise Helped, but I need some tech against those 4/4's. Excited for the possibility of Bontu's Last Reckoning.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

25 - 9 Rares

10 - 1 Uncommons

16 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.13
Tokens Emblem Tezzeret the Schemer, Etherium Cell, Servo 1/1 C
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