This deck used to centre around a Paradox Engine storm, until it was banned. Now it generally aims for an Ad Nauseam setup to draw 20+ cards, then creating infinite grey mana through KCI sac loops, and finishing everyone off with direct damage.

Total CMC 102, excluding Glissa, so an Ad Naus should average 1 card per 1 life or thereabouts. Typical game plan: find that card as soon as possible, and choose the right moment to play it.

Glissa herself

Glissa does not always feature, but helps grind out value in long games. She is often worth playing in turn 3 as a powerful decoy while getting ready for an Ad Naus in turn 4. First strike, Deathtouch is great for protecting a life total, and people immediately start worrying about your graveyard.

Also she makes up for a lack of blue spells - there isn't much point countering an artifact when she's around.

Sac combos

Using either Krark-Clan Ironworks alone or Arcbound Ravager + Dross Scorpion + Sol Ring as the engine

  1. Myr Retriever + Scrap Trawler + artifacts with CMC 3, 1 and 0 in the graveyard
  2. Lesser Masticore + Melira, Sylvok Outcast
  3. Cathodion + Nim Deathmantle
  4. Also straight win via Metalworker + Staff of Domination

Wins via Walking Ballista , Nim Deathmantle + Perilous Myr , or Dross Scorpion + either Viridian Longbow or Codex Shredder

Birthing Pod Sequence

Birthing Pod + Dross Scorpion + any mana rock + a CMC 1 artifact creature is a game win sequence, as follows (requires 12 mana total + 12 life):

If there's a CMC 2 or 3 artifact creature in your graveyard, you can shortcut (requires 9 mana total and 10 life):

This is not easy to pull off, and not how the deck normally wins (see combos above), but it is the centre-piece of the deck when not simply heading straight for Ad Nauseam . The components synergise with all other artifacts, and it can be done in stages. E.g. add Mishra's Bauble and you'll draw a load of cards in the process.

Opening Hand

If the opening hand has no card draw or tutor, mulligan it. Finding the key cards is essential, especially without access to Blue.

Statistically there's a 61% chance of one or more of those 12 in any 7 cards. If it's one of the second 6, probably needs a backup like Ancient Stirrings or Entomb

What it needs

Bayou , Mox Diamond , Imperial Seal , maybe a few more fetch lands

What if...

...they un-ban Paradox Engine ? I guess it would probably make the cut.


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.49
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C
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