~ Pariah Submission ~

Modern Vaxfantomen


Stein_ says... #6

dude first off im so happy to see someone tried doing this. when i first started playing back in innistrad, i tried doing this with pariah and stuffy doll. predator ooze is a very solid replacement for that. cheers!

March 20, 2015 11:17 p.m.

kamarupa says... #7

I like the idea, but there are definitely some holes. First off, Islandwalk makes a creature unblockable. I don't think Protection from Blue will change that, though I could be wrong. Not that I'm saying you should be afraid of Islandwalk specifically, just clarifying.

I think you're AVG CMC is too high for your 6 card ramp. All the cards you need to play are 3+drops, which is a dangerous game without oodles of land fast. I'd cut some lands and run a full set of Utopia Sprawl at least, which will speed things up. I love Arbor Elf with Utopia Sprawl for fast mana.

Your deck isn't Modern legal. The right side dialogue notes which cards you can't include. So I'd suggest fixing that.

I believe Sideboards can consist of no more and no less than 15 cards. So I'd suggest fixing that, too.

You have no removal and no interaction with your opponent, which let's them do whatever they want. IE, not good. Interaction is essential to any deck. I'd suggest mainboarding at least 4xPath to Exile, and/or 4xBanishing Light (or 4xOblivion Ring,) and Sideboarding 4xRevoke Existence (or 4xNaturalize).

March 21, 2015 1:29 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #8

This guy has some good points, even though the card that is not legal in the format will be legal in exactly 7 days

March 21, 2015 1:50 a.m.

kamarupa says... #9

It's true, I don't really keep up on new sets.

It's also presumptious that I am a "guy."

My girlfriend runs a Legacy Pariah deck and I've faced it plenty using only Modern decks. One interesting outcome that we've seen is that even when she manages (yes, manages) to get Pariah onto a viable creature and I have no means of removing it, she doesn't always have a good way of killing me, and one of us gets milled out. But you can be damn sure that I've got something to remove Enchantments in just about every deck I think is worth playing, and I'll successfully remove Greater Auramancy and/or Pariah in most matches. I think it's a similar setup as Melira, Sylvok Outcast combos - when an opponent sees a key component of a well known combo, they won't hesitate to remove it before it's too late.

I also run decks with Stuffy Doll, Predator Ooze and Fleecemane Lion, and I can tell you they all rely on much bigger mana ramps and even then, they can be unreliable. Expecting to get such creatures out before T3 is not an easily supported goal.

I'd say you need to think of Pariah not as a win-con or even goal, but as an extra insurance, a last ditch effort. So here's the question you have to ask yourself - how does the deck do without Pariah - because you must assume no one in their right mind is going to let you play that card and keep it. And then, if it doesn't need Pariah to win, what is the point of including it at all? I'm not trying to bash the idea, I really like it. I'm just trying to help you make your deck stronger, more versatile, and faster.

March 21, 2015 4:15 a.m.

UrbanAnathema says... #16

Vaxfantomen With that said, there is a lot of good feedback here if you would like to improve the deck. I also suggest that you look at Chiefbell's Modern Format Primer - Banlist Update (19/1/2015) in order to get a more thorough understanding of the Modern meta the staples of the format that you will need to be thinking about when you are beginning deck construction. Welcome to Modern. :)

March 23, 2015 9:04 p.m.

kamarupa says... #18

Second Modern Format Primer - Banlist Update (19/1/2015) - it's a great read, even for those who are already familiar with the format.

March 23, 2015 10:29 p.m.

Great deck Vaxfantomen! You should clear the comments be a use the comments are getting a little out of hand. But I love your deck!

August 27, 2015 10:55 a.m.

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