Parody of Parity

Modern theemptyquiver

SCORE: 60 | 138 COMMENTS | 11717 VIEWS | IN 14 FOLDERS

theemptyquiver says... #1

I'm still pondering the ideas about the Everflowing Chalice

I did play this deck over the weekend and did quite well.

I played another infect deck UB infect and swept that deck under the rug. I played that guy best of three and went 2-0.

I played a red burn deck featuring Inferno Titan and battled heavily to end up 2-1

I played a GW ramping deck and went 2-0

and lastly played a mono Black control deck and went 1-2.

I guess I can't win 'em all. But I felt great about the performance overall.

Later the guy who played the UB infect deck wanted to play a fun rematch and I won another best of three 2-1.

Infect on infect can be intense. The mimic vats were one noticeable difference in how well my deck performed. So well in fact that I added them to my RUB infect deck as well.

I may try the chalice this next weekend to see if it helps as you suggest it might, so any thoughts on what to swap out?

January 31, 2011 3:49 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #2

I don't think I agree with Everflowing Chalice . Ramp isn't really what this deck needs, since almost all of your creatures are cheap; a way to accelerate card draw would serve you better, I think, so you can get your hands on your threats more often.

Not that it would hurt, specifically, to have mana acceleration, but I think that most of the pieces you have in here serve your goal better than the Chalice would.

I also don't think I like the MB Platinum Angel . She's pretty expensive to get out there, and you might not even need her if you go off as fast as you'd like. I'd take her out of the MB and just put her in for games where you're under the knife (say, other fast Infect decks). Use her slot for something cheap that helps your infecters.

Maybe consider swapping the Wall of Omens for Priests of Norn , as you already discussed up there? Card-draw is nice but the Priests give you the option for that extra poison counter.

Also think about Frantic Salvage . I don't know for certain how well it fits (or what I'd suggest swapping for it), but it could work fairly well since most of your guys are artifact creatures.

January 31, 2011 2:56 p.m.

theemptyquiver says... #3

I like the frantic salvage idea. I think it could help with the Emeria, Mimic vat, recycle theme well. Plus it will keep the cards coming that I need.

I don't have any Besieged cards so this build with the salvage cards and the priests is currently hypothetical, but I should have those pieces before long.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I may still playtest the Everflowing chalice, but I tend to agree that I don't need ramp. Especially from all the games I've played and never had mana issues. Even when I'm land-poor my games still go okay.

January 31, 2011 3:29 p.m.

xeratheenigma says... #4

I like that in your deck's script that you say this is a typical infect deck but, it isn't a typical infect deck. it is a solid monowhite/artifact infect deck that i would enjoy playing sometime. have you possibly considered Sun Titan as a lategame recycler and can also serve as an alternate win con as well.

Love the deck


February 1, 2011 1:21 a.m.

theemptyquiver says... #5

You're not the first to suggest Sun Titan . So maybe there's something too that....

Maybe I could try them instead of the frantic salvage...I'd more or less accomplish the same thing, but I'd give the opponent more to think about.

Unfortunately for me my only sun titans are in my a-tale-of-two-mimics deck.

I'll need to purchase more. :-(

February 1, 2011 1:45 a.m.

xeratheenigma says... #6

why dont you just swap out the sun titans from one deck to the other when your not playing one of the decks. unless both decks are played simultaneously.

February 1, 2011 2:05 a.m.

theemptyquiver says... #7

I don't know.

I think it's my super anal-retentive analytical mind that won't let me play cards I don't own in a deck. I won't proxy, and for some reason if I don't have enough of a card for two decks I either have to buy more or play an alternative.

It sometimes forces me to use cards I normally wouldn't use, which sometimes leads me to discover new ideas.

But I understand I could do it. I just can't. It's one of my Magic principles I live the game by. Haha.

February 1, 2011 2:17 a.m.

xeratheenigma says... #8

yea i understand i was just curious as to why it required you to buy more. personally i dont care for proxying either which often leads to me not building a deck that would utilize a card i do not own or finding another card to replace the missing card with an alternative.

February 1, 2011 2:26 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #9

I proxy only when playtesting, because it just feels easier for me to gauge how the deck is running with physical cards in my hand. But I won't play with proxies.

I like Sun Titan as well, but there's advantages for Frantic Salvage over it. It's cheaper and instant-speed, so you could pop it at the end of your opponent's turn and essentially get two creatures back right away (from the cantrip and then normal draw).

Also, late-game, if you've got a leg up on them and just need to keep up pressure, you cast it and suddenly you're just drawing threat after threat because of the way Salvage lets you stack the top of your deck.

The Titan can keep creature-pressure up as well of course, and he does it each turn with a 6/6 body. But the Titan can (and likely will) be killed, ending the recycling run, whereas the Salvage's benefits (assuming it's not countered) keep coming.

I'm not saying the Titan's a bad choice, just making arguments for the less flashy card too. =p

February 1, 2011 10:34 a.m.

Yeah. It's a real connundrum of a choice!

They both seem to have great synergy and value.

Although the pragmatic side of me is leaning towards the frantic salvage because it's new and likely cheap and not likely to see much play anywhere so people will be surprised by it.

I'll have to wait until I get it. It's certainly nice to have choices like this though. Lol

I appreciate all the feedback! It's really helping me fine tune.

February 1, 2011 11:56 a.m.

Played over the weekend with this deck.

vs. Standard Land Destruction: 2-0 vs. RDW: 2-0 vs. Pyromancer Deck 1-2

I really thought I would have a harder time against burn, but I had Mimic vat out early which was extremely helpful, for game one and game two was all about side-boarding silences in. That made the game.

Vs. the pyromancer deck it was insane because the deck was simply bouncing me apart. Everything I played was either bounced or countered. Then after I had nothing to play or show for my efforts he simply lightning bolted me with copies to death. Both games it was the same that he won. I won a single game just by having a nice draw. I may need to add something SB to deal with enchantments, because I had nothing. I'm just not sure what my best bet would be that would stay with the synergy of my deck.


February 7, 2011 3:16 a.m.

xeratheenigma says... #12

if you want a creature you have War Priest of Thune for instant speed removal you've got cards like Demystify

February 7, 2011 12:03 p.m.

xeratheenigma says... #13

also Leyline of Sanctity blows burn out of the water but with so much bounce magic it doesn't seem like a good choice against pyro ascension

February 7, 2011 12:07 p.m.

Yeah. I'm thinking demystify.

Fits well. The war priest is good, and could work with a mimic vat though......

February 7, 2011 1:12 p.m.

xeratheenigma says... #15

i only suggested the warpriest because you are running vats

February 7, 2011 1:43 p.m.

So, after some careful consideration, I am going to add (at some point, just not now) 2 Inkmoth Nexus, and take out 1 Emeria, the sky ruin. I will take out the 4 Ichorclaw Myrs and add 4 Plague Myrs to help with mana.

I will remove 2x wall of omen, and add 2x phyrexian juggs.

I may add that new infect guy that prolifs when it goes to the graveyard, but I haven't committed to it yet.

Thoughts? I always hate doing tweaks when my deck has been running really well, but I'm eager to add some new fire power in. I'm just afraid I'll make it worse, which does happen. Often. hehe.

February 13, 2011 6:15 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #17

I like the Bushido Myr better than Plague Myr , but I can understand how the mana acceleration would be welcome. And the Bushido Myr don't add much to your ability to infect, just to decimate your opponent's creatures, so I can see it from that angle too.

I'm also not certain about the Wall of Omens / Phyrexian Juggernaut s, because I'm a fan of card draw...but again, the Juggernauts add more player-killing. And the Juggernauts are beastly threats - they're either a 2-turn clock on their own, or they absolutely wreck your opponent's army, since basically nothing feels good after 5 -1/-1 counters.

The other problem I have with the Juggs is, 6 mana is kinda hefty. Do you think that's too high? I mean, you'll have the Plague Myr s to balance it I guess, but still.

February 13, 2011 2:12 p.m.

smp says... #18

Inkmoth Nexus really puts this deck over the top. In mine I cut Emeria all together so I could have four. The slight acceleration you get from Plague Myr is very useful. I have Phyrexian Juggernaut and Core Prowler but I'm thinking about cutting them. And the Core Prowler s are better if you have a sacing outlet.

February 13, 2011 2:17 p.m.

Yeah. The mana ramp from the myrs was why I thought the juggs would work.

I'm not sold on the core prowler. I may put the wall of omens in over them. I just like having that prolif. Ability.

I should go with my gut. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm getting sold on the inkmoths, I think they will wreck, with this deck.

February 13, 2011 4:22 p.m.

smp says... #20

Yeah the Nexuses are amazing. I can consistently get them up to 5/5s

February 13, 2011 5 p.m.

entropy101 says... #21

i think i prefer revoke existence for dealing with the enchantments. firstly you cant call to mind an exiled card and secondly it can hit an artifact should you want to.

February 13, 2011 5:22 p.m.

MagnorCriol says... #22

If somebody's been using Call to Mind to recur an enchantment on you, you should go get back the money they cheated away from you.

February 13, 2011 6:02 p.m.


Funny stuff.

Yeah. Enchantments are a minor threat, both ideas are useful. I am on the fence if I even need to SB them or not.

Because if I really had to do it I'd need to do 4 to have a1 4 1 answer to a whole playset. Seems kinda heavy to load up on.

February 13, 2011 7:46 p.m.

Comments? Is this as good as it gets? I can't believe that! There must be more.

February 24, 2011 5 a.m.

Tetsuo says... #25

i'd drop the Frantic Salvage for two more Leyline of Sanctity s in the sideboard. if your going up against burn or black control you need it in your opening hand and you have very poor odds of that if you only have one. with three you should be able to mulligan down once or twice to get it consistently but still have good odds of not drawing two in your opening hand. and i think you have enough late game graveyard retrieval with Sun Titan , Corpse Cur , and Emeria, The Sky Ruin .

don't let anyone talk you into taking the Oust out of the deck.

without a way to fetch Platinum Angel having one seems kinda useless. either you have a dead card till turn 7 or you just never draw her when you would need her.

also idk where you would fit it in but if you're building this as a white control based deck one of the staples for your sideboard should be Celestial Purge . kills just about everything black or red and is instant speed.

February 24, 2011 5:19 a.m.

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