This is my Selvala, Explorer Returned EDH Deck!

The main goal of the deck is to combo off as fast as possible. Selvala is very good for this because she is constantly getting you mana and card draw!
The combos in this deck are simple! You just need the following three elements:

1.) Either Priest of Titania, Elvish Archruid, Wirewood Channeller, Karametra's Acolyte, or Selvala Heart of the Wilds

2.) Either Umbral Mantle, Sword of the Paruns, or Staff of Domination

3.) FOR Priest of Titania, Elvish Archdruid, or Wirewood Channeller: At least 4 elves on the battlefield (5 for Staff Of Domination)

a.) FOR Karametra's Acolyte: At least 4 devotion to Green (5 for Staff of Domination)

b.) FOR Selvala, Heart of the Wilds: At least 5 power in creatures on the board (6 for Staff of Domination)

Once you have these elements, you can tap one of the mana producing elves for 4 mana, pay 3 to untap the elf, and rinse and repeat! You are netting 1 mana each time and thus are producing infinite mana! (Again, this formula increases by one for Staff of Domination as opposed to Umbral Mantle or Sword of the Paruns)

And with infinite mana and an untap ability you now have infinite Parley, which translates to infinite card draw!

Draw until you hit your win con, which is most likely Craterhoof :)

The other cards are mostly tutors to get the creatures you need, cards that protect your combo, or just cards that were too good to pass up!

Here are some of my favorites:

1.) **EDIT: With the Paradox Engine Banning, I have replaced Paradox with Scroll Rack. Scroll Rack allows you to stack the top of the deck so that you can guarantee an extra Mana off of the parley. Also, you go through so many cards through parleying, that you can dig really efficiently with Scroll Rack.

2.) Genesis Wave: Genesis Wave is crazy good in this deck. Make infinite mana with the combo and Genesis Wave for a million! You just choose to let Kozilek hit your graveyard so that you can shuffle your instants and sorceries back into your library and you don’t mill yourself out!

3.) Walking Ballista: Infite Mana + Walking Ballista = Infinite Damage

4.) Dragonlord Dromoka: Once you have your infinite mana, go find Dromoka and cast her as quickly as possible! Stop opponents from having any interaction with your combo!

5.) Concordant Crossroads: This might seem risky at first but trust me, the haste will benefit you more than anyone else at the table! Not only can you parley immediately, you can tap your dorks immediately and swing with everything once you fill your battlefield!

6.) Aetherflux Reservoir: Selvala Produces Mana and Life and can let you cast an insane amount of spells in a turn. Nuff Said

1.) The more players the better - Because your deck is so dependent on what is on top of people’s libraries, you want as many libraries in the game as possible to increase your odds! This deck shines in 4+ pods

2.) Expect Opponents To Scoop - Your turns will take forever, which people hate, so once you begin to combo off, people will probably scoop. Try to convince them not to though, because by them scooping, you are losing potential mana because their libraries are no longer in the parley equation

3.) Parley should almost always be the first thing that you do in your main phase - You almost always want to parley before anything else because you never know if the card on top of your library is better than what is in your hand

4.) Yes, I know there isn’t a lot of removal - I purposely build my decks to outrace my opponents. I normally do not care what others are doing, I just want to combo off before they can interact. This deck can definitely accomplish that! Plus if you combo fast enough, you put out enchantments or creatures that stop the interaction. AKA Sterling Grove + Priveleged Position :)

5.) Yes I know there are no 1 drop mana dorks and very few rocks - You really do not need them. Yes these cards could help you get off the ground on turn 2 rather than three but I never felt the need for them. I produce enough mana already! But feel free to change if you would like

Anyways, that is the deck. Please send me a message if you have any questions!


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97% Competitive

Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors UBR

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.07
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 GW
Folders Deck Ideas, Copies, Echt heel leuk, Cool Decks to Try
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