+1. I like it. I might have some quips if I really looked at it and paid close attention, but I'm tired and I like. So good job.
August 27, 2015 6:41 p.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #3
kamarupa ~ I glady hear any clever remarks on the deck if you have them though, thanks nevertheless.!
August 28, 2015 3:39 a.m.
I'd cut some of the big Artifacts as they're just too high of CMC. I suggest Faith's Shield as means of protecting creatures enchanted with Pariah.
August 28, 2015 9:34 p.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #5
kamarupa ~ The CMC on the equipments dont really matter as long as you dont draw them. They are there for Stonehewer Giant to make a blowout. And its always good to have two diffrent ways to get the combo going in case of Surgical Extraction effects. And I've worked with gods willing effects before, the thing is that I can't use it on white because that will remove the aura. Ranger's Guile seemed better, but was rarely needed.
August 29, 2015 5:03 a.m.
I always forget about that protection/aura result. Sorry about that. Maybe Mana Tithe?
August 29, 2015 10:39 a.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #7
kamarupa ~ Not really relyable. I rather have 4xOriss, Samite Guardian or Rebuff the Wicked/Avoid Fate. But its not needed though because of Collected Company and not everyone have Path to Exile. The deck is pretty cosistent against the current meta exept against infect
August 29, 2015 10:49 a.m.
leegionkang says... #8
Its a neat idea, but i think it's just too slow and easy to disrupt. +1 from me anyways!
August 29, 2015 11:56 a.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #9
leegionkang ~ How? It dodges Spell Snare because most cost 1-3-4-5 mana. It can ramp up enough to get around both Spell Pierce and Mana Leak. Ordinary removal like Doom Blade don't work. And almost no decks play with lifeloss to win. I've even won turn 2 against monored/burn.
turn 1:
Turn 2:
Utopia Sprawl, tap for 4 mana, cast Order of the Stars(red) and Pariah on it and they cant win without sideboard.
August 29, 2015 1:44 p.m.
Irrelevant, but my deck I want to die (Help Wanted) plays lifeloss as a win-con.
August 29, 2015 3:12 p.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #11
kamarupa ~ Yeah, but not even that deck can beat hexproofFleecemane Lion + Pariah's Shield. And the sideboard with Nevermore on Path to Exile or/and Dismember.
But it wont matter really. Its about the heart in the cards.!
August 29, 2015 8:56 p.m.
It's got Abrupt Decay and Celestial Flare and Thoughtseize and Sundering Growth and Near-Death Experience in addition to Dismember and Path to Exile. I've also got another suicide build Artistic Suicide that revolves around cards that say things like "...player loses life..." which I don't think is the same as damage, and would not be redirected to Pariah enchanted creatures. So there are plenty of ways around the combo and through it - the main thing for you running this build is speed - getting your nasty stuff out before opponents get a chance to establish themselves. And that's the problem with Stuffy Doll - awesome card, but difficult to get out in 2 turns.
August 30, 2015 4:08 p.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #14
kamarupa ~ You tend to forget how slow your deck is. You need so many cards to make it work and just a single Spoils of the Vault to tutur wont cut it.
You'll need to trade so much removal all the time and if a single Worldslayer hits you, you're out.I just don't see you get the time to deal with end of turn Collected Company and ordinary beatdown. But sure, any deck can beat any other deck if you get the perfect hand against it.
With this I don't try to be negative, I love your consept and I've tinkered a bit with it and Plunge into Darkness myself. Its not like it wont work but its just too slow and draw dependent : /
August 30, 2015 5:34 p.m.
I really urge you to consider some sort of interaction for you deck. Removal or taxing or counter - something. There's no stopping opponent's playing their best combos!
August 30, 2015 8:38 p.m.
Vaxfantomen says... #16
kamarupa ~ Well, I played against a heavy controlldeck once with 4 snapcasters, cryptic, remand and leak.And still he lost once Nevermore came out.
Vaxfantomen says... #1
TheEsperHegemon ~ Thanks, removed all that drama now. The deck look a whole lot diffrent now after some playtesting with it anyway. Glad you like it and I hope you pick it up! : ]
August 27, 2015 11:51 a.m.