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Parish of Boros




Creature (3)

Enchantment (2)

Instant (3)

Sorcery (7)


This is a standard deck that I am working on to help e jump into the competitive scene. Mostly a typical Human aggro in most parts, deck is based on the greatness of Champion of the Parish and the awesome cheap W/R cards that come with Gatecrash. More of a prototype since I am in the process of getting all the cards, though I have them already lined up. I had an idea that I might want to add some black to this deck so I can throw in some black support but I am currently against this at the moment since I feel like the black bit would not be as helpful.


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Decided to remove the Battalion mechanic from the deck barring Frontline Medic, but made the creature count higher?? Hah, just felt that this was the better way. Anyways...

Main deck changes:

-Firemane Avenger has been replaced for Restoration Angel. Holy crap why didn't I put this here in the first place?? Very versatile and is like an instant spell that can swing. This deck needed the removal and this card can easily swing a victory by itself. I also buffed it to four since I want this card in my hand, no matter what.

-Firefist Striker was replaced with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. This card is the reason I changed the monster count but there is more to it. Thalia lets me slow down other decks that don't run a nearly as high monster count as I do, plus it acquires attention which forces my opponent to make a decision.

-Blind Obedience was switched for space for the fourth Restoration Angel. Really breaks my heart to remove this enchantment, but the card is just not enough. I can't really take full advantage of Extort in this deck because I need to hit the curve and Restoration Angel solves problems better than Obedience does. Just not the card to be put in the main deck.

-Gather the Townsfolk removed for Nearheath Pilgrim. The lifelink is incredibly powerful and lets me make good defense plays which I felt that even though this deck is aggro, this deck needs to have bounce back. Gather the Townsfolk, while a pretty strong card, only helped buff the Champion of the Parish plays with a potential plus five with five blockers. Nearheath gives me one blocker but the lifelink lets me live longer till I can make a big play. Just wish the Pilgrim here was 1/3... But hey, still a great card.

Sideboard changes:

-Removed Faith's Shield for Ash Zealot and Rest in Peace. Zealot lets me fight hard against flashback decks and RiP is for reanimator and flashback as well since I don't want to see the same thing twice for the most part. Faith's Shield is slightly underwhelming, though I may come back to it.

-Took out Nevermore along with a Terminus and Skullcrack to hit 3 for Ash Zealot and 2 for Rest in Peace. I don't remember exactly how I did it but I know that I took out Nevermore because I felt like Zealot and Rest in Peace dealt with issue directly rather than a 'hopefully they don't destroy this thing that is hindering them.' I didn't really want to take out the one Skullcrack but I feel like this was the right choice.

-Note on the Ash Zealot: I put her in since she is not hindered from Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and I have a feeling that her burn is incredibly effective for the problem decks where the other options aren't as good.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 2 Mythic Rares

28 - 9 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
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