[2025] - Party Hardy with Rakdos - Primer 1.0

Commander / EDH Algebutter


Power/Flavor Adjustments —Oct. 25, 2021


  • Archfiend of Despair: Great for swinging in and watching opponents figure out blockers only to find out they died at the end of turn anyway :').
  • Animate Dead: Headcanon: The Rakdos guildmages brought them back from the dead to party
  • Disciple of Bolas: This deck needed more draw
  • Crypt Ghast: A little less flavorful but extremely good for ramp, would probably party in silence
  • Spawn of Mayhem: A flavorful pinger
  • Orcus, Prince of Undeath: Currently playtesting this guy, looks like he'd partyhard-y
  • Dread Cacodemon: Needed more bombs, one sided boardwipes were necessary
  • Vial Smasher the Fierce: Chaotic damage, would probably be down to party with the lord of riots himself, easy include
  • Sin Prodder: Sinful fun
  • Underworld Breach: Santa Claws is coming to town
  • Sanctum of Stone Fangs: The greatest place to host house parties
  • Burning-Rune Demon: 2hot2handle
  • Wheel of Misfortune: Flavorful way to refill the hand, doubles as a suicidal minigame


  • Bedeck // Bedazzle: I find myself waiting to play this, but I found that it was better to have fewer answers and put in strong creatures
  • Gratuitous Violence: Flavorful but a little too mana intensive for the deck
  • Dire Fleet Captain: Lacking in fLaVoR
  • Fireblade Artist: Good but not good enough, needed more continued value
  • Fists of the Demigod: weak sauce, weak to removal
  • Fleshbag Marauder: Cute but too little value
  • Merciless Executioner: ^^^
  • Quietus Spike: Not enough mana
  • Rakdos Cackler: There are better pingers that are almost/equally flavorful
  • Soulblast: This one could never work
  • Lightning Skelemental: Not enough recursion to make this work
  • Warstorm Surge: 6 CMC is too high to play without cheating in
  • Skull Rend: Flavorful in gameplay but always sat in the hand
  • Undying Evil: The Rakdos guild isn't evil, they just wanna have fun